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Current Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Please note that this information is subject to change.

Module Title Drama & Physical Education
Module Code ED2019
School 73
Module Co-ordinatorSemester 1: Sharon McArdle
Semester 2: Sharon McArdle
Autumn: Sharon McArdle
Module TeachersSharon McArdle
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None
Repeat examination
Assignment/s in Physical Education and/or Drama informed by current research literature and practical coursework with a focus on senior classes.

The nature and purpose of the subjects of drama and physical education will be explored with particular reference to the Primary Curriculum (1999). The role and significance of the body as a means of creative expression and communication together with motor skill development will be explored. Students will be supported in identifying and applying appropriate pedagogical approaches with an emphasis on aesthetic and physical literacies. Challenging, creative and motivating learning experiences will underpin the module as students are enabled to identify and create emotionally and physically safe environments for children. Students will be guided towards an understanding and appreciation of well-being and of experiences that can provide children with opportunities to develop a life-long interest in the arts, sport and physical activity. The Universal Design for Learning Framework is a guiding principle of this module, and is supported through active pedagogies and digital strategies

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand and appreciate the role and significance of the body as a means of creative expression and artistic communication through exploration of a wide range of content within drama and physical education
2. Demonstrate application of the concept of the student as an active learner, thinker, mover and problem solver engaging with the content of the drama and physical education curricula
3. Identify and apply appropriate pedagogical approaches in teaching drama and physical education leading towards mastery of a wide range of approaches on the continuum of teacher education.
4. Plan, implement, assess and evaluate effective, challenging, creative and motivating learning experiences that contribute to the child’s physical, affective, cognitive and expressive development through physical education and drama with due regard to differentiation and the need for inclusivity.
5. Explore the concept of the student as a social learner demonstrating tolerance and sensitivity towards others as they engage with the theoretical and practical elements of drama and physical education leading towards creation of a safe environment emotionally and physically for children.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Workshop44Engagement with theory through practical exploration of key concepts
Assignment Completion28Continuous assessment
Independent Study37Reading and Research
Directed learning16Engagement with specific materials to support understanding and experience of drama and physical education.
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Physical Education
Reflection on the professional role of the primary teacher of physical education • Development and mastery of fundamental movement skills • Examination of a range of resources and equipment related to teaching physical education • Building games skills and playing games in senior classes with an emphasis on providing a variety of games opportunities • Application of the Principles of Movement• Reflection on use of the outdoors as an environment for learning: outdoor and adventure activities • The role of the teacher in the development of programmes of aquatics • Develop further understanding, reflecting on differentiation and its application for senior classes • Provision for children with additional needs • Using observation, self- and peer-assessment in physical education lessons • Using digital technologies to enhance learning • Planning for quality physical education programmes for children: developing progressional plans and lesson plans • Critiquing readings related to pedagogical content knowledge of physical education with a particular emphasis on skills of the teacher of physical education e.g. demonstration, explanation, organisation of activities • Working with external providers to support learning in physical education • Enhancing learning of physical education within other subjects through integration • Increasing physical activity through physical education and exploring the role of the school in promotion of physical activity • Promoting and adopting safe practice in teaching physical education • Communicating with parents and colleagues related to the teachers' programmes of physical education

