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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Researching Child Health
Module Code NS491 (ITS) / NUR1007 (Banner)
Faculty Science & Health School Nursing, PsyT & Comm Health
Module Co-ordinatorVeronica Lambert
Module TeachersColleen O'Neill
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available

Conducted through enquiry based learning, and using a blended learning approach, this module will provide students with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the research process by reviewing different forms of research literature in the context of child and family healthcare research.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstate an understanding of the steps of the research process
2. Demonstrate knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies
3. Discuss data collection methods and analysis approaches for different research methodologies
4. Show an understanding of ethical principles involved in conducting research with children/families
5. Evaluate the quality, utility, and applicability, of research outcomes in caring for children and their families

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture6Lecturer delivers formal information in classroom setting
Tutorial6Lecturer facilitates informal session critiquing research papers
Independent Study113Students time for reading/learning to consolidate theory/formal lecture
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

The Research Process
This session will provide an overview of the steps of the research process and discuss the principles to consider when reviewing research studies.

Qualitative Research
This session will provide an overview of qualitative research designs and discuss the steps of the research process (e.g. design, sample, data collection / analysis, trustworthiness, ethical issues, disseminating, research utilisation/application in everyday nursing practice etc.) according to qualitative research, including key factors that should be considered when reviewing qualitative research studies. Following this session students will engage in online discussion about the steps of the research process relevant to qualitative research. This will be achieved through reviewing qualitative research papers in the context of child health. Student online discussions will be supported by face-to-face tutorials.

Quantitative Research
This session will provide an overview of quantitative research designs and discuss the steps of the research process (e.g. design, sample, data collection / analysis, validity / reliability, ethical issues, disseminating, research utilisation/application in everyday nursing practice etc.) according to quantitative research, including key factors that should be considered when reviewing quantitative research studies. Following this session students will engage in online discussion about the steps of the research process relevant to quantitative research. This will be achieved through reviewing quantitative research papers in the context of child health. Student online discussions will be supported by face-to-face tutorials.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Indicative Reading List

  • Allison J. and Christensen, P.: 2008, Research with children: perspectives and practices., 2nd Edition., Routledge, New York,
  • Burns, N. and Grove, S.K.: 2005, The practice of nursing research: Conduct, critique and utilization, 5th Edition, Elsevier Saunders, St Louis,
  • Cormack, D.: 2000, The Research Process in Nursing., 4th Edition., Blackwell Science, Oxford,
  • Hek, G. and Moule, P.: 2006, Making sense of research: an introduction for health and social care practitioners., Sage, London,
  • Hogan, D. and Greene, S.: 2005, Hogan, D. and Greene, S. 2005. Researching children’s experiences: methods and approaches., Sage, London,
  • Polit, D.F. and Hungler, B.P.: 1999, Nursing research: principles and methods., 6th Edition, Lippincott, Philadelphia,
  • LoBiondo-Wood, G.: 2002, LoBiondo-Wood, G. 2002. Nursing research: methods, critical appraisal, and utilization., 5th Edition, Mosby, St. Louis,
  • Parahoo, K.: 2006, Nursing research: Principles, process, issues., 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan., Basingstoke,
  • Streubert Speziale, H.J. and Carpenter, D.R.: 2007, Qualitative research in nursing: advancing the humanistic imperative., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.,
Other Resources

62603, Government Publication, Department of Children and Youth Affairs., 2012, Guidance for developing ethical research projects involving children., Dublin, Department of Children and Youth Affairs.,

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