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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Professional Placement
Module Code PR311 (ITS) / EDS1075 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School Policy & Professional Practice
Module Co-ordinatorNatalie O'Neill
Module TeachersJames Lovatt
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 15
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Repeat the module

The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to engage and in an extended period of school placement in a supportive and collaborative environment. Students will partake in a range of teaching and non-teaching (placement related) activities over the course of 6 weeks while they are on placement. In particular: Students will observe practicing teachers in a classroom environment and reflect on this experience in light of the theoretical and methodological concepts they have learned in their own programme of study Students will develop scaffolds for planning through the innovative creation lesson plans Students will plan and incorporate elements of teaching, learning and assessment through the design of lesson plans that include the use of innovative teaching, learning and assessment strategies informed by their programme of study Students will learn to reify their lesson plans through a range of classroom management strategies that foster inclusive practices Students will develop as critically reflective practitioners through self-evaluation and through professional partnerships with peers, Placement Tutors, Treoraithe, and the wider school community. Through structured observations, students will learn to receive and respond to feedback in a professional manner, and to identify their strengths as beginning teachers along with areas of their own practice that need further development. Students will involve themselves in the activities of the wider school community Students will use their Taisce to document their professional journey through placement incorporating the Taisce activities relating to working with parents and inclusive education

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate competence in core teaching practices identified during the current and previous placement modules including planning for teaching, learning and assessment, understanding of the syllabus specifications and the principles underpinning the Junior Cycle programme, implementation of inclusive approaches and digital skills
2. Apply concepts of reflective practice to real school and classroom situations
3. Establish and maintain the Taisce containing folders for both subjects that document the planning process, general professional placement documentation and reflective and evaluative exercises
4. Adopt ethical and professional behaviour in relation to professional and safe practice
5. Engage in professional partnerships with Treoraithe, Placement Tutors, peers and the wider school community
6. Demonstrate subject and technical knowledge through teaching, learning and assessment practices
7. Demonstrate competence in effective classroom management that promotes positive behaviour

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture40Teaching preparation / Placement De-briefing
Professional Practice312Planning, preparation and practice (Teaching and Non-Teaching Activities)
Tutorial10Professional conversations with and feedback from Placement Tutors
Independent Study15Personal and Professional Development
Total Workload: 377

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Preparation prior to School Based Teaching
A series of lectures preparing students for their forthcoming professional placement including classroom management and organisation, translating the specifications into learning outcomes, reflective practice, lesson planning, ethical and professional standards within the teaching profession

Reflective practice
Adoption of a reflective practice approach to teaching to inform classroom practice and professional development

Integration of Theory and Practice
Use educational theory to justify the selection and adoption of teaching, learning and assessment strategies employed in the classroom

Develop and maintain a Taisce as a professional record of school and research based activities. This includes, but is not limited to, lesson planning, resources, documentation regarding professional conversations and artefacts of professional learning, school-based documentation, evidence of reflective practice, collation of literature relating to practice.

Preparation and planning for school based teaching
Planning innovative, research-informed and inclusive lessons. Developing resources to complement lessons. Including the use of technology for educational purposes as appropriate.

Teaching in a Secondary School
Developing classroom management skills to foster implementation of lesson plans. Actively utilising inclusive practices to ensure accessibility to learning opportunities for all students. Using research-informed assessment practices. Attending to the various duties of a classroom teacher, with particular attention to those duties required for working in a school lab/PE hall. Adopt ethical and professional behaviour at all times in the school setting

Professional Partnerships
Foster professional partnerships with the wider teaching and student body by making a contribution to placement related activities, including but not limited to, supervision, extra-curricular activities, laboratory/sporting preparation, examination of school policies, school tours/field trips, SEN support, familiarity with the work and policies of the Teaching Council relating to Professional Placement

Classroom Management and Health and Safety
Employ appropriate health and safety measures as they apply to PE/ science laboratory. Duty of care, supervision of students, child protection.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Professional PracticeStudents will be assessed within the school setting by professional placement tutors100%n/a
Indicative Reading List

  • McNamara,G. & O'Hara, J.: 2008, Trusting Schools and Teachers: Developing Educational Professionalism through Self-Evaluation, 1, Peter Lang, New York,
  • Walsh, B and Dolan, R: 2009, A Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland, 1, Gill and MacMillan, Dublin,
  • Cohen,L & Mannion,R & Morrisson, K and Wyse,D: 2010, A Guide to Teaching Practice, 5, Routledge, London,
  • Joyce,B. and Weil,M: 2008, Models of Teaching, 8, Allyn & Bacon,
  • Joyce, B., Calhoun, E. and Hopkins, D.: 2008, Models of Learning, Tools for Teaching, 3, OUP, London,
  • DCU Institute of Education: 2022, School Placement Handbook for Undergraduate Students - B.Sc Science Education / B.Sc Physical Education with Biology, B.Sc Physical Education with Mathematics,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2013, Guidelines on School Placement,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2016, Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2021, Guidance for registered teachers about the use of social media and electronic communication,
  • Llewellyn, D: 2013, Teaching High School Science Through Enquiry and Argumentation, 2nd, Corwin, California,
  • Thompson, C and Wolstencroft, P: 2018, The Trainee Teacher's Handbook, Sage, London,
  • Muijs, D., & Reynolds, D.: 2017, Effective teaching: Evidence and practice, Sage,
  • Maura Sellars Sage: 2017, Reflective Practice for Teachers, 2nd Edition, Sage, London,
  • Schuelka, M., Johnstones, CJ., Thomas, G. and Artiles, AJ (Editors): 2019, The Sage Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, Sage, Los Angeles,
Other Resources

59772, Website, Department of Education and Skills (DES), 0, Dept Ed website, https://www.education.ie/en/, 59773, Website, The Teaching Council of Ireland, 0, Teaching Council website, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/, 59774, Website, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment for Schools (NCCA), 0, Curriculum resources website, https://www.ncca.ie/, 59775, Website, Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT), 0, Curriculum resources website, https://www.jct.ie/home/home.php, 59776, Website, Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), 0, Curriculum resources website, https://www.pdst.ie/, 59777, Website, National Council for Special Education (NCSE), https://www.ncse.ie/, 0, Information for teaching students with additional needs, https://www.ncse.ie/, 59778, Website, Junior Cycle PE Curriculum, 0, PE specification and resources, https://www.curriculumonline.ie/Junior-cycle/Short-Courses/Physical-Education/, 59779, Website, Junior Cycle Science Curriculum, 0, Science specification and resources, https://www.curriculumonline.ie/Junior-cycle/Junior-Cycle-Subjects/Science/, 59780, Website, Junior Cycle Mathematics Curriculum, 0, Mathematics specification and resources, https://www.curriculumonline.ie/Junior-cycle/Junior-Cycle-Subjects/Mathematics/,

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