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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Professional Skills & Practice
Module Code ES229 (ITS) / EDU1088 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School STEM Ed, Innov, Global Studies
Module Co-ordinator-
Module Teachers-
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Learners must re-submit work.

The purpose of this module is to allow learners reflect on their future role as educators or trainers and begin to develop a personal philosophy of education. Learners will engage in a series of lectures and workshops which will promote discussion and critical thought on key themes within the professional development of educators, such as the Reflective Practitioner, professionalism, Korthagen's Framework for Structured Reflection and Teacher Professional Development, Teaching Council of Ireland's Code of professional practice for teachers and critical reflection. Learners will reflect on key themes and readings presented in lectures.

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify established codes of good practice for educators/ trainers
2. Compare and contrast models and techniques used for reflective practice and reflection on professional practice (such as Schon or Driscoll Models of reflective practice/ Structured Reflection or Korthagen's framework for reflection and teacher professional development)
3. Reflect on key influences on decision to become an educator/ trainer
4. Critically reflect on own role as educator or trainer, particularly as a reflective practitioner.
5. Identify essential qualities of a good educator/ trainer
6. Articulate personal vision for teaching and learning in further education and/ or training

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture12Lectures within key themes as highlighted.
Tutorial12Workshops on key themes such as the Hidden Curriculum or Critical writing
Assignment Completion46Reflective components- critical reflections on key concepts introduced in lectures and readings within this thematic area.
Independent Study55Reading/ Independent study time
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Theme 1
Korthagen's Framework for Structured Reflection and Teacher Professional Development - Mission, Identity, Beliefs, Competences, Behaviour and Environment.

Theme 2
Theory of Professional Practice - Explorations of the concept of Professional/ Profession/ Professionalism and how these might relate to professional practice. -- Theory of Ongoing professional Development - Rationale for Continuing Professional Development/ Role of Reflective Practice in CPD

Theme 3
Professional Skills and Code of Professional Conduct for teachers

Theme 4
Theory of Reflective Practice - Schon/ Driscoll & The Structured Reflection

Theme 5
Critical Reflection, critical anaysis and critical writing

Theme 6
Implications of Hidden Curriculum on professional practice

Theme 7
Developing a personal vision as an educator/ trainer within further and adult education

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment0% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
AssignmentIndicative Assignment:Part 1: [50%] Each student is required to create either a Power-point presentation or a short video (max. 5 minutes) that creatively articulates their Personal vision for teaching and learning, explaining the types of learning experiences and learning environments they wish to foster based on a critical review of theories, frameworks and/ or codes of professional practice introduced in this module. Part 2: [50%] In groups of 6-8, provide a critique of any three of the five core readings examining ways in which each article challenges and/ or contributes to Korthagen’s framework for reflection and teacher professional development? Justify and prioritise the ideas, c100%
Indicative Reading List

  • Cohen, L , Mannion, R., Morrisson, K.: 2010, A Guide to Teaching Practice (5th ed) London. Routledge, Routledge, ISBN-10: 0415485584 ISBN-13: 978-0415485586
  • Thompson, J.G.: 2009, The First-Year Teacher's Checklist: A Quick Reference for Classroom Success, 1 edition (April 20, 2009), Jossey-Bass, ISBN-10: 0470390042/ ISBN-13: 978-0470390047
  • Barkley, E. F.: 2009, Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (Higher and Adult Education Series), Jossey-Bass, ISBN-10: 047028191X / ISBN-13: 978-0470281918
  • Roffey-Barentsen, J. & Malthouse, R.: 2009, Reflective Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters, ISBN-10: 1844451844/ ISBN-13: 978-1844451845
  • Armitage, A., Bryant, B., Dunnill, R., Flanagan, K., Hayes,D., Hudson, A., Kent, J., Shirley Lawes, S., Renwick, M.: 2007, Teaching and Training in Post-compulsory Education, Open University Press, ISBN-10: 0335222676 / ISBN-13: 978-0335222674
  • Day, C.& Sachs, J.: 2005, International Handbook On The Continuing Professional Development Of Teachers, Open University Press, ISBN-10: 0335220258/ ISBN-13: 978-0335220250
  • Curzon, L.B.: 2003, Teaching in Further Education (5th ed) London: Cassell, Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.; 6New Ed edition,
  • McIntyre & McLeod: 1997, Investigations of Microteaching London: Addison Wesley,
  • Goodlad S, and Hirst, B. (eds): 0, Explorations in Peer Tutoring, Basil Blackwell,
Other Resources

11584, Website, Teaching Council Ireland, 2010, Code of Professional Conduct, http://www.teachingcouncil.ie/_fileupload/Professional%20Standards/code_of_conduct_2012_web%2019June2012.pdf, 11585, Website, Teaching Council Ireland, 2010, Reflection; http://www.teachingcouncil.ie/_fileupload/Professional%20Standards/2012%202nd%20edition/WEB_11518_tc_code_leaflet_eng.pdf,

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