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Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Ecumenism
Module Code TP402 (ITS) / RET1050 (Banner)
Faculty Humanities & Social Sciences School Theology, Philosophy & Music
Module Co-ordinatorAlyson Staunton
Module TeachersGabriel Flynn
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available
Coursework Only
Resubmit Long Essay

Ecumenism provides an introduction to the history of ecumenism, with particular reference to the ecumenical movement in the twentieth century. The module also examines the cultural context, structure, spirituality and understanding of the Eucharist in the Anglican, Orthodox, and Methodist traditions. The contribution of Vatican II is carefully considered drawing on the following: Leading Histories of the Council, the Cambridge Companion to Vatican II, and the Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies. The respective contributions of the Ressourcement movement and Receptive Ecumenism are also closely studied. The module has a strong element of practice with ecumenical visits to Dublin's Romanian Orthodox Church and the Anglican Cathedral of Christ Church

Learning Outcomes

1. Know and understand the history of the ecumenical movement;
2. Study the history of the 11th century schism and of the 16th century reformation;
3. Know the main contributors to the modern ecumenical movement;
4. Assess the role of the mainline Christian churches in ecumenism in Ireland and Europe;
5. Assess a wide range of documentation based on ecumenical dialogue;
6. Understand the cultural context, spirituality and the Eucharist in the Anglican, Orthodox and Methodist traditions;
7. Study the history of the 11th century schism and of the 16th century reformation;
8. Understand the history of Catholic ecumenism, the main contributors to Catholic ecumenism, the contribution of Vatican II and the modern Popes and other Christian Leaders / Pastors to ecumenism.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture24Attend Module Lectures
Assignment Completion151500 word essay
Fieldwork20Attend the Visit and Lectures at Christ Church and the Orthodox Church
Independent Study66No Description
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Outline and assess the history of the ecumenical movement, with particular reference to the contribution of Vatican II.

An assessment of the central doctrine of the Eucharist; know and understand the current status of agreement between the Christian churches.

Cultural Background
Outline and assess the cultural context for Methodism, Anglicanism and Orthodoxy in Ireland.

Outline and assess the role of spirituality in Methodism, Anglicanism and Orthodoxy.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories:
Resit category 1: A resit is available for both* components of the module.
Resit category 2: No resit is available for a 100% continuous assessment module.
Resit category 3: No resit is available for the continuous assessment component where there is a continuous assessment and examination element.
* ‘Both’ is used in the context of the module having a Continuous Assessment/Examination split; where the module is 100% continuous assessment, there will also be a resit of the assessment
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Abraham, William J. and James E. Kirby, eds.: 2009, The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies, OUP, Oxford, 9780199212996
  • Avis, Paul (ed.): 2018, The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology, OUP, Oxford, 9780199645831
  • Avis, Paul: 2002, Anglicanism and the Christian Church: Theological Resources in Historical Perspective, T &T Clark, Edinburgh, 0567088499
  • Chapman, Mark: 2012, Anglican Theology, T&T Clark, London,
  • Church of Ireland: 2004, The Book of Common Prayer, Columba, Dublin,
  • Congar, Yves: 1959, After Nine Hundred Years: The Background of the Schism Between the Eastern and Western Churches, Fordham University Press, New York, 59-15643
  • De Lubac, Henri, translated by Anne Elizabeth Englund: 1993, At the Service of the Church, Communio Books, San Francisco, 0-89870-414-6
  • Flynn, Gabriel: 2017, Yves Congar's Vision of the Church in a World of Unbelief, Routledge, London, 9781351870504
  • Flynn, Gabriel (ed.): 2018, Yves Congar: Theologian of the Church, 2nd, Peeters, Louvain, 978-90-429-36
  • Flynn, Gabriel and Paul D. Murray (eds.): 2014, Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology, 2nd, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 9780198702085
  • Gaillardetz, Richard R.: 2020, The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II, first, Cambridge University Press, 9781108457637
  • Hempton, David: 1984, Methodism and Politics in British Society 1750-1850, Hutchinson, London, 0091580005
  • Hempton, David: 2005, Methodism: Empire of the Spirit, Yale University Press, London/New Haven CT, 9780300119763
  • Hempton, David: 0, Empire of the Spirit,
  • Herrin, Judith: 2007, Byzantium: The Surprising Life of A Medieval Empire, Penguin, London, 978-0-141-03102-6
  • Kaye, Bruce: 2008, An Introduction to World Anglicanism, CUP, Cambridge,
  • Marshall, William: 2011, Scripture, Tradition and Reason, Columba, Dublin,
  • McLoughlin, William and Jill Pinnock (eds): 1997, Mary is for everyone : papers on Mary and ecumenism given at International Congresses of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gracewing, Leominster, 085244429X
  • Miller, Harold: 2004, The Desire of our Soul, Columba, Dublin,
  • Morris, Jeremy and Nicholas Sagovsky (eds.): 2003, The Unity we have and the Unity we seek: Ecumenical Prospects for the Third Millennium, Continuum, London, 0-567-08879-0
  • Murray, Paul (Ed.): 2008, Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 978-0-19-921645-1
  • Maddox and Vickers, eds.: 2010, The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley, CUP, Cambridge, 9780521886536
  • SAGOVSKY, Nicholas: 2000, Ecumenism, Christian Origins and the Practice of Communion, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
  • Sarisky, Darren (Ed): 2017, Theologies of Retrieval: An Exploration and Appraisal, Bloomsbury, London, 978-0-5676-66
  • Staniloae, Dumitru: 1994, The Experience of God (Volume One), Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass,
  • Staniloae, Dumitru: 2000, The Experience of God (Volume Two), Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, Mass,
  • Stamatis, D.H.: 2009, Eastern Orthodox Iconography, Orthodox Research Institute,
  • Tabraham, Barrie: 2007, The Making of Methodism, Epworth, London, 0716206129
  • Tabraham, Barrie: 1999, Methodist Spirituality, Epworth Press,
  • Wainwright, Geoffrey and Paul McPartlan: 2021, The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies, 1st, Oxford University Press, 9780199600847
  • Ware, Timothy: 1993, The Orthodox Church, Penguin, London,
  • Ware, Timothy (ed.): 1997, The Art of prayer-An Orthodox Anthology, Faber & Faber, London,
  • Wells, Samuel: 2011, What Anglicans Believe, Canterbury Press, Norwich,
Other Resources


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