Module Specifications
Archived Version 2004 - 2005
Module Title |
Masters Research Project
Module Code |
School |
School of Physical Sciences
Online Module Resources
Module Co-ordinator | Ms Samantha Fahy | Office Number | D111 |
Level |
Credit Rating |
Pre-requisite |
Co-requisite |
Module Aims
Develop the research skills needed to evaluate, improve or characterise an aspect of an industrial plasma application. Help the students adopt a numerate, problem solving approach to application development, process evaluation and quality control. Provide guidance in the basic methodology of scientific research and in summarising, elaborating and explaining research results. Improve report writing and communication skills.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this module the participant should:
7Have become familiar with the methods and procedures of scientific research and development.
7Be able to use paper-based and online information sources to support a research project. Have an ability to assess the technical merit of information sources. Be able to evaluate information critically and to independently check its correctness where appropriate.
7Have a logical approach to experimental design, measurement, and organising scientific results.
7Be familiar with document preparation options and knowledgeable in quality aspects of reports, user manuals, scientific articles and internet publications.
7Be familiar with software packages used in analysing data and the preparation of reports, figures, charts and diagrams. Be proficient in analysing and presenting quantitative data.
7Have a detailed knowledge of the plasma application or the aspect of plasma physics which is the subject matter of the research project. Be able to communicate on the subject on multiple levels of sophistication. Make a contribution towards plasma science and engineering
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
Total |
Placements |
Assignments |
Assume that a 30 credit module load represents approximately 450 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
Information Searching: Information sources, critical appreciation of the quality, authority and validity of various sources. Libraries, journals and internet sources.
Research Methodology: Project definition and aims. Writing project proposals. Data collection and analysis. Evaluating results. Reproducibility and errors. Modelling.
Organising Information and Data: Comparing information from various sources, examining validity of comparisons. Providing logical structure. Summarising and explaining concepts and data. Identifying areas of inadequate or incomplete knowledge and understanding.
Presentation: Report writing, organisation, style and quality. Document preparation. Presentation of quantitative information. Technical drawings and diagrams. Copyright, quoting and referencing sources.
Note: The specific research area for each individual project will be agreed upon by the student and two academic advisors. Specific research and evaluation criteria may apply in the individual projects.
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 100% | Examination Weight | 0% |
Indicative Reading List
Programme or List of Programmes
MPV | MSc in Plasma and Vacuum Technology |
Archives: | |