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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2010 - 2011

Module Title Nursing Care of Children with Renal disease
Module Code NS443
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMs Yvonne CorcoranOffice NumberH240
Level 1 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims

Module Aim:

  • To increase the theoretical knowledge base of students who care for children and their families with renal disease.
  • To further the students practical knowledge and clinical skills in the nursing care and management of children and their families with renal disease.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module and following a period of personal study the student will be able to: Demonstrate the ability to assess, plan, implement and evaluate appropriate evidence based nursing care of children with renal disease in the healthcare setting and in the community. Critically examine the patho-physiological process in relation to renal disease in childhood. Explore the application of the pharmacological support necessary for the treatment of common renal disorders in childhood. Critically analyse the social, economic and psychological implications of a chronic illness on the child and family and the importance of family centered care in meeting the holistic needs of each child and their family. Identify and appreciate cultural issues when nursing children and their families from various cultural backgrounds.

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 30
Tutorials 4
Laboratories 6
Independent Learning Time 35

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List

Indicative Reading List:


Brennan, E. (2002) Care of Infants with Renal Disorders in Crawford, D. and Hickson, W. (eds) An Introduction to Neonatal Nursing Care. 2nd ed Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes pp. 204-225Mayer, B.H., Eggenberger, T., Follin, S.A. and Robinson, K. (eds) (2007) Fluids and Electrolytes made Incredibly Easy! 4th ed. Springhouse Pennsylvania: SpringhouseThomas, N (ED.) (2007) Renal Nursing 3rd  ed. London: Bailliere TindallWebb, N. And Postlethwaite, R. (eds) (2003) Clinical Paediatric Nephrology. 3rd ed New York: Oxford University Press IncSupplementary:Bell, F. (2000) Post-renal Transplant Compliance. Journal of Child Health Care 4 (1) pp.5-11Bell, F. and Bell, F. (2002) Assessment and management of the child with nephrotic syndrome. Paediatric Nursing 14 (1) pp.37-42Bell, F., Bell, F., Challinor, P. And Sedgewick, J. (eds) (1998) The Principles and Practice of Renal Nursing. Cheltenham: Stanley ThornesDepartment of Health (2004) Saving Lives, Valuing Donors: A Transplant Framework for England. [Online] Available at http://www.publications.doh.gov.uk/transplantframework/transframeworkfinal.pdf  Department of Health (2004) The National Service Framework for Renal Services: Part One Dialysis and Transplantation [Online]. Available at http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/07/05/25/04070525.pdf  Ennis, L. (2002) Renal anaemia in children: the role of the specialist nurse. Paediatric Nursing. 14 (7) pp.24-27Galbraith, A., Bullock, S., Manias, E., Hunt, B. and Richards, A. (1999) Fundamentals of Pharmacology: A text for Nurses and Health Professionals. London: Addison WesleyHiggins, C. (2000) Understanding Laboratory Investigations: A text for nurses and healthcare professionals. Oxford: Blackwell ScienceHinchliff, S.M., Montague, S.E., Hinchcliff, S. And Watson, R. (2004) Physiology for Nursing Practice. 3rd ed London: Bailliere TindallPolit, D.F., Beck, C.T. and Hungler, B.P. (2001) Essentials of Nursing Research Methods, Appraisal and Utilization. 5th ed Philadelphia: Lippincott.Smith, P.A., Bradbury, M.G., Lewis, M.A, Postlethwaite, R.J. and Webb, N.J.A. (2004) Hepatitis surveillance in a paediatric nephrology unit. Paediatric Nursing 16 (1) pp.20-22Smith, L. (2001) Family Centered Care: concept theory and practice. Basingstoke : Palgrave.Taylor, R.M., Parke, A. and Day, H. Immunosuppression for solid organ transplantation in children. Paediatric Nursing. 16 (2) pp.39-43The Renal Association (2002) Treatment of adults and children with renal failure: Standards and audit measures. 3rd ed Suffolk: The Lavenham Press LtdWillock, J. and Jewkes, F. (2000) Making sense of fluid balance in children. Paediatric Nursing 12 (7) pp.37-42Wright, E. (2004) Assessment and management of the child requiring chronic haemodialysis. Paediatric Nursing 16 (7) pp.37-41Wright, E. (2004) Therapeutic plasma exchange in children. Paediatric Nursing 16 (9) pp.39-42Journals:· Archives of Disease in Childhood· Child: Care, Health and Development· Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension· Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation· Hypertension· Kidney International· Nephrology Nursing Journal (Formerly ANNA Journal)· Paediatric Nursing· Pediatric Nephrology· TransplantationStudents will be referred to appropriate journal articles and material prepared for individual lectures and practical sessions.

Programme or List of Programmes
SMPNSingle Module Programme (Nursing)