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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2003 - 2004

Module Title The context and concepts of care
Module Code NS540
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
To critically evaluate the bio/psycho/social context of health care for individuals with renal impairment. To evaluate health and social policy in relation renal service provision and debate its effectiveness in terms of the organisation of care. To critically evaluate strategies and models for the delivery of care to people renal impairment.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, and following a period of personal study, the student will be able to: Critically evaluate the various types of renal replacement therapy. Apply their knowledge of altered physiology to the care of patients receiving varied renal replacement therapies. Critically evaluate emerging health and social policy in relation to renal services and provision of care from a national and international perspective. Critically review the implications of bio/psycho/social models of renal care for individuals across all stages of the life span. Critically evaluate how renal care is organised and provided for people through the life span. Critically evaluate the effect of progressive renal impairment on the individual. Evaluate the relevance of categorisation systems for renal services. Critically analyse the development of effective, efficient services for people with renal impairment, their families and/or professional carers at local and strategic level.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 150

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Throughout the module students will be expected to consider the renal patient in the context of the existing socio/political climate. The integration of bio/psycho/social theories of care will be explored, as will distinct approaches to care, e.g., those based on interventions, medication and technology. Historical influences, contextual influences and current trends in the development of approaches to therapeutic care and intervention. Biomedical approaches to intervention (e.g., disease models of health and ill health, the use of pharmacological treatments). Sociological and critical approaches to intervention Psychological approaches to intervention The practice of therapeutic care, e.g., treatment models, pharmacology, medication management, clinical assessment and observation, multidisciplinary and multi-agency collaboration. Nursing philosophy, methods and models of nursing intervention. Students will explore lifespan issues in the context of care, e.g., sexuality, loneliness, bereavement, dying, loss of independence and hereditary issues. The module will link with ethical and legal issues addressed in other modules such as informed consent, advocacy, and carers' involvement/support, loss of significant others. Students will be expected to critically review the merits of existing individual, multi-disciplinary and organisational management of care. They will be encouraged to challenge the status quo and offer insights into how positive change can be best effected. Patient management, education, legal issues and the ethics of interventions, frameworks/processes for delivering interventions, care planning, user partnerships in care, health promotion health education.
Continuous Assessment60% Examination Weight40%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Lancaster, L E (1995) ANNA Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing 3rd ed. New Jersey: Anthony J Jannetti Daugirdas, J.T. and Ing, T.S, (1996) Handbook of Dialysis 3rd Edition, Boston : Little Brown and Company Department of Health & Children (2001) Quality & Fairness: A Health System For You. Dublin : Stationary Office American Nephrology Nurses' Association (1998) Contemporary Nephrology Nursing Bond, J. and Bond, S. (1994) Sociology and Health Care; An introduction for nurses and other healthcare professionals 2nd Ed., Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone Supplementary: Harris F. (1996) Psychological care in end stage renal failure. Professional Nurse 12(2): 124-126 Brenner, B M (1996) The Kidney 5th ed. Volume 1 & 2. Philadelphia: W B Saunders Company Department of Health and Children (2000) The National Health Promotion Strategy 2000 - 2005, Dublin : Stationary Office Gokal, R. and Nolph, K.D. (1994) The Textbook of Peritoneal Dialysis Dordrecht : Kluwer Leahy, A. and Wiley, M. (1998) The Irish Health System in the 21st Century Dublin : Oak Tree Press Morris, P.J. (1994) Kidney Transplantation : Principles and Practices 4th Ed., Philadelphia : WB Saunders Rose, B.D. and Rennke, H.G. (1994) Renal Pathophysiology - The Essentials Baltimore : Williams and Wilkins. Smith, T (1997) Renal Nursing London: Bailliere Tindall Tomson, C.R.V. and Plant, W.D. (1997) Key Topics in Renal Medicine Oxford : Bios Scientific Tortora, G J; Anagnostakos, Nausea P (1990) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 6th ed. New York: Harper Collins Useful Journals Anna Journal EDTNA Journal of Advanced Nursing Dialysis & Transplantation British Journal of Renal Medicine Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation Contemporary Dialysis & Nephrology
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSRNGDip in Nursing - Renal Nursing
MNSRNMSc in Nursing - Renal Nursing