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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Practice Module 1b (Intellectual Disability)
Module Code NS161 (ITS) / NUR1019 (Banner)
Faculty Science & Health School Nursing, PsyT & Comm Health
Module Co-ordinatorMartina Conway
Module TeachersKumaresan Cithambaram
NFQ level 6 Credit Rating 7.5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Coursework Only
Student must complete module successfully to enable progression.

In this module, the student nurse undertakes clinical placement. This module provides an orientation to the concepts and contexts of providing nursing care in working with an individual with intellectual disability, their family and carers in a range of settings. Students commence at Level 1/Year 1, in keeping with a philosophy recognising the development of competence as incremental within a framework where various stages of clinical skills development are acquired and where competences are assessed at four levels over the duration of the programme (NMBI 2016). Level 1 level recognises the undergraduate nursing student is a novice to the world of nursing and requires exposure to all aspects of practice. It is anticipated a registered intellectual disability nurse will directly supervise the nursing student when she/he is participating in care to individuals across the lifespan in a variety of care settings. It is anticipated the nursing student will apply a basic understanding of the broad concepts underpinning such care. The undergraduate nursing student may require continuous prompting in the provision of person-centred nursing care, considerable direction in identifying her/his learning needs and receive feedback on her /his performance.

Learning Outcomes

1. Develop personal capacity for continuing professional development within the six competencies of the domains of practice (NMBI 2016).
2. Domain 1: Professional values and conduct of the nurse competencies. Knowledge and appreciation of the virtues of caring, compassion, integrity, honesty, respect and empathy as a basis for upholding the professional values of nursing and identity as a nurse.
3. Domain 2: Nursing practice and clinical decision-making competencies. Knowledge and understanding of the principles of delivering safe and effective nursing care through the adoption of a systematic and problem-solving approach to developing and delivering a person-centered plan of care based on an explicit partnership with the individual with an intellectual disability and his/her primary carer.
4. Domain 3: Knowledge and cognitive competencies. Knowledge and understanding of the health continuum, life and behavioural sciences and their applied principles that underpin a competent knowledge base for nursing and healthcare practice.
5. Domain 4: Communication and inter- personal competencies. Knowledge, appreciation and development of empathic communication skills and techniques for effective interpersonal relationships with all individuals they encounter in health care settings.
6. Domain 5: Management and team competencies. Using management and team competencies in working for an individuals well-being, recovery, independence and safety through recognition of the collaborative partnership between the individual with an intellectual disability, family and multidisciplinary health care team.
7. Domain 6: Leadership potential and professional scholarship competencies. Developing professional scholarship through self-directed learning skills, critical questioning/ reasoning skills and decision-making skills in nursing as the foundation for lifelong professional education, maintaining competency and career development.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Clinical placement248Student must complete; 8 placement weeks / 248 hours clinical contact
Independent Study32Independent Learning time
Total Workload: 280

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Domain 1: Professional values and conduct of the nurse competencies
On completion of the final practice placement for the first year of the programme, the student will be able to: Practise safely •Apply principles of safe moving and handling to the person whilst assisting a Registered Nurse to provide nursing care •Adhere to principles of safe hand washing and infection control when undertaking nursing care •Discuss with the Registered Nurse at least one means of maintaining the safety of vulnerable people in the practice setting •Clarify with the Registered Nurse instructions that s/he does not understand Practise compassionately •Show respect, kindness and compassion towards all persons encountered in the practice setting •Empower the person to maintain their dignity in all nursing interventions •Describe an example, after listening to a person in the practice setting, of promoting the wellbeing and comfort of a person receiving nursing care Practise professionally and responsibly •Carry out nursing instructions, relevant to the role of a nursing student, responsibly, safely and in accordance with policies, procedures and guidelines •Show personal responsibility through documenting nursing interventions •Give a brief report to the Registered Nurse on completion of nursing activities •Seek information and apply it to an aspect of nursing encountered during practice placement experience •Discuss and remain within the Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework as it applies to the role of the nursing student •Outline four principles from the Code of Professional Practice and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives.

