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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

All Module information is indicative, and this portal is an interim interface pending the full upgrade of Coursebuilder and subsequent integration to the new DCU Student Information System (DCU Key).

As such, this is a point in time view of data which will be refreshed periodically. Some fields/data may not yet be available pending the completion of the full Coursebuilder upgrade and integration project. We will post status updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Date posted: September 2024

No Banner module data is available

Module Title
Module Code (ITS)
Faculty School
Module Co-ordinatorSemester 1: Miriam Judge
Semester 2: Miriam Judge
Autumn: Miriam Judge
Module TeachersMiriam Judge
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available

Best Practice is designed to offer students insights into industry and the wider multimedia production landscape.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between theory and practice; Demonstrate increased familiarity with industry practices and processes; Demonstrate competency in evaluating and analysing the roles in production in media industries
2. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the professional, industrial and creative practices specific to the multimedia industries; • Demonstrate a critical awareness of the visual and aural influences and range of productions within the field; • Understand the complexities and ongoing development of content, form and technology; • Understand the intersections between traditional skills and knowledge with new developments in the field, especially in the fast-moving digital arena
3. Write up and maintain a weekly reflective diary to demonstrate key learning experiences from each session

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture24Presentations on diverse applications and potential in digital industries
Online activity40Research of areas related to presentations
Directed learning11Attendance at cultural events to include theatre, film, performance, trade-fairs
Independent Study50No Description
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Indicative Guest sessions will be drawn from a diverse range of content production fields.Content Producer (broadcast/film)Sound designer./composerGame developerAnimation producer/designerGraphics designerVisual artist/installation Assessment

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reflective journala week-by-week account indicating intellectual progress; critical responses to wider digital cultural environment; applications and links between presentations, topics and projects100%Week 12
Indicative Reading List

  • Kelleher, D, and Murray, K,: 2007, Information Technology Law in Ireland, Butterworth, Dublin, Dublin,
  • Chapman, J: 2009, Digital Multimedia,,
  • Deuze, Mark: 2007, MediaWork, John Wiley & Sons,
  • Cooper, A: 0, The lunatics are running the asylum,
  • Bassot, Barbara: 2012, The Reflective Diary, Troubador Publishing Ltd,
  • Moon, Jennifer, A.: 0, Reflection in learning & Professional Development: Theory & Practice, 2005, RoutledgeFlamer,
Other Resources


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