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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2009 - 2010

Module Title Network Configuration & Management
Module Code CA249
School School of Computing

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMr Brian StoneOffice NumberL2.45
Level 2 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
To equip students with the ability of set up, install and configure routing and switching devices on Linux based PCs. To have practical knowledge of managing and troubleshooting computer networks.

Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes Having completed this module, students will • Be able to properly install and configure routing software on Linux routers. • Be capable of correctly configuring a Unix PC as a router. • Utilise static addresses for routing. • Correctly install and test RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPF and BGP on Linux routers. • Troubleshoot incorrectly configured routers, examine routing tables and analyse network traffic using traffic capture tools. • Configure a Linux PC as a bridge and have an appreciation of the Spanning Tree Protocol. • Be able to set up and configure a DNS server. • Have a practical knowledge of SNMP and the MIB, SNMP traps and applications of SNMP for network configuration and management.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 24
Tutorials 12
Laboratories 24
Seminars 15
Independent Learning Time 0

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
The Linux operating system, the shell and commands. Operating system support for networking and communications. Network protocol analysers and tools, tcpdump, Wireshark, ifconfig, netstat and telnet. IP forwarding and detailed operation of routing protocols, RIP, OSPF and BGP. Introduction to queueing theory, modelling of network congestion and flow control.
Continuous Assessment30% Examination Weight70%
Indicative Reading List
Core Mastering Networks, An internet lab manual. Liebeherr, 2004, Pearson ISBN0-321-22323-3 Supplementary Internetworking with TCPIP Vol 1, Comer, 5th Ed, 2006, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-187671-6
Programme or List of Programmes
BSSAStudy Abroad (DCU Business School)
BSSAOStudy Abroad (DCU Business School)
ECBSc in Enterprise Computing
ECSAStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
ECSAOStudy Abroad (Engineering & Computing)
HMSAStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
HMSAOStudy Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science)
SHSAStudy Abroad (Science & Health)
SHSAOStudy Abroad (Science & Health)