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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2010 - 2011

Module Title Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Module Code EF574
School DCUBS

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorProf Colm O'GormanOffice NumberQ324
Level 5 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims

In this module students will examine the following questions:

  • What is it that entrepreneurs do? What is the 'economic function' of the entrepreneur? What risk do entrepreneurs take?`
  • How are new businesses formed? How do entrepreneurs identify or 'discover' opportunities? How do entrepreneurs amass the resources required to start a new business? How do entrepreneurs develop business strategies? To what extent does, and can, 'planning' and 'business plans' guide an entrepreneur through the process of new venture creation?
  • Why do only a very small number of new ventures achieve high levels of success (in terms of rapid growth)?  In the absence of growth a failure of entrepreneurial ambition, of management talent, or of external market structures?
  • Why do high levels of 'profuctive' entrepreneurship and innovation occur in only some regions (countries or regions withinc ountries) at particular times?  Why do other regions suffer from low levels of entrepreneurship and innovation?  What can policy makers do to stimulate 'productive' entrepreneurship and innovation?

In this module students will examine the following questions:

  • What is it that entrepreneurs do?  What is the'economic function' of the entrepreneur?  What risks do entrepreneurs take?
  • How are new businesses formed?  How do entrepreneurs identify or 'discover' opportunities?  How do entrepreneurs amass the resources required to start a new business?  How do entrepreneurs develop business strategies?  To what extent does, and can, 'planning' and 'business plans' guide an entrepreneur through the process of new venture creation?
  • Why do only a very small number of new ventures achieve high levels of success (in terms of rapid growth)?  In the absence of growth a failure of entrepreneurial ambition, of management talent, or of external market structures?
  • Why do high levels of 'productive' entrepreneurship and innovation occur in only some regions (countries or regions within countries) at particular times?  Why do other regions suffer from low levels of entrepreneurship and innovation?  What can policy makers do to stimulate 'productive' entrepreneurship and innovation?


Learning Outcomes

How to prepare a business plan.

An understanding of the processes involved in new venture creation.  An appreciation of the extent that new ventures are the outcome of processes that include search for opportunity, market research and competitor analysis, planning activity, and the preparation of a business plan versus the extent and they are the result of the entrepreneur's vision and drive, the entrepreneur's prior experiences, luck or chance, and what we term 'bootstrapping', 'bricolage' and 'improvisation'.

Understand the role of entrepreneurs in the economy.


Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 17
Independent Learning Time 58

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List

The economic function of the entrepreneur

The 'unremarkable' origins of new ventures

The Business Plan

The origins of new ventures

New venture creation processes: discovery, improvisation, effectuation, bricolage, and bootstrapping.

Financing new businesses

New venture growth

Entrepreneurship in

Public policies to promote entrepreneurship

The origins and eveolution of new venture

Programme or List of Programmes
MBAMasters in Business Administration -GrpA
MBABMasters in Business Administration -GrpB