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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Designing, Learning with Digital Technologies
Module Code SG403 (ITS) / EDP1050 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School STEM Ed, Innov, Global Studies
Module Co-ordinatorMargaret Leahy
Module TeachersDeirdre Butler
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Coursework Only
Analyse the key policy documents in relation to the development of computational thinking in Primary Schools. Develop a school plan for the development of computational thinking across the Primary School. Outline the rationale for decisions made in relation to how computational thinking is to be developed supported by reference to pertinent research literature.

This module is designed to embed constructionist principles and CT within the primary classroom and understand what being a digital learner can mean in the context of the Primary curriculum Drawing on key policy documents (e.g. Digital Strategy for Schools, Digital Learning Framework), international frameworks (e.g. DigCompEdu) and research literature, they will be guided to identify, understand and design learning environments that provide learners with opportunities to develop computational thinking across the primary curriculum. An incremental spiral approach, revisiting key themes (Teaching Council, 2020) is adopted across the design of the specialism modules in which the key ideas and concepts in relation to CT and constructionism are returned to, in increasingly deeper and more complex ways (Bruner, 1960). For example, initial modules (SG207, SG208, SG305, SG306) focus on understanding the key ideas in CT and the identification of CT in programming activities completed as part of their coursework eg, creating stories and games using Scratch and in building and programming robots using Lego WeDo. By the final module, the preservice teachers put their understandings of CT ‘into action’ when they engage in a small-scale project with a group of children in a primary school. Module assessments are also designed to promote increasingly deeper engagement. Initial assignments focus on skills development and personal reflections on their own learning in relation to CT, moving towards connecting this to research literature particularly in relation to constructionism and CT and finally rooting these ideas to their classroom practice by engaging in a small group research project in local primary classrooms. The final module, is designed to enable preservice teachers to translate their learning into practice (Teaching Council, 2020) to prepare them for life in the classroom and also “supports student teachers in engaging with and in research” (Teaching Council, 2020, p. 10). Consistent with the iterative and incremental nature of constructionism, the preservice teachers' classroom experiences, in turn become their ‘object to think with’ as they reflect on their experiences each week and engage in reflective group discussions to analyse their observations. The discussions are structured to enable preservice teachers to connect theory with practice and to further deepen their understandings of both CT and constructionist learning theory.

Learning Outcomes

1. Critically evaluate what “computational thinking” means for learning and consider the implications for learning environments in primary school classrooms.
2. Critically appraise a range of literature including national policy documents in order to build an understandings of the importance of developing children’s computational thinking skills.
3. Draw on key concepts related to computational thinking to design a technology rich unit of work to be used in a primary classroom
4. Understand the dynamic relationship between research, theory, and practice in the design and development of a technology-rich learning experiences for children in primary classrooms.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Seminars18Computer lab workshops / Lecture
Fieldwork6Classroom based Fieldwork working with a group of peers (3/4 students) alongside the class teacher to teach the learning activity the students designed using computational materials. Participant observation.
Independent Study100Sourcing and reading Research literature / reading recommended literature / planning of classroom based learning activities / group meetings to discuss planning / group meeting to discuss observations / analysis of observations & coding of themes emerging / planning & drafting of essay
Total Workload: 124

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Indicative Content
A primary focus of the specialism to date has been on the development of students’ understanding of the theoretical and practical concepts of computational thinking and coding. They have been introduced to a range of computational materials and contexts to explore strategies that support interest-driven, project based, collaborative approaches to learning through the lens of design thinking and constructivist/ constructionist learning theory. The final module of the Major Specialism seeks to enable students to translate their learning into practice (Teaching Council, 2017). In line with Teaching Council guidelines, the final module of the specialism enables the student teachers not only to translate their learning into practice but also provides them with an opportunity to engage in research, thus providing “the foundation of their practitioner-based enquiry stance in the future” (p. 23). As part of the module; preservice teachers in groups of three, are required to design and implement a series of three 2-hour workshops in which they introduce coding and CT concepts using Lego WeDo robotic materials to fourth or fifth class children (aged 10–11 years) in local schools, within the context of the primary school curriculum. In addition, as part of their work in schools, the preservice teachers use participant observation as a data gathering mechanism. To this end; students, in small groups, are required to design an integrated STEM focused unit of work comprising of three lessons of two hours duration in which they introduce a 4th or 5th class to coding and computational thinking concepts through the use of Lego robotic materials and within the context of an existing curriculum. In preparation for the school based work in local schools the students will deepen their understandings of computational thinking and research methods. The students will then design, implement, analyse and write up their work. Policy • Identifying and analysing the key policy documents relating to the use of digital technologies in Primary Schools (e.g. Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027, Digital Learning Framework, Primary Curriculum Framework) • Analyse these document with reference to computational thinking in particular • Relating these policy documents to classroom practice Computational thinking • Defining computational thinking • Appraisal of research literature / frameworks to build a deep understanding of computational thinking (commonalities/differences across frameworks School based research • Methodology o Participant observation  What is participant observation (Observation template / Research Diary) o Research plan  What were the steps in the research and how were they implemented? • Data Analysis (Coding / Main themes) • School Based Project – design of learning experiences (progression scheme) & school experience On completion of the school based experience, the students will engage in discussion to probe their experiences, understandings and reflections with respect to the computational thinking.

Computational thinking
• Defining computational thinking; • Appraisal of research literature / frameworks to build a deep understanding of computational thinking (commonalities/differences across frameworks.

School based research
• Methodology: - Participant observation - What is participant observation (Observation template / Research Diary); - Research plan - What were the steps in the research and how were they implemented? • Data Analysis (Coding / Main themes); • School Based Project – design of learning experiences (progression scheme) & school experience. On completion of the module, the students will engage in discussion to probe their experiences, understandings and reflections with respect to the computational thinking.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories:
Resit category 1: A resit is available for both* components of the module.
Resit category 2: No resit is available for a 100% continuous assessment module.
Resit category 3: No resit is available for the continuous assessment component where there is a continuous assessment and examination element.
* ‘Both’ is used in the context of the module having a Continuous Assessment/Examination split; where the module is 100% continuous assessment, there will also be a resit of the assessment
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Berry, M.: 2014, Computational thinking in primary schools., Teach Primary, http://milesberry.net/2014/03/computational-thinking-in-primary-schools/,
Other Resources


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