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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2004 - 2005

Module Title Software Localisation
Module Code LC504
School SALIS

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr. Sharon O'BrienOffice NumberCG54
Level 5 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
7 To give students an overview of the international industry of software localisation including the main customers and suppliers and support organisations 7 To introduce students to the concept of software localisation, including translation of software, help and documentation 7 To give students an understanding of the basics of software and online help development, i.e. how a software application is created and which files or parts of files require translation 7 To make students aware of the basics of project management and the project management flow of a localisation project 7 To introduce the types of translation and terminology management tools commonly used in software localisation; to explain the history of their usage as well as their pros and cons.

Learning Outcomes
Students will be informed about current trends in software localisation. They will understand the complexities involved in localising a product's components. Students will be well informed on the benefits and disadvantages of using computer-aided translation tools for localisation and they will also have an overview of the entire localisation project management cycle.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 75

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Introduction to Software Localisation The basics of Software Translating Software Translating Help Translating Documentation Linguistic issues in localisation The use of translation tools in localisation Localisation project management
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: "A Practical Guide to Localization", Esselink, B., John Benjamins, 2000. Supplementary: Specialised journals and electronic newsletters indicated by the lecturer.
Programme or List of Programmes
GDALISGDip in Applied Lang & Intercul Studies
GTSGraduate Diploma in Translation Studies
MTSMaster of Arts in Translation Studies