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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2005 - 2006

Module Title context & concepts comm. MH
Module Code NS531
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Mark PhilbinOffice NumberH245b
Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
To explore political, social, health and nursing related policy from a national and international perspective and how it impacts on service provision and the practice of Community Mental Health Nursing. To critically analyse the factors that lead to the development of mental health difficulties and/or contact with mental health services. To critically appraise the development of community mental health services and emerging pattern of service provision.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module and following a period of personal study, students will be able to: Evaluate professional accountability & autonomy in informing community mental health nursing practice, and the moral/legal/ethical principles that may impact on practice. Analyse the concept of clinical nurse specialist and advanced nurse practitioners as applied to community mental health nursing and their perceptions of this role. Critically evaluate National and International Policy in relation to Primary Health Care, Health Education, Health Promotion, in relation to the nature of community and models of community care. Explore lifestyles in contemporary society, highlighting implications for mental health/illness and service provision, legal/ethical/moral principles and professional relationships. Critically review demographic characteristics and epidemiology in relation to clients receiving mental health care. Critically evaluate the evolution of the Irish Healthcare system and the variables that have influenced the Healthcare Strategy in relation to Mental Health. Critically examine the bio/psycho/social factors associated with the development of mental health difficulties. Develop a critical understanding of the concept of health & illness and quality of life in relation to current health promotion/ illness prevention strategies. Offer a critical analysis of the partnership in care, between; service users, their carers, the statutory and voluntary agencies, in relation to mental health care in the community.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 30
Tutorials 10
Laboratories 0
Seminars 10
Independent Learning Time 100

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Historical development of community mental health nursing, the expanding roles and the influence of mental health services structures, resource for provision and inter disciplinary professionalisation strategies. Expanding role of health promotion, illness/relapse prevention and psychoeducation. Overall mental health, general and social care in Ireland as a context for community mental healthcare. The effectiveness of community mental health nursing in relation to national and international perspectives on the `nature of community' and community mental health care provision. The evolution of health and social care strategy/policy in relation to community care and the role of community mental health nursing, e.g. Planning for the future 1984, Health Strategy 2001 and it's Primary Care Component, `A New Direction'. Implications for community mental health nursing with emerging statute/strategy/policy affecting people accessing mental health services, e.g. relating to suicide, homelessness, poverty, drugs, health promotion and the Mental Health Act 2001. The bio/psycho/social basis to people developing mental health difficulties, e.g. social determinants, epidemiology, health encounters, health & illness behaviour & biological disease. Lifespan, cultural, socialisation issues in the context of community mental health care- marginalisation, stigma, deviance, psychological development, gender imbalance, prejudice, sexuality, discrimination, ethnicity, identity, unicultural approaches to multicultural presentations, citizenship and family dynamics. Legal/moral, professional and interpersonal issues associated with caring for people with mental health difficulties in the community- therapy versus detention or separation from family, risk management & therapeutic risk, litigation and imposition of values & attitudes.
Continuous Assessment60% Examination Weight40%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Brooker C & Repper J (1998) Serious Mental Health Problems in the Community: Policy, practice and research London: Bailliere Tindall Caplan G (2001) An Approach to Community Mental Health. London: Routledge Clarke L (1999) Challenging Ideas in Psychiatric Nursing London: Routledge Department of Health and Children (2001) Quality & Fairness: A Health System for You. Dublin: Stationary Office Morrall P (1998) Mental Health Nursing and Social Control. London : Whurr Repper J & Perkins R (1998) Dilemmas in Community Mental Health Practice: Choice or control? Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical Press Supplementary: Association of Community Mental Health Nurses of Ireland (2001) Community Mental Health Nursing in Ireland. A Clinical Nurse Specialist Perspective .Kilkenny: A.C.M.H.N.I. Barnes M & Bowl R (2001) Taking Over the Asylum. Empowerment and mental health Houndmills: Palgrave Barker P (1999) The Philosophy and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Barker P, Campbell P & Davidson B (1999) From the Ashes of Experience: Reflections on madness, survival and growth London: Whurr Barker, P. & Stevenson, C (2000) The Construction of Power and Authority in Psychiatry Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Bean P (1993) Discharged from the Mental Hospital London: MacMillan Bowlby J (1969/1982). Attachment andLloss. New York: Basic Books. Bleach, A. Ryan, P. (1995) Community Support for Mental Health. London: Pavilion Brooker C & White E (1993) Community Psychiatric Nursing: A research perspective. Volume 2 London: Chapman and Hall Brooker C & White E (1995) Community Psychiatric Nursing: A research perspective. Volume 3
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSCMHGDip Nursing - Community Mental Health
MNSCMHMSc Nursing - Community Mental Health
SMPNSingle Module Programme (Nursing)