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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2004 - 2005

Module Title Context and concepts of care
Module Code NS523
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMs Orla O'ReillyOffice NumberH207
Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
1. For students to demonstrate a critical appreciation of the historical and contemporary issues that relate to ageing and intellectual disability. 2. To analyse the physiological, psychological and sociological influences that impact on the context of care for older adults with intellectual disability and their family/carers. 3. To evaluate societal and social barriers that impede the full participation of older adults with intellectual disability in society and to examine the potential older adults have for self-determination. 4. To critically examine how conceptual approaches to nursing influence the care of older adults within any health care setting.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module and following a period of personal study the student will be able to: 7 Analyse ageing-related demographic trends and consider the implications of an ageing population with regard to public policy and health care strategy. 7 Review the historical issues that have impacted on the area of intellectual disability. 7 Appraise national and international organisations that represent older adults and those with intellectual disability. 7 Critically review the implications of bio/psycho/social models of ageing for the care of the person with intellectual disability who is older 7 Judge how theories of care can promote a holistic/multidisciplinary approach to service provision. 7 Make a considered evaluation of how choice, autonomy, advocacy and the concept of an ordinary life may best be made available to older people with intellectual disability in all care settings. 7 Critically examine age-related and transition issues as they apply to the older person with intellectual disability, including sexuality, retirement, loneliness and bereavement. 7 Analyse the course of Alzheimer's type dementia in a person with Down syndrome and acquire the skills necessary to develop a personal outcome plan for such an individual. 7 Evaluate the supports required to assist a family/carer adjust to the changing needs of the person with intellectual disability who is ageing in any care setting.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 15
Tutorials 4
Laboratories 0
Seminars 20
Independent Learning Time 111

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
· Demographic and economic indicators relevant to ageing, including the National Intellectual Disability Database, public policy & health strategies. · Physiological perspective of ageing and a review of physical health issues. · Sociological approach to understanding and conceptualising ageing, review of relevant concepts such as culture, ethnicity and ageing related values and attitudes. · Psychological models of ageing, including lifespan perspectives and cognitive approaches to ageing. · Family centred care, intergenerational caring. · Nursing perspectives on caring and their application to ageing related care. · Stress management, coping responses and resilience; stress-related responses exhibited by carers such as frustration, depression and anxiety. · Theories of care and philosophies of service provision, such as institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation, normalisation, social role valorisation, empowerment and an ordinary life. · Lifespan issues concerned with the interaction of physical and psychosocial aspects of ageing, such as sexuality, social roles, changes in friendship and family systems. · State benefits, entitlements and income supports. · Multidisciplinary approaches to service provision; review of the role and contribution of multidisciplinary team. · Downs syndrome and Alzheimer-type dementia, dementia care mapping. · National and International Organisations related to ageing, citizenship and advocacy movements.
Continuous Assessment60% Examination Weight40%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Atkinson, D., Jackson, M., & Walmsey, J., (1997). Forgotten lives. Kidderminster: BILD. Department of Health and Children (1997). The National Intellectual Disability Database 1997-2001. Dublin: Stationary Office. Evinhuis, H., Henderson, C.M., & Beange et al (2000). Healthy ageing adults with learning disabilities physical health issue.s Geneva: World Health Organisation. Hogg, J., Luccino, R., & Wang, K., et al (2000). Health ageing adults with learning disabilities bio behavioral issues. Geneva: World Health Organisation. Hogg, J., & Lambe, L. (2000). Older people with learning disabilities a review of the literature on residential services and family care giving. London: The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. Keogh, F., & Roche, A. (1996). Mental health disorders in incidence prevalence and treatment. Dublin: National Council for the Elderly. Janicki, M., & Dalton, A. (1999), Dementia ageing and intellectual disabilities. New York: Hamilton. Herr, S., & Weber, G. (1999). Ageing rights and quality of life. Baltimore: PH Brooks. Nolan, M., Grant, G., & Keady, J. (1996). Understanding family care a multi dimensional model of caring and coping. Buckingham: Open University Press. Ward, L. (1998). Innovations in advocacy and empowerment for people with intellectual disabilities. Chorley: Liseux Hall. Walsh, P., Heller. T., & Schupf Van Schhrojjenstein Lantman-de Valk, H. (2000). Health ageing women's health issues ageing and social policy. Geneva: World Health Organisation. Supplementary: Atkinson, R. (1998 ). The life story interview. London: Sage. Atkinson, D. (1993). (eds) Past times; older people with learning difficulties look back on their live.s Buckingham: Open University Press. Basiro, D. (1995). Birth to old age: Health in transition. Buckingham. Open University Press. Bouras, N.(1997). (eds) Psychiatric and developmental disorders in developmental disabilities and mental retardation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Caplan, P.(1997). The cultural construction of sexuality. London: Routledge. Ebersole, P., & Hess, P. (2001). Geriatric nursing and healthy ageing. St Louis:Mosby. Gray, B., & Ridden, G. (1999). Lifemaps of people with learning disability. London: Jessica Kingsley. Holmes, E., & Holms, L. (1995). Other cultures elder years an introduction to cultural gerontology. California: Sage. Fahey, T. (1995). Health and social care of population ageing in Ireland 1991-2001. Dublin: National Council for the Elderly. Jacoby, R., & Oppenheimer, C. (1997). Psychiatry and the elderly. Oxford: University Press. Pickering, S.,. & Thompson, J. (1998). Promoting positive practice in nursing older people. London: Balliere Tindall. Tinker, A. (1997). Older people in modern society. London: Longman. Seltzer, M., Krauss, M., & Janicki, P. (1994). Lifecourse perspectives on adulthood and old age. New York: American Association on Mental Retardation. Ramcharan, P., Roberts, G., Grant, G., & Borland, J.(1997).(eds) Empowerment in everyday life learning disability. London: Jessica Kingsley. Additional journals of benefit on this topic include American Journal of Mental Retardation British Journal of Learning Disabilities Disability and Society Gerontological Nursing Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Journal for Nursing Health and Social Care Frontline Useful websites www.mentalhealth.org.uk www.dementia.ion.ucl.ac.uk/dementia/fad www.learningdisabilities.org.uk www.sdsa.org.uk www.oneforus.com www.jrf.org.uk www.paradigm-uk.orghttp:// www.bmj.com www.nelh.nhs.uk www.aamr.org www.apld.org.uk www.tash.org www.epilepsy.org.uk www.uwcm.ac.uk www.unhchr.gov.uk www.unesco.org www.aamr.org/index www.mencap.org www.uklearningdisabilities.co.uk/asp/journal?ref=09523383http://soeweb.syr.edu/thechp/rsapub.htm www.nda.ie www.downsyndrome.ie www.frontline.com www.mencap.co.uk www.ualberta.ca/iiqm/
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSIDGD Nursing (Int Disability Age Related)