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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2009 - 2010

Module Title Caring for a child - multi-system dysfunction
Module Code NS4803
School School of Health & Human Performance

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMs Sara RafteryOffice NumberH261
Level 4 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
  • The aim of this module is to critically examine and enhance the student’s ability to care for children with complex multisystem  dysfunction’s requiring a high degree of nursing knowledge and clinical skills in partnership with the family and the interdisciplinary team.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module and following a period of personal study the student will:

  • Critically demonstrate the ability to apply a detailed knowledge of the relevant pathophysiology  when delivering evidence based nursing care to children with multisystem dysfunction.
  • Critically analyse the provision, organisation and management of a dynamic child health nursing service in relation to international, national and local policy initiatives.
  • Identify key clinical resources in a variety of settings and demonstrate knowledge of collaborative working and decision making within an interdisciplinary team.
  • Reflect on and critically analyse psychological and psycho-social issues that influence the management of nursing care from a personal, professional and cultural perspective.
  • Critically evaluate the role of the children’s nurse in relation to caring for children with curative, palliative and terminal illnesses.
  • Critically explore the current evidence based care of children and their families in relation to dying, death, grief, loss and bereavement.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 30
Tutorials 4
Independent Learning Time 41

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
  • Applied anatomy and physiology.
  • Physiological, social and psychological aspects of childhood cancer and haematological disease and conditions in the child
  • Nursing assessment strategies, care planning and delivery techniques, evaluation of care.
  • The contribution of theoretical approaches to care.
  • Pharmaceutical interventions, including chemotherapy and administration of blood and blood products.
  • Role of the children’s nurse in caring for children with curative, palliative and terminal illnesses.
  • Inter-disciplinary contribution.
  • Palliative care, bereavement and grief.
  • Supporting bereaved parents/siblings/family.
Continuous Assessment0% Examination Weight100%
Indicative Reading List


Glasper, E.A. and Richardson, J. (2005) A Textbook of Children's Nursing. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
Hockenberry, M. J. (2003) Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children. 7th Edition. London: Mosby.
Kubler-Ross E. (1997) On Children and Death – How Children and their Parents Can and Do Cope with Death. Simon and Schuster, New York.
Trigg E. and Mohammed, T. (ed) (2006) Practices in Children’s Nursing: Guidelines for Hospital and Community.  London: Churchill Livingston.
Martin T. and Doka K. (2000) Men Don’t Cry – Women Do. Transcending Gender Stereotypes of Grief. Brunner-Mazel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Murray Parkes C., Lawngani P. and Young B. (1997) Death and Bereavement Across Cultures. Brunner-Routledge, Hove, East Sussex.
Neill, S and Knowles H, (2004) The Biology of Child Health. A Reader in Development and Assessment. Palgrave MacMillan: Hampshire

Worden J. (2002) Children and Grief – When a Parent Dies. Guilford Press, New York


Basford L. and Slevin O. (1999) Theory and Practice in Nursing. London: Stanley Thornes.
Department of Health and Children (2001) Quality and Fairness: a health system for you. Dublin: The Stationary Office.


Students will be directed to specific journal articles within the module.


Programme or List of Programmes
BNCGBSc in Children's & General Nursing