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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2006 - 2007

Module Title Therapeutic interventions older people MH
Module Code NS522
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Gerard MooreOffice NumberH214
Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
7 Critically analyse the bio/psycho/social models of intervention applied to older people with mental health difficulties. 7 Analyse the link between models of ageing and the development of mental health difficulties. 7 To explore how particular interventions can be efficiently and effectively delivered to individuals, with family and carers, through services that are based in community and residential settings. 7 Critcally review the development, articulation and demonstration of specialist and advanced nursing practice. 7 Demonstrate and evaluate the application of therapeutic interventions in practice.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module and following a period of personal study students will be able to: 7 Develop and critique specialist knowledge and articulate expertise in clinical practice. 7 Critically analyse the uncovering of specialist and advanced nursing practice from general practice and demonstrate expert progression with associated outcomes in clinical practice. 7 Deliver informed and specialist nursing care in community and health care institutional settings to older people experiencing mental health difficulties. 7 Contribute to the development of effective, efficient services for older people with mental health difficulties, their families and/or professional carers at local and strategic level. 7 Inform nursing practice with older people, through innovation, practice/service development, evaluation and educational initiatives. 7 Identify/inform any need for further research and development through effective use of Information Technology, presentation, data analysis, active research and scholarship.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 30
Tutorials 10
Laboratories 0
Seminars 10
Independent Learning Time 100

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
· Experiential knowledge of interventions appropriate to older people with mental health difficulties. These interventions include cognitive behavioural therapy, pharmacotherapy, family and group work, reminiscence therapy and bereavement therapy. · Applying interventions used in responding to the particular needs of clients and carers (e.g., clients with challenging behaviour, cognitive impairment, bereavement, functional and organic mental health difficulties). · Ethical and legal implications to be considered in the delivery of care. · Frameworks and models of service delivery and interventions. · The delivery of specialist nursing practice within the framework of service provision, incorporating reflective practice. · Multi-disciplinary/agency assessment and care planning/liaison. · Partnership of service users, carers, and health professionals. · Advocacy and informed consent. · Citisenship, welfare, disability · Responding to social isolation in the context of the older person with mental health difficulties. · Psychological and sociological approaches to dealing with labeling and ageism. · Health promotion, healthy ageing, and care transitions. · The role of lifestyle factors in fulfilling the individual's potential for health and social gain. · Family-based interventions in the context of the older person with mental health difficulties. · The evaluation of care (e.g., principles of evaluation, models of best practice, centres of excellence).
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Burns, A. (1993). Ageing and dementia: A methodological approach. London: E. Arnold. Dye, C.A. (1985). Assessment and intervention in geropsychiatric nursing. New York: Grune & Stratton. Gibson, F. (1991). People with dementia: The Ferrard approach to care. London: HMSO. Kitwood, T.M. (1997). Dementia reconsidered: The person comes first. Buckingham: Open University Press. Mc Closkey, J. (2000). Nursing interventions and classification. London: Mosby. Nolan, M., Grant, G., & Keady, J. (1996). Understanding family care: A multidimensional model of caring and coping. Buckingham: Open University Press. O Shea, E. (1999). An action plan for dementia. Dublin: National Council on Ageing and Older People. Sidani, S (1998). Evaluating nursing interventions. London: Sage. Woods, R. T. (1999). Problems of ageing: Assessment, treatment and care. New York: Wiley. Supplementary: Gamble, C., & Brennan, G. (2000). Working with serious mental illness: A manual for clinical practice. London: Harcourt Publishers. Errollyn, B. (1999). Reminiscing with people with dementia: Handbook for carers. London: Age Exchange. Haber, J. (1997). Comprehensive psychiatric nursing. London: Mosby. Thomas, B., Hardy, S., & Cutting, P. (1997). Stuart and Sundeen's mental health nursing: Principles and practice. London: Mosby. Tyrer, P., Harrison-Read, P., & Van Horn, E. (1997). Drug treatment in psychiatry. A guide for the community mental health worker. Oxford: Butterworth Heineman. Useful journals Age and Ageing, Oxford University Press. British Journal of Geriatric Nursing, Newton Mann Publications Ltd. Elderly Care, Royal College of Nursing. Geriatric Nursing and Home Care, Balliere Tindall. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Blackwell Science Ltd. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Blackwell Science Ltd. Nursing Older People, Royal College of Nursing.
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSMHOGD Nursing, Mental Health Older People
MNSMHOMSc Nursing, Mental Health Older People
SMPNSingle Module Programme (Nursing)