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Module Specifications..

Current Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Please note that this information is subject to change.

Module Title Thermal Manufacturing Technology
Module Code EG08003
School 79
Module Co-ordinatorSemester 1: Charlotte Holland
Semester 2: Charlotte Holland
Autumn: Charlotte Holland
Module TeacherNo Teacher Assigned
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None
Students will be afforded the opportunity to repeat the terminal exam in a resit examination. Learning outcomes associated with continuous assessment and project work may be repeated through the completion of a repeat assignment.

This module will develop understandings and capabilities in relation to thermal engineering processes including; • the heat treatment of a range of materials to alter their properties for manufacturing. • thermal joining processes - e.g. welding, soldering, brazing. • polymer processing - injection moulding, extrusion, blow moulding, vacuum forming • heat driven manufacturing processes: E.g. Casting and Forging These heat related manufacturing processes will be explored theoretically and practically demonstrated, where the student will be expected to integrate examples of these processes into the production of a motivational engineering project. This project will also incorporate and further develop skills and competences that were acquired in the previous process technology modules. Particular emphasis will be placed on the importance of complying with health and safety guidelines when working with the associated engineering equipment in this module. Students will conduct risk assessments prior to executing all processes. This module will be delivered through classroom tutorials and engineering workshop sessions. Classroom tutorials will deliver theoretical content whilst being interactive and engaging students, providing time for exploration of the theoretical content and problem-solving through pair work, small group discussions and consideration of fundamental concepts. Tutorials will also provide the opportunity for students to develop skills associated with high quality working drawings to include welding symbols, surface finishes and appropriate annotations. Computer software will be utilised where appropriate to produce CAD drawings, produce project reports and conduct research to inform design and manufacture decisions. Practical engineering workshop labs will see students develop processing skills with a range of engineering materials. Emphasis will be placed on manufacturing processes with a focus on precision, accuracy and efficiency with a constant commitment to health and safety and best practices in line with standard operating procedures. These processes and procedures will be executed to manufacture an engineering project where the students will incorporate heat treatment processes, thermal joining processes, an example of a cast component, and polymer mould manufacture using additive manufacturing as part of a team in response to an engineering project brief.

Learning Outcomes

1. Outline and discuss the effects of heat treatment processes on the microstructures and test resulting properties of various metals and alloys.
2. Select and safely set up and conduct appropriate heat treatment processes using ovens, furnaces and gas torches and suitable quenching mediums.
3. Define and explain the fundamentals of metal casting, metal casting processes and equipment.
4. Manipulate metal components using forging techniques, gaining a tactile appreciation for the effects of temperature on the formability of different metals and alloys.
5. Describe and compare the operation and fundamental characteristics of typical fusion welding processes.
6. Safely and appropriately produce and test a range of high quality welded, brazed and soldered joints.
7. Describe the manufacturing processes involved in producing products from thermoset and thermoplastic polymeric materials.
8. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of operation of additive manufacturing processes and identify and compare characteristics of additive manufactured parts.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Tutorial24Tutorial in Computer Laboratory
Laboratory72Practical in Engineering Laboratory
Independent Study154Independent Learning
Total Workload: 250

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Heat Treatment of Metals
Annealing, Hardening, Tempering.

Thermal Joining Processes
Manual Metal Arc, Metal Inert Gas, Tungsten Inert Gas, Automated (e.g. SAW) Welding, Gas Welding

Mould design, fluid flow, solidification, heat transfer, mould effects, defects.

Heating and compressive forces techniques, traditional forging methods, contemporary forging technologies.

Polymer Processing Technologies
Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding, Extrusion, Vacuum Forming

Additive Manufacturing
Fused Deposition Modelling, Sterolithography, Process parameters and resulting part characteristics.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment60% Examination Weight40%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
ProjectEngineering Project60%n/a
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Kohser, A., Degarmo, E., Black, J T., (2017).: 0, Degarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing. ISBN 1119382890 ISBN-13 9781119382898,
  • Kalpakjian, S., (2001).: 0, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. Pearson Education India. ISBN 8177581708 ISBN-13 9788177581706,
Other Resources

58996, 0, Introduction to Polymer Processing: https://www.e-education.psu.edu/matse202/,
Programme or List of Programmes
BEDTEGBachelor of Education - TEG Post Primary

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