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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2010 - 2011

Module Title Chemical and Environmental Waste Cycles
Module Code CS215
School School of Chemical Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Brian KelleherOffice NumberX123
Level 2 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
  • To develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of thermodynamics.
  • To develop reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • To develop understanding of the theory underlying chemical reactions and to be able to predict the outcomes of elementary reactions.
  • To promote a knowledge of the concepts of elementary chemical kinetics.
  • To improve students' ability to apply theory to practical problems, relevant to industry, research and environmental issues.
  • To develop an appreciation of the complexity of the energy question.
  • To introduce the student to the role of chemistry in the production and use of energy.
  • To provide the student with knowledge of the past, modern and future methods of energy production.
  • To provide the student with an awareness of current hot topics in energy.

Learning Outcomes

Students should be familiar with:

  • The concepts enthalpy, entropy and free energy.
  • Equilibrium reactions and chemical potentials.
  • Order and rates of reactions. Integrated rate equations.
  • Temperature dependence of chemical kinetics.
  • Collision and activated complex theory.
  • The importance of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics in the energy cycles and the technical aspects of energy production and use.
  • The chemistry behind energy production and use.
  • The latest advances in energy production.
  • Current energy related environmental issues.
  • The future directions/possibilities for energy production and use.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 36
Seminars 39
Independent Learning Time 0

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Continuous Assessment20% Examination Weight80%
Indicative Reading List


Physical Chemistry by R. A. Alberty, Wiley & Sons, 1993.

The Essential Guide to Environmental Chemistry, G. Schwedt, Wiley 2001.


Environmental Chemistry, I Williams. Wiley 2001.

Chemistry of the Environment, T. Spiro, W. M. Stigliani. Prentice-Hall 1996.

Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, D.W. Connelly, Lewis 1997.

Energy Systems and Sustainability, G. Boyle et al, Oxford, 2003.

Renewable Energy, G. Boyle, Oxford, 2004.

Programme or List of Programmes
ACBSc in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sc.
ASBSc in Analytical Science
CFBSc in Chemistry with French
CGBSc in Chemistry with German
ESHBSc Environmental Science & Health
SHSAStudy Abroad (Science & Health)
SHSAOStudy Abroad (Science & Health)