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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

All Module information is indicative, and this portal is an interim interface pending the full upgrade of Coursebuilder and subsequent integration to the new DCU Student Information System (DCU Key).

As such, this is a point in time view of data which will be refreshed periodically. Some fields/data may not yet be available pending the completion of the full Coursebuilder upgrade and integration project. We will post status updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Date posted: September 2024

No Banner module data is available

Module Title
Module Code (ITS)
Faculty School
Module Co-ordinatorSemester 1: Rehan Iftikhar
Semester 2: Rehan Iftikhar
Autumn: Rehan Iftikhar
Module TeachersCliona McParland
Jamid Ul Islam
Rehan Iftikhar
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available

This is a blended learning, applied module co-created and co-delivered with key stakeholders. The module builds on year 1 Digital Tools (breadth), to provide immersive experiences in working and problem solving digital technology in real and simulated environments (depth). Targeted workshops and virtual labs will offer exposure and insights to a number of key technologies, including their operation, development and potential (e.g. coding, cloud based technologies, mobile internet technologies, Internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality and machine-learning). In addition to experiential learning workshops students will engage in curated self-directed learning to further their skills in a select few technologies. The module concludes with reflections on key business applications and insights.

Learning Outcomes

1. engage with digital technologies through immersive learning labs
2. complete a directed learning journey to further knowledge and understanding of specific technologies
3. articulate and justify key business insights and applications
4. Understand and work with the DCU digital eco-system

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Laboratory60Digital labs- physical and virtual
Workshop20No Description
Class Presentation10Knowledge bizarre
Assignment Completion90No Description
Directed learning40No Description
Online activity30No Description
Total Workload: 250

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Digital Lab
Co-created and delivered with partners

Module approach, design and means of reflection

Knowledge bazaar
sharing of Posters and business insights

On-line curated learning
Digital badges and personal learning journey

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Performance evaluationDigital lab performance evaluation10%n/a
Completion of online activityDigital badge completion of on-line curated journey10%n/a
Poster presentation Business Insights from chosen experience25%n/a
Group laboratoryGroup work with DCU eco-system partners e.g. Design and delivery of GET Digital event/ research translations with Irish Institute for Digital Business30%n/a
Research PaperInterview and exploration with designer/technologist/ in-role tech expert25%n/a
Indicative Reading List

  • EU Commission: 2019, Skills for Smart Industrial Specialisation and Digital Transformation Final Report, October,
Other Resources

44123, Web and practical, 0, Digital Experiences R&D, https://www.accenture.com/us-en/services/accenture-labs/digitalexperiences, 44113, Web and practical, 0, Disruptive examples, https://www.irishtimes.com/business/innovation/government-to-provide-95m-in-funding-for-disruptive-projects-1.4543896,

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