General: Modes of excitation; electronic, bond deformation,
rotational, nuclear spin inversion.
Introduction; Energy Levels: Schrodinger equation: solve
for particle in one dimensional box. Concept of energy
levels: Thermal population of energy levels. Vibration
Spectra: Hooke's Law, SH oscillator, force constants, zero
point energy. The anharmonic oscillator, the Morse
function. Selection rules. Vibration - rotation spectra.
Vibrations of polyatomic molecules, fundamental vibrations,
overtones and combination bands.
Electronic Spectroscopy: Shape of orbitals -Orbital angular
momentum, spin angular momentum, total angular momentum, J.
Many electron atoms, Alkali - metal spectra. Angular
momentum of many electron atoms, Russell - Saunders
coupling, term symbols. Helium and the alkaline earths.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra Spectroscopy: Angular
spin momentum of a nucleus. I, interaction with magnetic
field, Bohr Nuclear energy levels in a magnetic field.
Larmor precession frequency. Factors influencing chemical
shift, Origin of spin-spin coupling and its use in
structural determinations.
Quantitative Analysis by Spectroscopy; Relationship between
absorption, concentration. Basic instrumentation
Beer-Lambert Law and introduction to extinction
coefficients. Deviations from Beer-Lambert Law.
Ultra-violet and visible spectrophotometry. Electronic
transitions in simple, conjugated, aromatic and heterocyclic
Electrochemistry: Electrochemical cells: galvanic and
electrolytic, electrodes, potential of interfaces, standard
emf, measurement of emf, types of electrodes, construction
of electrodes, ion- selective electrodes.