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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Instrumental Skills 4
Module Code MC410 (ITS) / MPA1073 (Banner)
Faculty Humanities & Social Sciences School Theology, Philosophy & Music
Module Co-ordinatorMatthew Jacobson
Module TeachersAlexandra Ioana Potinga Cotosman, Conor Guilfoyle, Cormac O'Brien, Greg Felton, Thomas Halferty
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Repeat examination

A module designed to cover technical and stylistic considerations applicable to individual instruments and vocalists. The module will cover a wide range of skills typically required of contemporary instrumentalists and singers with a view to making both comfortable with the skill set needed in these areas. Adding to techniques studied in INVSK3, areas covered include, playing standards at a professional level, reading lead sheets, sight reading, transcription and spontaneous improvisation on a previously unseen piece of information

Learning Outcomes

1. Be competent in the playing of standard jazz repertoire with a rhythm section
2. Be comfortable in memorising large amounts of standard repertoire
3. Be comfortable in memorising large amounts of standard repertoire
4. Be able to quickly create spontaneous improvisations from given material
5. Be able to perform a high level transcription of a selected solo

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Tutorial19.5Weekly, A forty five minute tutorial
Independent Study105.5Instrumental/vocal Practice, both individually, and with others
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Techniques and competencies, suited to individual instruments and voice
This module will focus a series of techniques and competencies, suited to individual instruments and voice, and including, but not limited to following areas: ° The memorising of standards ° Reading lead sheets ° Reading of notated passages appropriate to the instrument/voice ° Working on a learner-chosen transcription ° Contemporary swing idiom vocabulary ° Contemporary technique considerations ° Rhythmic consistency and idiomatic depth, ° Sound considerations ° Developing the ability to construct a solo in a chromatic harmony setting ° Stylistic authenticity within various contemporary genres such as modern swing, jazz-funk, Afro-Cuban or Brazilian music

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Performance evaluationPerformance of standards with a rhythm section, reading of a lead sheet and notation, transcription performance, and spontaneous improvisation80%Sem 2 End
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories:
Resit category 1: A resit is available for both* components of the module.
Resit category 2: No resit is available for a 100% continuous assessment module.
Resit category 3: No resit is available for the continuous assessment component where there is a continuous assessment and examination element.
* ‘Both’ is used in the context of the module having a Continuous Assessment/Examination split; where the module is 100% continuous assessment, there will also be a resit of the assessment
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Juris, Vic: 2015, Modern Chords: Advanced Harmony for Guitar, Mel Bay,
  • Oscar Beringer (Composer): 0, Oscar Beringer: Daily Technical Studies for Piano, Alfred Publishing Company, 076926414X
  • Wilcoxon, Charlie: 1979, Modern rudimental swing solos, Ludwig music,
  • John Ramsay: 0, The Drummer's Complete Vocabulary as Taught by Alan Dawson with CD, Alfred Publishing Company, 0769265243
  • Mike Campbell: 0, Sightsinging: The Complete Method for Singers, Musicians Institute, 0793581915
  • Peckham, Anne: 2010, The Contemporary Singer: Elements of Vocal Technique, 2nd edition, Berklee Press,
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (Composer), F Gaillard (Editor): 0, 6 Suites for Violoncello Solo, G. Schirmer, Inc., 0793554489
  • Rich Appleman: 0, Reading Contemporary Electric Bass, Berklee Press Publications, 0634013386
  • Crook, Hal: 2015, How to Comp: A Study in Jazz Accompaniment,, Advance Music,
  • Phil Degreg: 0, Jazz Keyboard Harmony - A Practical Voicing Method For All Musicians, Jamey Aebersold, 1562240692
Other Resources


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