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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2008 - 2009

Module Title Electronic Systems Project-Imaging Major(Aug)
Module Code EE595
School School of Electronic Engineering

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Anthony HolohanOffice NumberS343
Level 5 Credit Rating 30
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
To give each student the opportunity to · develop an in-depth technical competence in the specific engineering area of Image Processing & Analysis, · demonstrate an ability to apply basic and advanced knowledge of science, technology and software engineering, · undertake structured problem identification and formulation, · devise solutions, design experiments, and generate and analyse results, · effectively communicate the outcome of their technical achievements to engineering colleagues, · appreciate the context of their work and where appropriate apply the systems approach to design and operational performance, · function effectively as an individual, or in collaboration with others (depending on the requirements of the project), towards project completion.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Describe and explain the scientific principles, engineering technologies and engineering design processes associated with their project area; 2. Identify and formulate engineering problems in a manner which allows solution, including evaluating critically current problems and new insights at the forefront of the particular branch of engineering, and applying a range of standard and specialised research tools and techniques. 3. Identify technical requirements for a design and assess the practicality of possible solutions to problems; 4. Display a level of ingenuity in applying appropriate existing solutions or devising novel solutions to engineering design problems, including incorporating aspects of engineering outside their own discipline and consulting and working with experts in other fields; 5. Design and conduct tests or experiments to allow exploration, analysis and evaluation of a proposed system design or solution, critically analysing and interpreting data relevant to this and drawing concrete conclusions as to the effectiveness of an engineering design; 6. Effectively communicate technical concepts and ideas orally, in writing and graphically, including writing a well-structured engineering report to the correct level of technical detail to suit the intended audience; 7. Apply project management techniques in the execution of a project in order to undertake all project implementation and development work and to produce a complete project report to deadline; 8. Take responsibility for progression of one’s own work under general guidance of a supervisor and identify and report problems and issues as they arise which might impede progress of a project; 9. Extract, through literature search, information pertinent to an unfamiliar problem, including being able to search for, access, review and evaluate publications on given topics; 11. Distinguish between one’s own work and that of others and to credit others in a proper manner; 12. Resolve differences of option on technical matters between themselves and their supervisor.

Indicative Time Allowances
Independent Learning Time 450

Total 450
Assume that a 30 credit module load represents approximately 450 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Operation: Projects are carried out by individuals who may work individually, or in collaboration with colleagues where a supervisor advises that benefit may be gained by so doing. Project grades will be determined on the basis of individual submissions only. Joint reports are not permitted. Project students are expected to and can expect to meet with the assigned supervisor on a regular basis. This may be arranged as a group meeting with other project students if the supervisor sees a benefit from this. Assessment: There are a number of assessment elements during and at the conclusion of the project, with the principal contribution coming from a Masters Project Thesis evaluated by two examiners appointed by the school, one of whom is normally the supervisor. Students are also expected to be available for interview by the External Examiner at the time of the relevant Progression and Award Board. For more details of assessment and deadlines for completion for each particular registration, please see http://www.dcu.ie/electronics/post/project_info.shtml.
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
A.B. Badiru , Graduate Research Guide in Engineering and Science, Kluwer Academic, 1995 Additional texts, articles or research papers will be nominated by each individual supervisor based on the needs of the student and the project topic.
Programme or List of Programmes
MENMEng in Electronic Systems
MTCMEng in Telecommunications Engineering