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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Nursing & Physical Health 1
Module Code NS213 (ITS) / NUR1001 (Banner)
Faculty Science & Health School Nursing, PsyT & Comm Health
Module Co-ordinatorMichael Mckeon
Module Teachers-
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 7.5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Repeat examination

This module provides knowledge and an understanding of the principles of nursing practice and practice decision making in intellectual disability nursing. The module enables the student to assist the individual with intellectual disability experience optimum health and well-being and the promotion of optimal physical health.

Learning Outcomes

1. Examine a range of health assessments and management of multiple health conditions that impact on those with intellectual disability fostering the ability of the nurse to work as an independent practitioner.
2. Apprise the physiological basis of neurological disorders, analyses the psycho-social impact of epilepsy, exploring the dimensions of caring for an individual with an intellectual disability
3. Explore the strategies, which support therapeutic nursing practice in relation to the assessment, management and prevention of pain in individuals with an intellectual disability.
4. Describe factors affecting sleep patterns, sleep disorders and explain the therapeutic interventions that induce sleep.
5. Discuss the management of complex needs in terms of infection control
6. Discuss continence promotion in people with an intellectual disability and indicate appropriate interventions in continence promotion.
7. Discuss nutrition, swallowing, feeding problems experienced by people with intellectual disability and indicate appropriate interventions

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture30Lectures and interactive learning
Tutorial4Student discussion
Laboratory12Clinical Skills
Independent Study80Student should spend at least 5 hours direct learning on each subject in the indicative content
Clinical laboratory15Practice work on clinical skills Peg and nasograstric, tracheotomy care, urinealysis, specium collection
Independent Study15review of literature material, search retrive store and analysis
Online activity5A review of clinical skills on u-tube
Seminars9guest lecturers, incontience, nasogastric and tube feeding and SLT
Directed learning10review of pass papers and examination preparation
Directed learning10reading and research
Total Workload: 190

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Physical health needs
Physical health needs and the role of the nurse.

Nursing role and models
Nursing role and models of care in managing health needs

Physical assessement
Physical assessment head to toe

Nursing assessment
Nursing assessments and medical, physical, mental health history taking

Care planning
Care planning and nursing process (workshop)

Nursing skills
Nursing care intervention skills, assessment observation and decision making skills

Infection control
Nursing management of infections

Neurological disorders
The management and promotion of neurological disorders epilepsy, Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and Parkinson’s

The management of pain and promotion of pain free nursing care

The management and promotion of sleep in intellectual disabilities

The management and promotion of continence in intellectual disabilities

Nutrition, swallowing, feeding
The management and promotion of nutrition, swallowing, feeding problems and supports in intellectual disabilities

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Completion of online activityStudents are required to complete 6 Elsevier clinical skills certificates using the Elsevier clinical skills platform. The 6 skills are taken from under the following headings l Peg and Naso-gastric feeding, l Trachea support l Suctioning, l Dysphasia, l Specimen collection l Continence, l Epilepsy l Pain l Health assessment l Sleep Students make a choice of six skills to complete using the above heading to guide the students to the skills they want to complete. Students are required to follow the Elsevier learning tools for each skill notable, Skill Overview, Demonstration, Equipment, Self-test, Quick sheet and References. On completion of each skill students are required to 10%n/a
PresentationStudents are required to plan, prepare, monitor and present a baseline health skill measurement over the 8 weeks of this module. Student are required to present a short description of the measurements they have recorded and present the results outlining a short critical analysis of the outcomes measured and monitored with background references. This will be completed and submit to the module leader by email at the end of 7 to 8 weeks. Students need to pick a personal assessment for baseline measures and monitoring practice and the following is a short outline of a number of examples · Physical activity monitoring · Pedometers · Blood Pressure · Weight · Body fat analyser · Sleep 10%n/a
AssignmentStudents are required to plan, prepare, write and present 3 written assignment essays/ articles (500 words each). Assignment essays comprising of the following headings, introduction, literature review, arguments, outcomes, conclusion and a reference list using the Harvard reference style. The aim of this assessment is to enable the student to develop skills in academic assessment writing while focusing on the subject learning outcomes of the modules. Students are required to pick three topic to write their essay on. The student have a choice of 7 topics to choice 3. The topics are: l Pain, l Sleep, l Continence, l Nutrition, l Child and adolescent, l Epilepsy l Health assessmen70%n/a
Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) will test either Testing a urine specimen for urinalysis and or testing Nasogastric Tube Insertion. The OSCE will take place at 10 to 1, on the 5 th December 2022 in the CEC and student will be required to attend in uniform.10%n/a
Indicative Reading List

  • Ruth Endacott (Editor), Phil Jevon (Editor), Simon Cooper (Editor): 2009, Clinical Nursing Skills, Oxford,
  • Gates and Barr: 2009, Oxford Handbook of Learning and intellectual disability nursing, University Press, Oxford,
  • Atherton and Crickmore: 2012, Learning Disabilities Toward Inclusion, Sixth Edition, Churchill Livingstone, UK,
  • Getliffe and Dolman: 2003, Promoting Continence A clinical and research resource, Bailliere Tindall, UK,
  • Strurmey and Didden: 2014, Evidence-based Practice and Intellectual disabilities, Wilet Blackwell, Oxford UK,
  • Harris, James: 2010, Intellectual disability, A guide for families and professionals, University Press, Oxford UK,
Other Resources


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