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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Practical Teaching Placement 1
Module Code ES332 (ITS) / EDU1091 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School Policy & Professional Practice
Module Co-ordinator-
Module Teachers-
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 30
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available

The aim of this module is to give students the opportunity to engage and integrate into a educational environment (such as an Education centre, a School, College or DES recognised centre for further, adult and continuing education) where they will have participate in teaching and non-teaching activities. The module will allow students to integrate their theoretical grounding in education and methodological concepts into a practical situation. There will be particular focus on student developing as reflective practitioners where they will analyse and critique their practice and reflect on the perceptions of the teaching profession in the context of the themes of respect, care, integrity and trust as noted the Codes of Professional Conduct for teachers

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify individual needs within an educational context across Social, Emotional and Cognitive domains. Identify the range of individual learning needs in the class with particular regard to the literacy, numeracy and special needs requirements of students in further, adult and continuing education contexts
2. Use a research based approach to examine and critique the existing policy and provision regarding literacy, numeracy and special needs approaches in the Teaching placement centre
3. Take responsibility for the work of individual pupils and groups
4. Draft a proposal to amend or modify the approaches to literacy, numeracy and special needs in their learning centres based on their reflections and experiences
5. Show evidence of how the content of modules they have studied which are related to the areas of literacy, numeracy, special needs, classroom management, teaching strategies and curriculum apply in practical settings. These modules would include ES102, ES106, ES114, ES203, ES204, ES208, ES210, ES212, ES217.
6. Reflect on the impact of individual difference and diversity on educational practices in a range of settings
7. Identify established codes of good practice for educators/ trainers in a range of practical settings
8. Identify those qualities needed to be a good educator/ trainer in a variety of settings
9. Develop and maintain effective working relationships with the range of stakeholders in a variety of further, adult and continuing education contexts
10. Identify gaps in their own professional practice and suggest ways of improving such practice

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture20Preparation and Debriefing Lectures
Directed learning120Observation and Participation with Other Teachers
Professional Practice100Preparation of Placement Portfolio and Reflective Practice
Professional Practice30Personal & Professional Development
Professional Practice50School Based Practice (Teaching Activities)
Professional Practice50School Based Practice (Non-Teaching Activities: Consultation with Mentor Teacher)
Independent Study200Online, portfolio and review support & development
Online activity100Participation in online weekly reflections (Developing Communities of Practice)
Independent Study80Focussed reading related to specialist area and curriculum
Total Workload: 750

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Models of Reflective Practice and how they apply in practical settings
Reflection on teaching- the reflective practitioner; Learning from reflection-models of reflective practice; Recording reflection- research methodology, diaries, record keeping: Engagement in Self and Collective De-briefing sessions examining their placement experiences examining their planning, teaching, learning and assessment strategies, classroom and behaviour strategies, school culture, the professional and ethical role of the teaching professional

Theory and Practice of Enquiry
Methods of Enquiry in Action Research, Appreciative Enquiry, Evaluation and other practitioner-based research approaches, how these apply in a range of settings and how they contribute to the development of teaching and practice

Improving Knowledge in the Field
Cycle of Learning and reflective practice

Teaching & Learning
Theory and evaluation of Professional Practice - Explorations of the concept of Professional/ Profession/ Professionalism and how these might relate to professional practice.

Teaching & Learning
Constructing schemes of work, course plans and lesson plans and how these contribute to planning, implementing, reflecting on and evaluating teaching

Teaching & Learning
Assessing Learning: designing, writing, assessing and examining learning objectives and how these might be developed to be used in a broad range of education and training environments

Teaching & Learning
Teaching Models (Inductive Thinking, Concept Attainment, Picture-word Inductive Model, Scientific Inquiry & Inquiry Training, Memorization, Synectics, Advanced Organizers Model) and how they apply and can be adapted for use in a range of settings Cooperative Teaching/ Main + Assistant Teacher Roles Whole-class/Selective Sectional Grouping Teaching/Inclusive Learning Peer Tutoring/Partnership Working Mentoring/Coaching Group/Cooperative Learning Role-play, Drama and Simluations

Classroom Context
Planning and implementing strategies and interventions in Diverse settings. Choosing appropriate methods that can be adapted to work in a range of contexts including further, adult and continuing education settings.

