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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2003 - 2004

Module Title Challenges for Nursing Management
Module Code NS407
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Level 4 Credit Rating 7.5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
7 To provide students with the opportunity to explore and critically appraise management issues in nursing 7 To explore and develop specific issues related to performance review, conflict and decision making 7 To develop an understanding of collaboration, cost effectiveness and service responsiveness to nursing services 7 To provide an understanding of leadership styles and the characteristics contributing to effective leadership in nursing

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module and following a period of personal study it is intended that the student will be able to: 7 Appraise the nature, principles and theories of management and relate to nursing 7 Evaluate the concepts of patients and consumers and implications for nursing 7 Express how to arrange and promote the development of inter-agency networking in order to deliver comprehensive services to consumers 7 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of nursing management in the context of the health care strategy 7 Explore the theory of leadership and apply to nursing 7 Identify the factors contributing to effective leadership styles

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 36
Tutorials 7
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 69.5

Total 112.5
Assume that a 7.5 credit module load represents approximately 112.5 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Throughout this module the student will be encouraged to explore and analyse the nature of nursing management in health care provision. · Leadership management- is there a difference? · The drivers and challenges of the future-influences on nursing · Organisational theory-the values and beliefs of an organisation · Organisational structures and processes · Change, conflict, motivation-towards successful organisational outcomes · Navigating the politics of an organisation-key skills for the future · Management stratagies-making missions, visions and philosophies real · Current issues in nursing-their relevance and application to nursing · Application to nursing-governance, responsibilities and patient care · Tools for effective managers and leaders-making things happen · Quality in health care - implications for nurse leaders and managers · Closure -review of learning outcomes.
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Cole G. A (1997) Management theory & practice Gaucher & Coffey (1990) Transforming healthcare organisations: how to achieve sustained excellence Parsley K & Corrigan P (1999) Quality improvement in healthcare: putting evidence into practice 2nd edition Strike A. J (1995) Human resources in healthcare: a manager's guide Supplementary: Charns, N. P. (1983) Health Care Organisations: A model for Management Davies C (1998) Gender and the professional predicament in nursing Milton Keynes Open University Press Department of Health (1994) Shaping a Healthier Future, Stationery Office LaMonica, E. L. (1994) Management in Health Care: A Theoretical and Experimental Approach, (originally Management in Nursing). Macmillan Leopold, J. (1996) Beyond Reason: The NHS and the Limits of Management. Avebury Marquis, Bessie & Haston, C. J. (1996) Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Lippincott Weightmear, J. (1996) Managing People in the Health Service. Institute of Personnel & Development. London: Stewart, Rosemary (1996) Leading in the NHS: A Practical Guide (2nd Ed). Macmillan Kelly, Lucie Yound & Joel, Lucille, A. (1995) Dimensions of Professional Nursing. (7th Ed) McGraw Hill Schroben, J. A. & Hirchcliff, S. M. (1995) Towards Advanced Nursing Practice: Key Concepts for Health Care. Arnold Department of Health (1994) Shaping a Healthier Future, Stationery Office Ewles, L. (1995) Promoting Health: A Practical Guide, Scutari Press
Programme or List of Programmes
BNDBachelor of Nursing Studies(Distance Ed)
NUBNS in Nursing