Drama Education
• Consolidation of learning from the drama component of the first year module ED1015- pre-requisites and principles of drama. • Building relationships through working collaboratively with peers experiencing drama for themselves and in the development of drama work for children. • Becoming increasingly familiar with the ‘language’ of drama; the physical body, symbol, metaphor, distance. • Critically analysing published lesson material. • Planning for high quality drama experiences for children – choosing appropriate stimuli, adapting existing dramas, developing the elements of drama and choosing appropriate drama conventions. • Becoming familiar with the phases in classroom drama work - building belief, building context and role, building and developing tension and exploring consequences. • Discussing and practically exploring the co-creation of narrative in drama work. • Practically exploring small group and paired improvisation. • Exploring Teacher-in-Role in practice – practical investigation of how the existing power within the child-teacher relationship can be altered through the teacher’s participation in the fiction. • Exploring appropriate and meaningful assessment in drama with reference to the NCCA guidelines • Using digital technologies creatively in drama work and to support assessment. • Developing facilitation skills, communication skills and presentation skills and application of these skills by way of a group presentation. • Developing self-critical learning skills through reflecting with peers and module lecturers on both students’ own presentations and on their peers’ presentations.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
AssignmentAssignment 1(Drama) : Students work in groups to design a drama for children in upper primary classes. The drama is facilitated with peers followed by a reflection by the students, their peers and the module lecturers.50%n/a
AssignmentAssignment 2 (Physical Education) Group Assignment Students complete a group assignment focusing on how to communicate aspects of a PE programme to parents/colleagues in a primary school.25%n/a
ParticipationParticipation and engagement in physical education workshops is required25%n/a
ParticipationParticipation and engagement in drama education workshops is required0%n/a
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Armour, K.: 2011, Sport pedagogy: An introduction to teaching and coaching, Pearson,
  • Bailey, R.: 2001, Teaching physical education (pp. 79-89)., Oxon England, Routledge,
  • Baldwin, P: 2012, With Drama in Mind: Real Learning in Imagined Worlds, Network Educational Press, Stafford,
  • Bowell, P., & Heap, B. S.: 2013, Planning process drama: Enriching teaching and learning, 2nd ed, Routledge, London,
  • Capel, S. & Blair, R.: 2019, Debates in Physical Education, Debates in Subject Teaching, 9781138586871
  • Government of Ireland: 1999, Primary School Curriculum: Drama, Dublin,
  • Government of Ireland: 1999, Primary Physical Education Curriculum, Dublin,
  • Government of Ireland: 1999, Primary Physical Education: Teacher Guidelines, Dublin,
  • Graham, G. Holt-Hale, S. & Parker, M: 0, Children Moving: A reflective approach to Teaching Physical Education, 10, McGraw-Hill, New York, 0078022746
  • Graham, G.: 2008, Teaching Children Physical Education, Human Kinetics, 0736062106
  • Griggs, G. and Petrie, K.: 2018, Routledge Handbook of Primary Physical Education., Routledge, London,
  • Heathcote, D., & In O'Neill, C: 2015, Dorothy Heathcote on education and drama: Essential writings, Routledge, New York,
  • Lieberman, L. Grenier, M. Arndt, K. Brian, Ali: 2020, Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education, Human Kinetics Publishers, 1492574996
  • McCabe, U: 2007, Classroom Drama: A Practical Guide, Primary ABC, Dublin,
  • Murphy, P. and O’Keeffe, M.: 2006, Discovering Drama: Theory and Practice for the Primary School, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin,
Other Resources

60471, Website, Association for Drama in Education in Ireland, 0, ADEI website, www.adei.ie, 60472, Website, David Farmer, 0, Drama Resource Website, www.dramaresource.com, 60473, Podcast, Association for Drama in Education in Ireland, 0, ADEI Podcast, https://www.adei.ie/hotseating, 60474, Webstie, Patrice Baldwin, 0, Patrice Baldwin - Sample Dramas, https://patricebaldwin.me/lessons/, 60475, website, Department of Education and Skills, 0, Active School Flag, www.activeschoolflag.ie, 60476, Website, 0, Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education, www.dippe.lu, 60477, Website, British Orienteering, 0, Tri-O-Orienteering Made Easy, www.britishorienteering.org.uk, 60478, Website, Orienteering Ireland, 0, How to Orienteer, www.orienteering.ie/video-3, 60479, Website, 0, Creative Dance a Digital Resource for Teachers and Dance Artists, https://artsineducation.ie/project/creative-dance-tales/, 60480, Website, NCCA, 0, Fundamental Movement Skills Booklet, https://ncca.ie/en/resources/information-booklet-nurturing-young-children-s-physical-well-being-through-fundamental-movement-skills-3-6-years/, 60481, Website, Professional Development Services for Teachers, 2017, Move Well, Move Often, https://pdst.ie/sites/default/files/Book%201.pdf, 60482, Website, Water Safety Ireland, 0, Primary Aquatics Water Safety, www.teachpaws.ie,
Programme or List of Programmes
BEDBachelor of Education
HMSAStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
HMSAOStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
IESAStudy Abroad (Institute of Education)
IESAOStudy Abroad (Institute of Education)

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