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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2004 - 2005

Module Title Therapeutic interventions
Module Code NS542
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
Analyse the physiological principles, technologies and techniques of haemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis therapy (CAPD). Critically analyse the bio/psycho/social models of intervention applied to people undergoing renal replacement therapy. Critically evaluate the specialist nursing interventions required by the patient undergoing HD/CAPD therapy. Explore how particular interventions can be efficiently and effectively delivered to individuals, with family and carers, through services that are based in community and residential settings.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module and following a period of personal study students will be able to: Deliver informed and specialist nursing care in community and institutional settings to people experiencing renal replacement therapy. Integrate theory and practice and progressively develop advanced specialist clinical skills in renal nursing practice. Apply knowledge of altered renal pathophysiology to identify actual/potential problems for the patient receiving renal replacement therapy. Plan, implement and evaluate appropriate evidence-based care, to manage these problems and modify action plan appropriately. Apply an indepth knowledge of the psychosocial and rehabilitative aspects of renal failure to the care of the patient receiving renal replacement therapy. Deliver effective and efficient nursing care to renal patients across all stages of the lifespan. Develop skills of analysis, critical thinking, problem solving and reflective practice. Demonstrate competency in the delivery of nursing care to patients with acute and chronic renal illness and those receiving renal replacement therapy, which is grounded in evidence-based practice. Apply knowledge of the principles of patient education to the care of the patient undergoing renal replacement therapy. Inform nursing practice of clients, through innovation, practice/service development, evaluation and educational initiatives. Provide individualised, holistic specialist nursing care to the renal patient in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team. Apply indepth knowledge of the principles of health promotion to the care of the renal patient and significant others. Demonstrate and evaluate the application of therapeutic interventions in the renal practice setting

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 30
Tutorials 10
Laboratories 0
Seminars 10
Independent Learning Time 100

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Problem Solving/Clinical Judgement Skills: Interpreting theoretical knowledge, nursing facts, medical facts and clinical data. Weighing alternatives. Understanding the limitations of knowledge. Recognising changes in clinical condition and side effects of treatment. Instituting prompt measures to deal with serious or life threatening clinical situations. Developing a logical plan of care for the evaluation of both immediate and long-term care of the patient. Clinical Skills related to: Conducting nursing assessments (physical, psychological and sociological), which are precise, logical, thorough and reliable and are directed towards the patient's problems. Planning, organising, prioritising, providing and evaluating nursing care using a model of care. Demonstrating understanding and proficiency in the performance of nursing interventions including therapeutic and technical procedures. Interpersonal Skills: Ability to communicate effectively and relate to patients, to family needs and to other members of the multi-disciplinary team caring for the patient. Demonstrating ability to establish and maintain effective nurse patient relationships, which recognises the responsibility of the nurse to provide the patient with appropriate information and to facilitate the patient to make informed decisions about his/her care. Management Skills: Skills required for individual patient management and management of a group of patients. Skills required to manage a clinical area. Skills required to participate in the development and audit of standards of practice. Therapeutic/Technical Skills: Haemodialysis - Acute and Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis - Acute and Chronic Continuous Haemofiltration and allied therapies Plasmapharesis Therapy Cannulation of vascular access for dialysis Phlebotomy. Peritoneal Dialysis: The Evolution of Peritoneal Dialysis Patient selection criteria for Peritoneal Dialysis The Physiological Principles of Peritoneal Dialysis Dialysis Technologies for Home Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy The Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription and Adequacy of Dialysis Access for Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy Preparation of Patients for Home Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy The aetiology, pathophysiology, treatment, prevention and nursing management of infectious, non-infectious and metabolic complications of Peritoneal Dialysis.
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Smith, T. (1997) Renal Nursing Bailliere Tindall : London. American Nephrology Nurses' Association (1998) Contemporary Nephrology Nursing Lancaster, L E (1995) ANNA Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing 3rd ed. New Jersey: Anthony J Jannetti. Daugirdas, J.T. and Ing, T.S, (1996) Handbook of Dialysis 3rd Edition, Boston : Little Brown and Company Supplementary: Khan, Nausea K; Zingraff, J; Jungers, P (1995) Long Term Haemodialysis London: Kluwer Academic Publishers Khanna, R. (1999) Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Selected papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Volume 15. Ontario : Peritoneal Dialysis Publications Inc. Berkoben, M; Schwab, S (1995) Maintenance of Permanent Haemodialysis Vascular Access Patency ANNA Journal, 22(1) p. 17-23 Useful Journals Nephrology Nursing Journal EDTNA Journal of Advanced Nursing Dialysis & Transplantation British Journal of Renal Medicine Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation Contemporary Dialysis & Nephrology
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSRNGDip in Nursing - Renal Nursing
MNSMHCMSc Nursing-Child/Adolescent Mental H
MNSRNMSc in Nursing - Renal Nursing