Module Specifications.
Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025
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Date posted: September 2024 No Banner module data is available
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Coursework Only |
Description This module is designed for students with a basic knowledge of multivariate analysis techniques, to give them a deeper knowledge of these techniques and introduce them to more advanced quantitative research analysis. It will examine the assumptions and limitations of these techniques in details and introduces the students to more advanced alternatives. In particular the course looks at techniques for dealing with latent variables, multilevel relationships, multilevel data, longditudinal data, non-standard data types and missing values. In addition the course will briefly examine the Bayesian alternatives to standard hypothesis tests. The module will expose the students to a variety of software tools, including SPSS,AMOS, MPLUS and R. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning Outcomes 1. select the appropriate statistical technique for testing complex relationships between variables 2. identify and analyse multilevel data sets 3. apply a variety of Structural Equation techniques 4. model longtitudinal data 5. adjust models to deal with issues like missing values, non-normality and non-numeric data 6. apply a wide variety of diagnostics for testing the assumptions and assessing the limitations of multivariate techniques 7. use appropriate software to apply a number of advanced quantitative research techniques | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: |
Indicative Content and Learning Activities
Section 6: Intrduction to Structural Equation Modelling- What is SEM - Latent Variables - Confirmatory Factor Analysis - The Structural Model - Basic SEM using AMOSSection 7: Multi-Level Modelling- Multilevel structures and classifications - Introduction to multilevel modelling - Multilevel models for binary responses - Multilevel models for ordinal responses - Cross-classified multilevel models - Multiple membership multilevel models - Multilevel Modelling of Repeated Measures Data - Multilevel Modelling using SPSS, MPLUS and RSection 8: Latent Growth Modelling- Introduction to Growth modelling - Latent Growth Modeling - Multilevel latent variable modellingSection 9: Advanced Structural Equation Modelling- Multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis - Latent variable modeling with missing data - Multilevel mixture modelling - Cross-sectional mixture modeling - Latent class analysis - Longitudinal mixture modeling – Growth mixture modelling - SEM using MPLUSSection 10: Advanced Topics- Multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis - Latent variable modeling with missing data - Multilevel mixture modelling - Cross-sectional mixture modeling - Latent class analysis - Longitudinal mixture modeling – Growth mixture modelling - SEM using R / MPLUS - Traditional Hypothesis Testing vs Bayesian Analysis - Bayesian Estimation and Monte Carlo Simulations - Bayesian alternatives to Independent Sample T-Test and Linear Regression - Bayesian Analysis using R | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Indicative Reading List | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Resources None | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||