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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2006 - 2007

Module Title Historical & Cultural Trends in Education
Module Code ES519
School School of Education Studies

Online Module Resources

Level 1 Credit Rating 7.5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
7to introduce students to selected philosophies and philosophers of education. 7to encourage students to engage in philosophical discourse and reflection with a view to facilitating the emergence of a personal critical philosophy of education. 7to raise students awareness of recent ethical issues in education. 7To facilitate students in considering the various historical developments in Irish Education.

Learning Outcomes
Students will: 1.develop and defend rational and well argued positions on educational issues. 2.situate philosophical interpretations concerning central issues of educational theory and practice (e.g. aims and goals of education, competition, discipline and compulsion) in an emerging philosophy of education for a pluralist society. 3.Understand philosophical perspectives on the nature of education and educational methods. 4.Identify the way in which the different sectors of Irish education evolved historically. 5.Understand the role of stakeholders in the development of Irish education.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 24
Tutorials 12
Laboratories 12
Seminars 20
Independent Learning Time 44.5

Total 112.5
Assume that a 7.5 credit module load represents approximately 112.5 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
§The role of philosophical discourse in educational enquiry §The meaning of education and the case for a philosophy of practice §Ethical issues in Education § Philosophical issues in education §the nature of knowledge, teaching, training and related concepts, §schooling and compulsion and discipline, §children, teachers and parents rights, §assessment, grading and competition and education and the making of identity. §19th century developments in education §Further Education 1980-2005 §Role of the churches in the history of education in Ireland
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
1.Kleinig, J.(1982) Philosophical Issues in Education (London: Croom Helm). 2.Walsh, P. (1993) Education and Meaning (London: Cassell) 3.White, J.(1984) The aims of Education Restated (London: Routledge) 4.Dewey, J.(1938) Education and Experience (New York: Collier Books) 5.Hogan, P. (1995) The Custody and Courtship of Experience: Western Philosophical Perspective (Dublin: Columba). 6.Norman, J. (2003) Ethos and Education in Ireland (New York: Peter Lang). 7.Coolahan, J. (1991) Irish Education: History and Structure (Dublin: IPA). O'Flaherty, L. (1992) Management & control in Irish education : the post primary experience (Dublin : Drumcondra Teachers' Centre).
Programme or List of Programmes
GDEDGraduate Diploma in Education