Domain 2: Nursing practice and clinical decision-making competencies.
On completion of the final practice placement for the first year of the programme, the student will be able to: Assess the person’s nursing and health needs •Assist a Registered Nurse to undertake and to document information, using an appropriate framework, for an assessment or re-assessment of a person’s health and social care nursing needs •Monitor, record and report accurately a person’s vital signs Plan and prioritise person-centred nursing care • Assist a Registered Nurse to devise a plan of nursing care • Relate two physical, psychological and social factors that affect a person’s nursing care needs Deliver person-centred nursing and clinical interventions, including health activities • Ensure consent of the person prior to giving nursing care • Check with the Registered Nurse and the nursing care plan before undertaking nursing interventions • Report and record nursing observations accurately • Maintain the person’s dignity, rights and independence when giving nursing care • Avail of all learning opportunities to apply nursing skills to practice • Assist the Registered Nurse in the safe administration of medicines • Utilise clinical equipment safely, with awareness of limitations and hazards associated with its usage Evaluate person-centred nursing outcomes and undertake a comprehensive re-assessment • Assist the Registered Nurse to review a person’s plan of care based on observations and feedback from the person • Assist the Registered Nurse in altering the nursing outcomes and/or interventions for a person’s plan of care based on evaluation findings Utilise clinical judgement • Identify risks associated with infection control when undertaking nursing care • Describe the signs and symptoms of changes in a person’s health status • State actions to be taken in responding to an emergency situation in the practice placement area

Domain 3: Knowledge and cognitive competences Practice from a competent knowledge base
On completion of the final practice placement for the first year of the programme, the student will be able to: Practice from a competent knowledge base • Outline the key principles of care planning in nursing • Discuss the physical, developmental, emotional and behavioural signs associated with the health of one person s/he has encountered in clinical setting • Relate aspects of the structure and function of the human body to the care of a person within the practice placements learning environment • Discuss how sensory perceptions may change through processes of aging or ill health • Outline at least one aspect of legislation relevant to nursing in their practice setting Use critical thinking and reflection to inform practice • Source information relevant to a nursing intervention carried out during the current practice placement

Domain 4: Communication and inter personal competences Communicate in a person-centred manner.
On completion of the final practice placement for the first year of the programme, the student will be able to: Use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to listen actively, check understanding and respond sensitively to the person and her/his primary carer • Discuss the emotional support that a nurse can provide to a person undergoing nursing and health procedures or interventions • Discuss the principles of cultural diversity, dignity and autonomy in establishing a collaborative partnership with a person • Recognise and report when a person has difficulty in expressing her/his needs and assist a Registered Nurse in addressing them Communicate effectively with the health care team • Accurately report, record, document and refer to the Registered Nurse observations and information received in the nursing care giving process • Communicate clearly with other health care professionals • Ensure that confidential documents are maintained securely in the health setting according to local policy.

Domain 5: Management and team competencies.
On completion of the final practice placement for the first year of the programme, the student will be able to: Practice collaboratively • Develop a professional relationship by working in partnership with other members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team • Communicate effectively with other health care disciplines and members of the nursing team Manage team, others and self safely • Promote a safe and therapeutic environment for each person, self and others in keeping with the Scope of Professional Practice • Outline the principles of a supportive clinical work environment to support safe standards of health care delivery

Domain 6: Leadership potential and professional scholarship competencies
On completion of the final practice placement for the first year of the programme, the student will be able to: Develop leadership potential • Discuss the constructive use of feedback, supervision22 and appraisal on the development of self awareness and competence as a nurse Develop professional scholarship • Explain an example of self-directed learning used to enhance professional performance in nursing • Report situations beyond personal competence to supervising nurse and to other health care professionals • Make use of relevant opportunities for learning in the practice setting.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Professional PortfolioTimesheets, portfolios and PARs must be submitted by the due date as a requirement for and evidence of successful completion of the module.100%n/a
Indicative Reading List

  • Gates,B. & Mufaba K.: 2015, Learning Disability Nursing, 1st, CRC Press, Abingdon, Oxon., 9781482215588
Other Resources

39649, 0, The student is expected to understand, assist and use up to date technologies and resources that support people with intellectual disability,

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