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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2009 - 2010

Module Title Specialist Interventions in Cancer Nursing
Module Code NS519
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Eileen CourtneyOffice NumberH233
Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
This practice specialist module aims to develop specialist practitioners in the care of people with cancer. It requires of the student the articulation and demonstration of specialist oncology nursing practice. The student will be required to demonstrate evidence of ability to provide specialist nursing practice in the oncology setting. Module Aims: 7To critically evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions in the provision of care for people with cancer. 7To critically examine the role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in oncology 7To evaluate practice development through evidence-based approaches in cancer nursing

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module and following a period of personal study students will be able to: 7Demonstrate competent specialist practice that is measurably at postgraduate level. 7Integrate theory and practice in the development of holistic specialist nursing skills in the care of people with cancer. 7Deliver informed and specialist nursing care to people with cancer and their families, in the hospital and community setting 7Initiate and lead practice developments using evidence-based approaches to improve the quality of care for people with cancer. 7Develop and utilise appropriate assessment and evaluation methodologies to improve care for people with cancer. 7Evaluate decision-making and problem solving skills within the performance of nursing interventions 7Provide effective input into symptom management, including the management of pain and nutritional support. 7Critically evaluate issues of loss, grief and bereavement with patients and their families. 7Evaluate the role of the specialist and advanced oncology nurse practitioners in the area of cancer education, prevention and detection.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 150

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
·Nursing assessments - physical, psychological and social - that are patient focused and are precise, logical and reliable. ·Planning, organising, prioritising, providing and evaluating nursing care using a nursing model. ·Management issues e.g., limitations of treatment and strategies to continually improve care delivery, evaluation of service efficacy. ·Therapeutic/technical skills in phlebotomy, intravenous cannulation, central venous catheterisation. ·Administration of chemotherapy, biological therapy and blood transfusion products. · Physical care (for example, skin, wound & stoma care). ·Prosthesis fitting, hair care and other measures to improve body image for the oncology patient. ·Patient education skills, including development of groupwork skills for patients and their families/carers. ·Counselling / psychotherapeutic and life-span perspectives on loss, grief and bereavement (patient and family). ·Supportive therapies for symptoms such as fatigue, pain, nausea. ·Nursing input into symptom management, based on knowledge of pharmacology, communications theories, altered body image theory etc. ·The particular care of the immuno-suppressed patient. ·Implications of survivorship for people with cancer. ·Death and dying - physical, psychological and social implications. ·Decision-making regarding changes in clinical condition and side effects of treatment; integration of appropriate specialist nursing care. ·Home care, alternative care settings and cancer resources: The discharge planning process.
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List
Readings recommended for previous specialist modules may also apply. Essential. An Bord Altranais (2000) Review of the Scope of Practice for Nursing & Midwifery, final report. An Bord Altranais. Clarke D, Flanagan J & Kendrick K (eds) (2002) Advancing nursing practice in cancer and palliative care. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Hickey J., Ouimette R. & Venegoni S. (2000) Advanced practice nursing; changing roles and clinical applications. 2nd ed. Lippincott. Kinghorn, S., Gamlin, R., (2001). Palliative care - bringing hope & comfort. Bailliere Tindall. Miaskowski, C & Buchsel B (1999) Oncology Nursing: Assessment and Clinical Care. Mosby. Otto S. E. (2001) Oncology Nursing. 4th edition. Mosby. Parkes C. M., Laungam P, Young B (1998) Death and Bereavement Across Cultures. Routledge. Rolfe G., Freshwater D. & Jasper M. (2001) Critical reflection for nursing and the helping professions. Palgrave. Thompson, N (2002) Loss and Grief; A Guide for Human Services Practitioners. Palgrave Twycross R & Wilcock A (eds.) (2001) Symptom Management in Advanced Cancer Radcliffe Medical Press Supplementary: Alexander M.F. Fawcett J.N. Runciman P.J. (2000) Nursing Practice, Hospital and Home. Churchill Livingstone Bishop V. & Scott I (eds) (2001) Challenges in Clinical Practice; Professional developments in nursing. Palgrave publishers. Taylor, B.J., (2000) Reflective practice: A guide for nurses and midwives. Open University Press. Walsh M (2000) Nursing Frontiers; accountability and the boundaries of care. Reed educational and professional Publishing Ltd. Useful Journals: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Cancer Nursing International Journal for Cancer Care. Clinical Nursing Research. Cancer Online European Journal of Cancer Care European Journal of Oncology Nursing Evidence Based Nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing International Journal of Cancer Journal of Clinical Oncology Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSONGDip in Nursing (Oncology)
MNSONMSc in Nursing (Oncology)