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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Professional Preparation & Practice 1
Module Code EC115 (ITS) / EDS1019 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School Language, Literacy & ECE
Module Co-ordinatorPearse Ahern
Module TeachersSarah O'Grady
NFQ level 6 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available

The Professional Preparation and Placement 1 module is designed to prepare the student towards becoming a language teacher. It focuses on the development of core practices and pedagogies through approximations of practice, reflection and discussion. The module aims to: - develop confidence and competence in teaching practices - introduce students to and model contemporary research-informed teaching practices - enable students to evaluate and select appropriate teaching practices through a process of active planning and reflection which focus on pupil learning - equip students with the ability to develop an understanding of how learners learn - introduce students to the concept of the teacher as reflective practitioner. Students will engage in a range of lectures which address and model topics mentioned above. They will learn to design and plan lessons that build on education foundational theories of learning. They will teach and evaluate micro-lessons to peers. They will engage in and receive feedback at an individual, peer and group level after each practical. Through online access to their video recordings via the Loop VLE platform they will have the opportunity to further reflect on and develop their practice. Assessment of the module is based on student teachers’ lesson planning, critical reflection, exemplification of learning theories in their practice, and demonstration of teaching skills.

Learning Outcomes

1. Plan, implement and evaluate core teaching /learning practices in a microteaching environment
2. Devise learning intentions and success criteria based on relevant subject specification learning outcomes
3. Critically reflect on core practice of teaching and evaluate own and peer teaching episodes, highlighting strengths and areas for development
4. Discuss a range of teaching and learning theories for language learning and identify how they are applicable to the second level classroom practices
5. Plan and teach a Gaeilge micro-lesson to peers
6. Demonstrate collegiality as outlined by the Teaching Council Codes of Professional Conduct for Teachers by sharing, promoting, developing and supporting professional practice during the development and implementation of teaching episodes

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture14Lectures on module content and modelling of core practices
Professional Practice10Micro-Lessons in target language
Independent Study71Researching teaching and learning practices; Micro-lesson preparation; lesson planning, resource preparation; reflection on teaching; Reading/Library work
Assignment Completion10Essay on practical application of learning theories to core practices in the language classroom
Assessment Feedback20Designing, planning and teaching a micro-lesson for language teaching
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Planning Design of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for the language classroom based on relevant subject specification learning outcomes. Planning learning sequences for understanding. Planning assessments aligned to learning intentions.

Practical Application of Learning Theories
Application of learning theories (behaviourism, humanism, cognitive theories, constructivism, growth mindset etc.) to lesson design and core practices. Identify how theoretical perspectives underpin the development of core practices and exemplify how they can be applied in classroom contexts.

Core Practices and Pedagogies for Language teaching
Modelling of core practices for the language classroom with explicit focus on pupil learning. This will explore the use of core practices for effective assessment and feedback.

Teaching and reflection (self, peer group) on four micro-lessons (in target language) with peers/second level students.

Introduction to Reflective Practice
Learners will be introduced to the concept of reflection; The will engage in a wide range of reflections. They will examine video exemplars of lessons, written cases and write reflections. They will also engage in peer reflection activities based on taught microteaching sessions.

Teaching Professionalism
Introduction to and exemplification of core values of teaching including, collegiality, collaboration, cooperation, commitment and student-centred learning.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Completion of online activityChild Protection Module. All students of DCU Institute of Education who are participating in any programme of studies containing a placement component are required to complete this course on Child Protection. The course is designed to ensure that students are fully aware of the importance of keeping the protection and welfare best interests of children to the fore at all times especially during placement. All Students must complete this online course as part of this module10%n/a
PresentationStudents are asked to interrogate and engage with school materials related to parents / guardians in the school community. This is an individual activity and the final product of this task will be a digital presentation illustrating students’ engagement and findings.10%n/a
PresentationPre-Taisce Activity 2. Students are asked to interrogate and engage with school materials related to inclusive education. This is an individual activity and the final product of this task will be a digital presentation illustrating students’ engagement and findings.10%n/a
Group project Group Lesson Plan. In groups of three, students will plan and deliver a 30 minute Gaeilge lesson (10 minutes each) to their peers. Students will prepare and complete a lesson plan template before the final microteaching peer teaching assessment.20%n/a
Professional PracticeIn groups of three, students will plan and deliver a 30 minute Gaeilge lesson (10 minutes each) to their peers.50%n/a
Indicative Reading List

  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K.: 2012, A Guide to Teaching Practice, Routledge-Falmer, Hoboken,
  • Walsh, B., & Dolan, R.: 2009, A Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland, Gill and MacMillan, Dublin,
  • Teaching Council: 2016, Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers, 2nd Ed., Teaching Council, Maynooth,
  • Pollard, Andrew: 2014, Reflective teaching in schools, 4th Ed., Bloomsbury, London, 9781441191700
  • Teaching Council: 2012, Codes of Professional Conduct for Teachers, Teaching Council of Ireland, Maynooth,
Other Resources

51611, Website, 0, Teaching Council Website, http://www.teachingcouncil.ie, 51612, Website, 0, Department of Education and Skills Website, http://www.education.ie, 51613, Website, 0, Professional Development Services for Teachers, http://www.pdst.ie, 51614, Website, 0, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) Website, http://www.ncca.ie, 51615, Video Resources, 0, ProTeaching Video Resources, http://www.proteachersvideo.com/TopSerie sList.aspx,
This module is being updated for 2023-24. The module at present in Akari is classed as a CA module, however this module is classed on the Programme Academic Structures as a pas/fail module and it is our wish to maintain this pass/fail structure. Assessments have been edited to reflect this where descriptions remain but grade weightings have been removed. In order to maintain consistency and continuity with the professional practice modules in years 2, 3 and 4 of the programme the title of this module will change from EC115 Microteaching and Reflection to EC115 Professional Practice and Preparation 1

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