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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Understanding Intellectual Disability 2
Module Code NS108 (ITS) / NUR1011 (Banner)
Faculty Science & Health School Nursing, PsyT & Comm Health
Module Co-ordinator-
Module Teachers-
NFQ level 6 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Coursework Only

This module set to expands from the introduction of Understanding Intellectual Disability Nursing 1, including issues concerning multi-professional caring, scholarship, knowledge and cognitive skills required to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual disability in all settings. The module develops professional scholarship as the foundation for lifelong professional education maintaining competency in nursing. The module explores fundamental skills required by a nurse to support an individual live independently to the maximum degree possible, across the life continuum in all care settings.

Learning Outcomes

1. Explore knowledge of the health continuum, life and behavioral sciences and their applied principles that underpin a knowledge base for intellectual disability nursing.
2. Explain the management and team workings in intellectual disability nursing examining management and team competences in working for the person’s well-being, recovery, independence and safety.
3. Examine and distinguish the collaborative partnership between the person, the family and the multidisciplinary health care team.
4. Introduce and discuss inclusion outlining the action or state of including or of being included with an intellectual disability in society.
5. Discuss the concept of advocacy in intellectual disability nursing
6. Examine the knowledge and understanding of physical and mental health critical for overall well-being of people with intellectual disability

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture20Class group activities
Assignment Completion10Direct and non direct learning in relation to assessment compleation
Group work10Students are encouraged to complete group work and activities together
Independent Study85Self-directed work, on- line searching and learning library work, examination of sources of evidence.
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Nursing Practice
Knowledge and understanding of the principles of delivering safe and effective practice, practice decision making and communication in intellectual disability nursing

Person- centered plan
Adoption of a systematic and problem-solving approach to developing and delivering a person-centered plan

Health promotion
Promotion of optimal physical health and mental

Dimensions of health
Dimensions of health including social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and environmental health.

Standards and requirements
Standards and requirements in intellectual disability nursing, professional code, service standards concerning statuary legislation such as disability and equality statutes.

Multidisciplinary team
Collaborative partnerships between the person and the multidisciplinary health care team

Family, carer and the nurse
Partnerships between the person with intellectual disability their family/carer and the nurse

Nursing frameworks
The nursing process, nursing models of care, person center planning and knowledge of care planning

Advocacy and disability

Inclusion in health and disability

Nursing skills
Self-directed learning skills, critical questioning/ reasoning skills and decision-making skills and behavior skills teaching in intellectual disability nursing

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
AssignmentEssay 2000 words comprising of the following headings, Introduction, literature review, argument, outcome, conclusion reference list100%n/a
Indicative Reading List

  • Briana S. Nelson Goff and Nicole Piland Springer: 2017, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Road-map for Families and Professionals,
  • Bob Gates and Kay Mafuba: 2015, Learning Disability Nursing Modern Day Practice,
  • Nirbhay N. Singh: 2016, Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
  • John D. Allen: 2018, Intellectual Disability and Sexuality: Understanding and Protecting Needs, Knowledge, and Rights,
Other Resources

61923, Website, Health Research Board, 0, HRB, www.hrb.ie, 61924, Website, National Disability Authority, 2018, NDA, nda.ie, 61925, Website, HIQA, 2018, Health, Information and Quality Authority, www.hiqa.ie,

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