Module Title |
Manufacturing Systems Simulation
Module Code |
School |
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Online Module Resources
Module Co-ordinator | Dr John Geraghty | Office Number | S368 |
Level |
Credit Rating |
Pre-requisite |
Co-requisite |
Module Aims
. To make the students familiar with manufacturing systems and their parameters.
. To introduce the students to basic simulation principles and techniques.
. To make the students familiar with simulation software for manufacturing systems.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module the student will be able to:
. understand the fundamental principles of simulation.
. select software for simulating manufacturing systems.
. evaluate manufacturing systems based on simulation results.
Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures |
Tutorials |
Laboratories |
Seminars |
Independent Learning Time |
Total |
Placements |
Assignments |
Assume that a 7.5 credit module load represents approximately 112.5 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.
Indicative Syllabus
· Types of simulation: discrete, continuous, combined.
· Stochastic simulation.
· Discrete simulation: entities, activities, events, queues, sets, states.
· Overview of simulation software.
· Simulation of material handling.
· Simulation of FMS: workstations, tools, fixtures, robots, AGVs, conveyors, pallet systems, storage systems.
Assessment | Continuous Assessment | 50% | Examination Weight | 50% |
Indicative Reading List
1. Carrie, A., Simulation of Manufacturing Systems, 1988, John Wiley.
2. Thomson, N., Simulation in Manufacturing, 1995, John Wiley
1. Wu, B., Manufacturing systems design and analysis, 1992, Chapman & Hall
2. Singh, N., Systems Approach to Computer- Integrated Design and Manufacturing, 1996, John Wiley.
Programme or List of Programmes
BSSA | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
BSSAO | Study Abroad (DCU Business School) |
CAMG | GDip C.A. Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng |
CAMM | MSc. C.A. Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng |
ECSA | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
ECSAO | Study Abroad (Engineering & Computing) |
HMSA | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
HMSAO | Study Abroad (Humanities & Soc Science) |
IFPCME | PG International Foundation Cert:ME |
SHSA | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
SHSAO | Study Abroad (Science & Health) |
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