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Current Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Please note that this information is subject to change.

Module Title Global Citizenship & Local Studies
Module Code ED3053
School 79
Module Co-ordinatorSemester 1: Maria Barry
Semester 2: Maria Barry
Autumn: Maria Barry
Module TeachersMaria Barry
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None
Coursework Only
Students will be required to apply their learning from and critically reflect on the Global Citizenship Education and Local Studies module in a CA assignment.

Building on their learning and professional development in ED1026, ED2032 and ED2026, student teachers are provided with opportunities to develop pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and the skills necessary to research teaching and learning in Global Citizenship and Local Studies (Geography, History and Science Education) across primary education. Students will bring a critical approach to readings, discussions, learning activities and teaching strategies. Building on and complementing students’ experiences across a range of modules, the scope of the agency of children in making decisions about their learning is explored through modelling enquiry-based learning experiences and the analysis of lessons in primary schools. Children’s roles and rights in relation to key principles and concepts such as citizenship, rights and participation will also be explored. The importance of types of knowledge are considered across the course, drawing on theories and frameworks for children’s learning. Students interrogate teaching and learning experiences to explore the links between planning, teaching and learning outcomes to develop children’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding in Geography, History and Science Education and in relation to global and justice issues. With a strong focus on experiential learning, students will foster an appreciation for the wealth of learning opportunities an integrated approach can bring both to teaching SESE through local studies lens and to teaching global interdependence. Creative approaches are emphasised and through a mix of facilitated and independent tasks and field work, students will use a wide variety of resources and media to explore global issues as well as Drumcondra and their own locality.

Learning Outcomes

1. Experience and critically evaluate pedagogies in teaching and learning of Global Citizenship and Local Studies.
2. Form critical judgements about learning and teaching in Global Citizenship and Local Studies.
3. Identify and critique key theories, modes and models of learning in Global Citizenship and Local Studies.
4. Integrate enquiry-based dialogic methodologies and the use of the locality in the teaching of Global Citizenship and Local Studies.
5. Analyse teaching and learning in a range of lessons in Global Citizenship and Local Studies in primary schools.
6. Research and evaluate resources and representations in Global Citizenship and Local Studies.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Total Workload: 0

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Local Studies: Geography, History and Science Education (SESE)
Students will experience the theory and practice of the use of the locality as the primary source and resource for Local Studies through various modes namely practical seminar based work, including fieldwork off campus and independent work, direct engagement with their own locality and an exploration of suitable digital media such as apps, digital archives and other online sources and resources. Through engagement with the module, they will develop their own disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge and appreciate the need for such knowledge, in Geography, History and Science in their professional practice. Key concepts such as time, chronology, change and continuity, sustainability and innovation will be explored through the seminars. Activities will include: 1. Discussion and other tasks to consider the place of Geography, History and Science through Local Studies in primary classes at theoretical, planning and resourcing level. 2. Experiencing of a range of activity in the Drumcondra locality based on themes and content, to include: * Homes and Streets of Drumcondra: The exploration of use of homes and streets for exploring varied themes. * Drumcondra Churchyard: The exploration of use of stories of people and places as a resource. * The Royal Canal: The exploration of innovation over time and place as a learning resource. * River Tolka: The exploration of physical process and features in the locality as a learning opportunity. 3. Exploration of national and local sources for developing children’s knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes and values in Local Studies, such as the National Archives, Ordnance Survey Ireland, the Schools Folklore Project as well as local sites / sources from their local areas. 4. Planning creative enquiry-led learning experiences and professional plans for local studies based on their own locality. In each of these seminars students will explore the theory, practices and issues at national, school and classroom level in Local Studies. Students will engage with key literature relating to teaching local studies. Students will also be encouraged to consider potential of developing other aspects of children’s learning, such numeracy and literacy, through Local Studies, with links to module ED3011. The students develop an ePortfolio throughout the module which they then submit as their assessment. In the ePortfolio they focus on their chosen locality to identify, explore and plan for integrated learning opportunities in SESE. The design of this ePortfolio assessment facilitates multiple means of action and expression as they have choice in terms of demonstrating their learning through audio and video recordings, photos, maps, text etc.

Global Citizenship
This course prepares students to explore local and global justice issues with children in the primary classroom. The course explores cross curricular approaches to teaching citizenship issues, including climate change, human rights, interculturalism and interdependence. These approaches enable learners to engage with the complexity of these issues and encourage creativity, discussion and action. The course is built around five key concepts, these are: different perspectives; making connections, social justice; child agency and critical questions. Students will experience and critically reflect how to embed these concepts in their teaching across all class levels. They will be encouraged to draw on their own experience in the classroom and relevant readings in the area. The course also supports students in planning and resourcing lessons in this area. The course will support student’s own knowledge of the themes, exploration of their own attitudes as well as professional competencies in teaching controversial and global issues.

See Loop for up to date readings including book chapters and articles as well as other resources, including digital sources.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
PortfolioStudents will be required to apply their learning from and critically reflect on the Global Citizenship Education and Local Studies module to research, plan and resource Local Studies learning experiences and to teaching citizenship issues.100%n/a
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

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    HMSAOStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
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    IESAOStudy Abroad (Institute of Education)

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