Advanced Teaching Skills
Developing, implementing and reflecting on teaching in a range of learning environments

Critical Evaluation
Learning to receive constructive feedback with Supervisors and Mentor Teachers

Quality, Assurance, control and Improvement
Learners will engage with the policy documents, papers and guidelines from the National Qualifications Framework of Ireland, FETAC, HETAC and other accreditation organisations that apply in further education (BTEC, CACHE, City &Guilds).

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
PortfolioTeaching and Learning Lesson Plans20%
Practical/skills evaluationTeaching Practice Episodes60%
ParticipationProfessional Reflection and Critical Evaluation20%
Indicative Reading List

  • Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison: 2004, A guide to teaching practice, 0415306752
  • Karen F. Osterman, Robert B. Kottkamp 2004, Reflective practice for educators, Corwin Press Thousand Oaks, Calif. [ISBN: 9780803968011]: 0,
  • Walsh, B., Dolan, R. 2009, Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland, Gill and MacMillan Dublin [ISBN: 9780717145119]: 0,
  • Renehan, C. 2006, Different Planets: Gender Differentials and Teaching Practice, Liffey Dublin [ISBN: 9781905785162]: 0,
  • Geoffrey E. Mills 2000, Action research, a guide for the teacher researcher, Merrill Upper Saddle River, N.J. [ISBN: 0137720475]: 0,
  • Susan A. Ambrose... [et al.]; foreword by Richard E. Mayer: 2010, How learning works, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 0470484101
  • Jane E. Bluestein (Editor): 2010, Becoming a Win-Win Teacher, Corwin Press, California, 9781412967495
  • Barbara Gross Davis: 2009, Tools for teaching, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 0787965677
  • Sara Davis Powell: 2010, Wayside Teaching, Corwin Press, California, 1412972906
  • A Vic Kelly: 2004, The Curriculum, 5th edition, 1412900271
  • Donald A. Schon: 1995, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, 1857423194
  • Ian Reece, Stephen Walker: 2003, Teaching, Training and Learning, 1901888304
  • H. Jerome Freiberg, Amy Driscoll: 2000, Universal teaching strategies, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 0205302858
  • Snowman, Jack, McCown, R. R: 2012, Psychology applied to teaching, 13th edition, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Australia,
  • Bruce Joyce, Marsha Weil and Emily Calhoun: 2009, Models of teaching, 0205593453
  • Julia G. Thompson: 2009, The first-year teachers checklist, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 0470390042
  • Richard Malthouse, Jodi Roffey-Barentsen: 2009, Reflective Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters, 1844451844
  • Andy Armitage... [et al.]: 2007, Teaching and training in post-compulsory education, McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, Maidenhead, 978-0335222674
  • L. B. Curzon: 2003, Teaching in further education, 9780826471154
  • Spalton, E: 2004, The Special Needs Handbook, 2nd edition, First & Best in Education Ltd, UK,
  • Rogers, J: 2007, Adults Learning, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, London,
  • Knowles, M. S., HoltonIII, E. F. & Swanson, R. A: 2005, The Adult Learner, 6th edition, Elsevier Inc. Butterworth, Heinemann, USA,
  • Gregg, N: 2009, Adolescents and Adults with Learning Disabilities and ADHD: Assessment and Accommodation, Guilford Press,
  • Griffin. S. & Shevlin. M: 2007, Responding to Special Educational Needs: An Irish Perspective, Gill & MacMillan, Dublin,
Other Resources

7126, Journal, 0, International journal of training and development, 7127, Journal, 0, Pastoral Care in Education, 7128, Journal, 0, Journal of vocational education & training, 7129, Journal, 0, Journal of Educational Psychology, 7130, Journal, 0, British Journal of Educational Psychology,

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