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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Mechanics & Process Technology
Module Code EG08002 (ITS) / EDS1005 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School STEM Ed, Innov, Global Studies
Module Co-ordinatorPaul Grimes
Module Teachers-
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Repeat the module
Students will be afforded the opportunity to repeat the terminal exam in a resit examination. Learning outcomes associated with continuous assessment and project work may be repeated through the completion of a repeat assignment.

This module builds upon the manufacturing skills and competences from the semester 1 Materials and Process Technology module. The module introduces the students to the fundamental laws of mechanics and how these are applied to solve mechanical system based problems. Students will be exposed to SI units of measurement and to scientific experimentation to demonstrate relevant principles. Acquired knowledge and skills will underpin further technological enquiry where the treatment of the module's theoretical content will enable the student to engage in the informed design and realisation of a mechanical system. The student will be supported and guided through the engineering design process, where engagement with the sequencing and management of the “design and make” phases of a technological project will be highlighted and critiqued. The module delivery is designed to ensure that the student teacher acquires the appropriate level of subject content knowledge in line with: • Strand 1; Principles and Practices, of the Junior Cycle Applied Technology subject specification and • Strand 1; Processes and Principles of the Junior Cycle Engineering subject specification. Particular emphasis will be placed on the safe operation of machine tools, in line with standard operating procedures. This will include consideration of how best to effectively maintain a machine tool in the workshop environment. This module will be delivered through classroom tutorials and engineering workshop sessions. Classroom tutorials will deliver theoretical content whilst being interactive and engaging students, providing time for exploration of the theoretical content and problem-solving through pair work, small group discussions, and consideration of fundamental concepts such as; mechanical design, engineering mechanics, machine processing techniques, project planning and implementation, geometric dimensions and tolerances, manufacturing sequences and technological design considerations. Tutorials will also provide the opportunity for students to develop skills associated with high quality working drawings to include GD&T. Computer software will be utilised where appropriate to produce CAD drawings, produce project reports and conduct research to inform design and manufacture decisions. Practical engineering workshop labs will see students develop processing skills with a range of engineering materials. Emphasis will be placed on machining processes with a focus on precision, accuracy and efficiency with a constant commitment to health and safety and best practices in line with standard operating procedures. These processes and procedures will be executed to manufacture a mechanical system that the students will design as part of a team in response to an engineering design brief.

Learning Outcomes

1. Recognise the importance of project oriented learning activities in the technology education discipline and value the process of technological project work for the achievement of the goals of technology education.
2. Evaluate and reflect upon the process and product elements of project work in relation to health and safety, and compliance with defined engineering standards.
3. Analyse and solve mechanics problems using suitable mathematical formulae and techniques.
4. Define and explain fundamental mechanics terms and concepts pertinent to topics such as; work power and energy, stress and strain, linear and angular motion and simple machines.
5. Carry out theoretical mechanics calculations to inform the design of a mechanical system based project.
6. Create detailed engineering drawings of final project design to include dimensional and geometric tolerances and required annotations for manufacture.
7. Produce a report to outline the completed stages of the engineering design process for a mechanical system based project.
8. Operate engineering workshop machine tools to produce engineering components to required dimensional and geometric tolerances.
9. Conduct risk assessments prior to undertaking all machining operations and carry out all processes in line with standard operating procedures with particular emphasis being paid to health and safety considerations.
10. Assemble manufactured engineering components utilising standard engineering components such as bearings, pins, springs, shafts and appropriate mechanical fasteners to ensure the efficient operation of a mechanical system based project.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Tutorial24Tutorials in Engineering Drawing Room
Laboratory72Practical in Engineering Laboratory
Independent Study154Independent Learning
Total Workload: 250

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Mechanical Design:
The design Process; Requires Development, Conceptual Design, Detailed Design, Production. The importance of mechanical design for solving technical, global and environmental challenges. Standards and Codes; Design factor and factor of safety; Dimensions and Tolerances; The importance of innovation for effective engineered products, systems and processes. Functional Performance, Environmental Impact, Design for Manufacture, Economic Issues, Ergonomic Concerns, Life Cycle Issues.

Technical Problem-Solving:
Analysing and Solving Engineering Problems, Conducting required engineering calculations, report numerical value and unit in each calculation, checking calculations for dimensional consistency, order of magnitude calculations/estimations. Communication Skills and Team Work in Engineering.

Load and Stress analysis:
Equilibrium and free-body diagrams; Forces in Structures and Machines: Friction, Shear forces, Bending Moments, Stress, Elastic Strain, Torsion. Break down forces as rectangular and polar components, determine resultant forces of a system using vector algebra and polygon methods, calculate moment of a force, equilibrium and calculation of unknown forces in a system, advantages and applications of rolling-element bearings.

Screws, Fasteners and design of non-permanent joints:
Thread standards and definitions; power screws; types and applications of threaded fasteners,

Motion and Power transmission:
Rotational velocity, work and power; Mechanical Springs; Design application and calculations for gears and gear sets, design characteristics of v-belts and timing belts; calculate shaft speeds, torque and power transferred in simple and compound gear trains and belt drives.

Machining Processes and Machine Tools:
Mechanics of cutting, Cutting Forces and Power, Tool life and tool wear, Surface finish and integrity, Machinability of materials; Machining Porcesses: Lathes and Turning and Boring Processes; Drilling Machines, Drills and Drilling Processes, reaming and reamers, thread forming, taps and dies; Milling and Milling Machines, Form cutting; Continuous machine tool care and maintenance scheduling.

Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances:
Dimension and tolerance systems and standards, Definition of GD&T, Datums, Geometric Characteristics, Practical implementation, GD&T in CAD.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment60% Examination Weight40%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Group project Mechanical System Design Project (Group Project): The practical project work will be group based, where students are required to; share ideas and make collaborative design decisions and to combine their knowledge and skills to enhance their project output as a collective. Group based project work will be formatively assessed throughout the module where students will be given ongoing supportive and formative feedback in relation to the quality of their output and will be given feedback in relation to their compliance with standard operating procedures and best practice and efficient manufacturing techniques in the engineering workshop environment. Peer and self assessment methods are included60%n/a
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories:
Resit category 1: A resit is available for both* components of the module.
Resit category 2: No resit is available for a 100% continuous assessment module.
Resit category 3: No resit is available for the continuous assessment component where there is a continuous assessment and examination element.
* ‘Both’ is used in the context of the module having a Continuous Assessment/Examination split; where the module is 100% continuous assessment, there will also be a resit of the assessment
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Black, J., Kohser, A., (2019).: 0, DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing. ISBN 1119492823 ISBN-13 9781119492825,
  • Kalpakjian, S., Schmid, R., (2013). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0133128741 ISBN-13 9780133128741: 0, Kalpakjian, S., Schmid, R., (2013).,
  • Budynas, R., Nisbett, J., Shigley, J., (2018).: 0, Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design. ISBN 0073398217 ISBN-13 9780073398211,
Other Resources


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