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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2009 - 2010

Module Title Contexts/Concepts of Care for Older People
Module Code NS535
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Level 5 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
This specialist theoretical module provides an opportunity to broaden students' knowledge of the context in which nursing practice in the care of the older people happens. It also introduces key concepts related to ageing, drawing on the wide range of issues that are pertinent to nurses working with older people. Module Aims: To critically explore the concept and normal process of ageing within social physiological and psychological contextsTo critically explore the types and nature of illness affecting older peopleTo critically evaluate health and social policies and their impact on the delivery of care for older peopleTo critically evaluate the role of the nurse in the care of older people

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module and following a period of personal study and reflection the student will be able to: 7Critically review the biological, sociological and psychological aspects and contexts of ageing 7Critically evaluate cultural aspects of and attitudes towards ageing 7Evaluate emerging national and international health and social policies in relation to older people 7Discuss the available demographic information on people and its influence on policy information 7Discuss the concepts of health and well-being in relation to ageing 7Discuss normal physiological and psychological changes associated with ageing 7Discuss categories of acute and chronic health conditions that can be associated with ageing 7Examine the role of the nurse in the range of support services available for older people in the hospital and community 7Examine partnership of for-profit, voluntary and statutory services in providing appropriate supports to older people and their carers.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 0
Tutorials 0
Laboratories 0
Seminars 0
Independent Learning Time 150

Total 150
Assume that a 10 credit module load represents approximately 150 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Consideration of the older person in the context of the existing socio/political climate; changing demographic trends, health care provision, societal perceptions of ageing The integration of bio/psycho/social theories of ageing and care Life-span issues in the context of care, sexuality, loneliness, elder abuse, bereavement, dying, loss of independence and cognitive impairment The concepts of health and well-being in relation to ageing Normal physiological and psychological changes associate with ageing Issues arising in old age such as informed consent, advocacy, carer involvement/support, loss of significant others, wards of court Historical influences, contextual influences, and current trends in the development of approaches to therapeutic care and intervention Nursing philosophy, methods and models of nursing care for the older person Patient management, education, legal issues, and ethics of interventions, frameworks/processes for delivering interventions, care planning, user partnerships in care, health promotion, health education.
Continuous Assessment60% Examination Weight40%
Indicative Reading List
Essential: Department of Health & Children (2000) The National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005. Dublin: Stationery Office Department of Health 1988 The Years Ahead- A Policy for the Elderly. Dublin Stationery Office Eastern Health Board (1999): 10 Year Action Plan for Services for Older Persons 1999-2008 Ewles, L., Simnett, I., (1999) Promoting Health: A Practical Guide. Bailliere Tindall Fahey, T.,(1995) Health and Social Care Implications of Population Ageing in Ireland 1991-2011. National Council on Ageing and Older People (1997) Kelleher, C., (1993) Measures to Promote Health and Autonomy for Older People: A Position Paper. Dublin: National Council for the Elderly Luggen, A.S., Meiner, S.E., (2001) NGNA Core Curriculum for Gerontological Nursing. 2nd Ed. Mosby National Council on Ageing and Older People (1998) The Law and Older People: A Handbook for Service Providers. Dublin: National Council on Ageing and Older People Ruddle, H., Donoghue, F., Mulvihill, R., (1999) The Years Ahead Report: A Review of the Implementation of its Recommendations. Dublin: National Council on Ageing and Older People Shaw M. W. (1994) The Challenge of Ageing: A Multidisciplinary Approach to extended care. Churchill Livingstone Wilson, G., (2000) Understanding Old Age: Critical and Global Perspectives. London. Sage Supplementary: Bennett, G., Ebrahim, S., (1995) Healthcare in Old Age. 2nd Ed. Edward Arnold Bond, J., Bond, S., (1994) Sociology and Healthcare: An Introduction for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals: 2nd Ed. Churchill Livingstone Brenner, H., Shelly, E., (1998) Adding Years to Life and Life to Years. A Health Promotion Strategy for Older People. Dublin: National Council on Ageing and Older People Cleary, A., Treacy, M.P., (1997) The Sociology of Health and Illness in Ireland. University College Dublin Leahy, A., Wiley, M. (1998) The Irish Health System in the 21st Century, Dublin: Oak Tree Press.
Programme or List of Programmes
GNSGNGDip in Nursing (Gerontology)
MNSGNMSc in Nursing (Gerontology)