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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2008 - 2009

Module Title Contexts & Concepts (Int Dis Men. Health)
Module Code NS514
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMs Therese DanaherOffice NumberH210
Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
Is to provide the student with the opportunity to critique, integrate and bring synergy to philosophical, theoretical, research and practice based information in order to make a more substantive and informed contribution to the care and well being of people with intellectual disability who experience mental health problems

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module and following a period of personal study it is intended that the student will be able to:7

  • Critique the quality of epidemiological data and research based demographic evidence on mental health problems in persons with intellectual disability.Explicate the difficulties encountered in developing comprehensive service systems for people with intellectual disability with appreciable mental health needs.
  • Critically comment on the extent to which the current literature addresses strategies and policies for constructing effective community supports for people with intellectual disability who have mental health problems.
  • Specify a nursing vision for the delivery of mental health care for individuals with intellectual disability and to delineate clearly standards for best nursing practice
  • Discuss how the reconceptualisation of mental health needs in terms of Primary Health Care will influence current and future service delivery for individual with intellectual disability and mental health problems
  • Identify the strengths of an integrated bio-psycho-social model of care to address the mental health care needs of persons with intellectual disability.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 150

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
·Historical overview of concepts and concerns and the sociological dimension of service provision for individuals with intellectual disability and mental health problems·The demography of mental health problems in persons with intellectual disability, the characteristics and presentation of mental health problems in persons with intellectual disability exploration of the pre, peri and post natal, psychosocial and ecological variables that may promote, mediate or moderate the emergence of mental health disorders in persons with intellectual disability emotional disorders and there relationship to cognitive and functional impairment. Age related mental health problem:problems associated with infancy, childhood, adolescence problems associated with adulthood, middle, old ageNon age related problems.:sexuality as a mental health riskoffenders who have intellectual disabilitysubstance related disorders and intellectual disability.·Current service system models, generic or specialisedbuilding responsive service systems and the context of care prevention and early intervention servicesacute, crisis and respite care serviceslong-term care and rehabilitative servicesintegrated versus non-integrated service systemsthe contribution of nursing to service systems and the identification of standards of best nursing practiceidentifying service gaps and barriers to quality in services for persons with intellectual disability and mental health difficultiesnursing and bio psycho social models of carethe impact of primary mental health care approaches on service systems practice patterns for persons with intellectual disability with enduring mental health problems.Strategies for constructing community supportsocial support and crisis planningrisk assessment, management and reduction methods in services for persons withintellectual disability and mental health difficultiesmental health promotionlifelong family caringfamily psycho-social and educational interventions·asessment and screening of mental health problemsdiagnostic interviewing schedules, DSM,ICD and CD-LD classification codes assessing psychopathology and behavioural problems assessment of persons who are non verbal and or profoundlychallenged.Legislative antecedence to Mental Health Act 2002 and the provision for individuals with intellectual disability who have mental health problems.
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Essential:Bouras N (1995) Mental health in Mental Retardation, recent advances and procedures. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.Brown M. (2003) Learning disabilities, a handbook for integrated care. Salisbury, ADS Publishing.Griffiths, D. Stavrakaki, C. Summers, J. (2002) Dual Diagnosis: an introduction to the mental health needs of persons with developmental disability, Ontario, Habilitative Mental Health Resource NetworkRussell, O. (1998) The psychiatry of learning disabilities. Glasgow, Gaskill.Supplementary: Berney, T.P. (1997) Autism and Aspergers syndrome, In Psychiatry in Learning disabilities, eds Reed, S.E., London, W.B. Saunders, p. 150-184.Bouras N (1999) Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in developmental disabilities and mental retardation. Cambridge University Press.Carpenter,D., Turnbull, J., & Kay, A. (1996). Mental health and learning disability. Bath: Barwell Colour Print.Cooper, S.A. Bailey, N.M. (2001) Psychiatric Disorders amongst adults with learning disabilities; prevalence and relationship to ability. Irish Journal of Psychiatric Medicine 18, 45: 53.Einfild, S.L. Tonge, B.J. (1996) Population prevalence of psychopathology in children and adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability, 40 (2) 91-109.Emerson, C. (2003) The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of intellectual Disability, 47, 51-58.Fraser, W.I. (2002) Forensic Learning Difficulties, the evidence base. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, supplement 1, 1-5.Gelder, M., Mayou, R. Gelder, J. (2000) Psychiatry. Oxford, Oxford University Press.Government of Ireland (2002) Mental Health Act 2002, Dublin, Stationary Press.Janicki, M.P., Dalton, A.J. (1999) Dementia in developmental disabilities, In Psychiatric and Behavioural disorders in developmental disabilities and mental retardation, eds N. Bouras Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 121-153.Murphy, G. Fernando, S. (1999) Services for people with Challenging behaviour and mental health needs at risk of offending. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 4 (3) 31-39.Murphy, G. Wilson, B. (1985) Self injurious behaviour. Kidderminster, Bild PublicationsNewell, R. & Gournay K. (2000) Mental health nursing evidence based approach. Edinburgh: Church LivingstoneO'Brien, G. (2002) Dual diagnosis in offenders with intellectual disability; setting research priorities; a review of research findings concerning psychotic disorders amongst offenders with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46 (1) p. 21.Priest, H. Gibbs, M. (2004) Mental Health care for people with learning disabilities, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston.Rawlings, R., Williams, S., & Beck, C. (1993). Mental health psychiatric nursing. St Louis: Mosby. Royal College of Psychiatrists (2001) DC-LD. (Diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders for use with adults with learning disabilities/mental retardation) Occasional paper OP-48, London, GaskillRussell, O. (1997). The psychiatry of learning disabilities. London: The Royal College of Psychiatrists. World Health Organisation (1992) The ICD 10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders Clinical Description and Diagnostic Guidelines. Geneva: WHO.Recommended Journals American Journal of Mental Retardation British Journal Of Learning DisabilitiesBritish Journal of Psychiatry Disability and SocietyHospital and community psychiatry International Social WorkIrish Journal of Psychiatric Medicine Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Programme or List of Programmes
GDGHPGrad Dip in General Health Care Practice
GDGNPGrad Dip in General Nursing Practice
GDIDHPGrad Dip Intell. Dis. Health Care Prac.
GDIDNPGrad Dip in Int. Dis. Nurs. Practice
GDMHNPGrad Dip in Mental Health Nurs. Prac.
GDMHPGrad Dip in Mental Healthe Care Prac.
GNSIDMGD Nursing (Int Disability & Men Health)
MNSIDMMSc Nursing(Int Disability & Men Health)