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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2004 - 2005

Module Title Advanced Bio Materials & Processing Tech.
Module Code MM413
School School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Online Module Resources

Level 4 Credit Rating 0
Pre-requisite MM214
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
1. To familiarise the students with materials used to replace part of a living system, or to exist in intimate contact with living tissue, and for minimally invasive surgical applications. 2. Students will understand biomaterial requirements, limitations and recent developments.

Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module the student will be able to:1. Identify the characteristics and properties of the natural materials from which living systems are made.2. Explain the processing methods used to manufacture advanced biomaterial components.3. Describe materials used for biomedical applications and their physical properties that attribute to their efficacy.4. Distinguish the factors that affect the performance of materials used as biomedical prostheses, for example processing method, sterilisation techniques, surface finish and coating techniques.5. Understand the principles associated the testing and evaluation of new materials being introduced into the biomedical environment.6. State research and development trends with regard to the design and application of novel biomaterials.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 24
Tutorials 12
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 39

Total 75
Assume that a 0 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
· Introduction to biomaterials· Properties of natural materialsIn vivo versus In vitro properties. Tissue constituents. Bone.· PolymersBiopolymers. Sterilisation issues. Resorbable and bioerodible polymers. Mechanical properties relevant to applications.· MetalsMetals used in the biomedical industry.Evolution of a metallic prosthesis: Casting, Mechanical forming, Heat treatment, Finishing, Mechanical properties associated with metallic components.· HydrogelsClassification and basic structure. Preparation. Swelling behaviour. Determination of Structural Properties. Applications.· Ceramics/CompositesReactive ceramics. Composites used in the biomedical industry. Fabrication of composites. Mechanical properties. Casting materials. Applications.· Thin Films, Grafts and Coatings· General principles. Methods for modifying the surfaces of materials. The nature of the plasma environment. Laser methods.· Host responseLocal host response. Systemic and host response.· Testing and introduction of new materialsThe design process. Laboratory studies. Classes of devices. Equivalent materials. Clinical trials. Clinical protocols. Release for general use. Standardisation.· Materials retrieval and analysisSignificance of device retrieval and analysis studies. Device retrieval analysis (DRA) program.
Continuous Assessment30% Examination Weight70%
Indicative Reading List
1. Callister. Materials Science and Engineering, publisher: Wiley, 1994.2. Bronzino J.D. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition, Volume 2, A CRC Handbook published in cooperation with IEEE Press, 2000.3. Wright T.J. Implant Wear: The future of total joint replacement, American Academy of Orthopaedics; 1996.4. Black J. Orthopaedic Biomaterials in Research and Practice, Churchill Livingstone, 1988.5. Gebelein and Koblitz. Polymer Science and Technology Vol. 14-Biomedical and Dental Applications of Polymers, Plenium Press, 1981.6. Kenedi. A Textbook of Biomedical Engineering, Blackie, 1980.7. Ghosh and Mallik. Manufacturing Science, Ellis Harwood, 1986.
Programme or List of Programmes
MEDMB.Eng. in Medical Mechanical Engineering