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Module Specifications.

Current Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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Date posted: September 2024

Module Title Mediation Skills for the Learning Context
Module Code ES203 (ITS) / EDU1079 (Banner)
Faculty DCU Institute of Education School Policy & Professional Practice
Module Co-ordinatorOrna Farrell
Module TeachersJane O'Kelly
NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite Not Available
Co-requisite Not Available
Compatibles Not Available
Incompatibles Not Available

The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the processes and skills necessary for effective interpersonal communication between educators/trainers and learners in an education and training environment. In this module students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to support the practice of teaching and learning in an education/training setting, for example, factors influencing a positive learning environment, managing the relationship in the learning environment, mediation skills for working with students with special education needs,skills & competencies for the intercultural learning environment,dealing with conflict, and professional and personal self-care for the educator/trainer.Students are expected to attend lectures and engage in group work to share and reflect on their experience with respect to the mediation aspect of the placement practice module on the programme.

Learning Outcomes

1. Develop a reflective practice approach in working as an educator/trainer.
2. Create the appropiate conditions to maximise a positive learning environment for students in an education/training environment.
3. Employ the requisite skills to manage situations of confrontation and conflict in an education/training environment.
4. Integrate into their practice the necessary skills for working in a diverse education/training context.
5. Apply basic counselling, coaching and mentoring techniques to become a skilled helper as an educator/trainer.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Online activity20No Description
Independent Study70No Description
Independent Study10No Description
Lecture24No Description
Total Workload: 124

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Developing a Reflective approach to managing a learning environment,

Relationship building and maintenance
Managing the relationship in the learning environment,

Special Education Needs
Mediation Skills for working with students with Special Education Needs

Constructive confrontations
Teaching a challenging group

Counselling skills
A counselling approach to teaching/education – developing the process of skilled helping

Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Promoting the development of Resiliency among students

Other mediation methodologies
Coaching & mentoring in the educational & training environment

Intercultural competence
Skills & Competencies for the Intercultural Classroom,

Professional and Personal self care- managing stress, avoiding burnout, asking for help, developing mindfulness in practice

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reflective journalStudents will be required to present a learning journal reflecting on the process of how they have incorported the learning outcomes into the teaching practice element of the undergraduate programme in Education & Training20%Sem 2 End
AssignmentStudents will be required to devise a plan of practice demonstrating the incorporation of mediation skills into their placement practice80%Sem 2 End
Reassessment Requirement Type
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories:
Resit category 1: A resit is available for both* components of the module.
Resit category 2: No resit is available for a 100% continuous assessment module.
Resit category 3: No resit is available for the continuous assessment component where there is a continuous assessment and examination element.
* ‘Both’ is used in the context of the module having a Continuous Assessment/Examination split; where the module is 100% continuous assessment, there will also be a resit of the assessment
This module is category 1
Indicative Reading List

  • Ambrose, Susan A. et al: 2010, How learning works : seven research-based principles for smart teaching, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco : Jossey-Bass,
  • Bauman, S: 2008, Essential topics for the helping professional, Pearson/Alyn and Bacon, Boston:,
  • Bluestein, Jane.: 2010, Becoming a win-win teacher: survival strategies for the beginning educator, Thousand Oaks, Corwin Press, California, USA,
  • Bhave, Swati Y; Saini, Sunil: 2009, Anger management, Sage., Los Angeles :,
  • Chang, V.N., Decker, C.L. and Scott, S.T.: 2009, Developing helping skills: a step-by-step approach, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA:,
  • Conoley, Collie Wyatt, Conoley, Jane Close: 2009, Positive psychology and family therapy: creative techniques and practical tools for guiding change and enhancing growth, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.:,
  • Gross Davis, Barbara: 2009, Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass,
  • Mentis, M. T: 2009, Bridging learning : unlocking cognitive potential in and out of the classroom., Corwin, Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
  • Lloyd, C: 2010, Vocational rehabilitation and mental health, Blackwell Pub, Chichester, U.K; Ames, Iowa:,
  • Powell, Sara Davis: 2010, Wayside teaching: connecting with students to support learning, Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
  • Sousa, David A.: 2009, How the brain influences behavior: management strategies for every classroom, Corwin Press, California,
  • Shifren, Kim: 2009, How caregiving affects development : psychological implications for child, adolescent, and adult caregivers, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC,
  • Shapiro, Shuana L. and Carlson, Linda E.: 2009, The Art and Sciences of Mindfulness: Integrating Mindfulness into Psychology and the Helping Professions, American Psychological Association., Washington, DC,
  • Woolfolk, Anita: 2007, Educational psychology., 10th ed, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA:,
  • Thompson, N: 2010, People skills., 3rd ed, Palgrave Macmillan., New York:,
  • Velleman, R., Murgatroyd, S.J. and Aris, S.: 2010, Counselling and helping, 2nd ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Malden:UK,
Other Resources


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