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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2010 - 2011

Module Title Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy
Module Code NS507
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Level 5 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Module Aims
  • To understand the structure, content, research base and practice implications of person centred therapy.
  • In particular, to understand and critically appraise Rogers' person centred personality theory, Re-Evaluation Counselling theory, and Gestalt therapy.
  • To integrate this knowledge with the student's developing ability to practice.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module and following a period of personal study it is intended that the student will be able to:

  • Appraise the place of person centered therapy within the overall framework of counselling and psychotherapy.
  • Discuss the historical influences leading to the development of person centered therapy.
  • Critically apprehend the principles and concepts that link person centered perspectives.
  • Compare and contrast person centered models, identify applications stemming from these models, and discuss how these may be applied appropriately. 
  • Analyse Rogers' person centered personality theory, and understand the basis to Roger's core conditions.
  • Examine the theory of Re-Evaluation Counselling, and how it can be used to promote self-understanding and growth.
  • Demonstrate their understanding of Gestalt therapy, and justify its use in a particular context

Indicative Time Allowances
Lectures 16
Tutorials 4
Laboratories 8
Seminars 8
Independent Learning Time 39

Total 75
Assume that a 5 credit module load represents approximately 75 hours' work, which includes all teaching, in-course assignments, laboratory work or other specialised training and an estimated private learning time associated with the module.

Indicative Syllabus
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Indicative Reading List

Essential Reading List:

Clarkson P. & Mackeown J. (1996) Fritz Perls. Sage, LondonJackins, Harvey (1975) The Human Side of Human Beings. Rational Island Publishers, Seattle USAMearns, D. & Thorne, Brian (2000) Person Cenetred Therapy Today. Sage, LondonThorne, Brian (1992). Carl Rogers. Sage, LondonBor, R., & Palmer, S. (2002) A Beginner?s Guide to Training in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Sage, LondonJoyce, P. & Sills, C. (2005 ed) Skills in Gestalt Counselling and Psychotherapy. Sage, LondonThorne, B. (2000) Person-Centered Counselling: Therapeutic and Spiritual Dimensions. Whurr.Thorne, B. (2003 ed) Person-Centered Counselling and Christian Spirituality. Whurr.

Supplementary Reading List:

Brazier, David (ed) (1993) Beyond Carl Rogers. Constable, LondonBuber M. & Rogers C. (1960) Dialogue between Martin Buber & Carl Rogers Psychologia 3 :208-21Kirschenbaum, (1989) The Carl Rogers Reader. Howard & Henderson, Valerie Eds. Constable, London.Lake T. & Acheson F. Room to Listen: Beginners Guide to Analysis/ Therapy / CounsellingMaslow, A. (1962) Towards A New Psychology of Being. D. Van Nostrand Co., New YorkRogers, Carl (1967) Client Centered Therapy. Constable, LondonRogers, Carl (1967). On Becoming A Person. (2nd ed.) Constable, LondonZinker, Joseph (1977) Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy. Vintage Books N.Y.

Programme or List of Programmes
GDPCGDip in Counselling & Psychotherapy
MDPCMSc in Counselling & Psychotherapy