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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2017 - 2018

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NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

This module is the preparatory module for Year 3 and Year 4 placements and it addresses issues pertaining to those placements. It builds on the two previous modules on Issues in Professional Learning and Practice and the two previous placement experiences (P1 and P2). It is envisaged that Year 3 placements will provide some students opportunities for a period of placement in a policy-related environment. In addition all students will complete a special educational need (SEN) placement, which is most likely to take place in Year 3. Those students taking the Module on Irish Medium Education in the Early Years will complete their Year 4 placement in a Naíonra setting. It is at this stage in the programme the students will begin to develop leadership skills and adaptive expertise. They will also hone the skills they require to plan for early learning and the engagement of babies, toddlers and young children in learning in a respectful and culturally appropriate way. The work of this module will be further supported and extended as students participate in Analysis of Practice Seminars in Years 3 and 4.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate effective pedagogical practice that optimises children’s learning and is informed by theory, research and practice.
2. Develop and maintain a learning environment appropriate to the context of the setting and the learning, developmental and cultural needs of the children.
3. Value and assess collaborative relationships while working with babies or toddlers or young children and staff.
4. Recognise the care needs of babies, or toddlers or young children from a variety of cultures, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds.
5. Observe emergent learning in child-initiated play – based experiences, assess and communicate the learning that has occurred in relation to a variety of frameworks.
6. Further develop the e-portfolio.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture12No Description
Tutorial12No Description
Assessment Feedback25No Description
Independent Study76No Description
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

The indicative content of this module on issues in professional learning and practice builds on students’ learning and experiences of the two previous years and is organised within the themes outlined in the structural framework (see headings below). This approach provides for pedagogical alignment through integrating the learning across the programme, providing for a focus on the broad concepts and areas of content (foundational, environmental, inclusion, and leadership and expertise) and ensuring comprehensive preparation for professional practice in early childhood settings in the following three Semesters. The module further deepens students’ engagement with the themes in conjunction with their developing expertise in practice. In this community of practice, problem-based learning, students’ experiences, digital films of practice, role-play, peer collaboration, discussion and analysis are used to enhance professional development. In this module, the third year of the programme, the focus is on reflecting on diversity, equality and inclusion. At this stage in the programme the students will be independently developing leadership and expertise.

Communicating and collaborating
Within this theme the student’s approach to building collaborative and responsive relationships with children and staff is further deepened by a focus on how students could: • Extend children’s thinking and language in conversations. • Raise issues of professional importance to the setting while attending staff meetings.

Understanding diversity
Within this theme the student’s approach to understanding is further deepened by a focus on how students could: • Plan to support the learning needs of children with special educational and other needs. • Engage with families in relation to early learning and development.

Applying professional knowledge
Within this theme the student’s approach to applying professional knowledge is further deepened by how to: • Link the theory learned in the third year course-work, for example, children, families and communities - a focus on diversity, early mathematics learning, supporting the learning and development of young children with special needs, curriculum and planning, current issues in ECE, children’s participation in ECE, early language and literacy, assessing early learning and development and apply it to their practice in placement.

Engaging in professional practice
Within this theme the student’s approach to engaging in professional practice is further deepened by a focus on: • The role and expectations of a third and fourth year student and others in the community of practice with a focus on an SEN setting and a policy setting. • The constituents of professional behaviour, for example, familiarity with the risk factors for and symptoms of child abuse and neglect and knowledge of the settings policies and procedures. • Engaging in young children’s care routines of, for example, nappy changing, feeding, and toileting generally and how to challenge prejudice and engage in anti-bias practices during these care routines. • Leading a full day, planning, conducting and evaluating all care routines and learning experiences

Practising reflectively and ethically
Within this theme the student’s approach to practising reflectively and ethically is further deepened by: • Seeing themselves as action researchers/enquirers through observing practice, ethically documenting children’s learning and analysing the learning with a view to communicating that learning. • Engaging in constructive dialogue and feedback with the cooperating educator. • Where possible, using tools such as digital stimulated reflective dialogues film as a tool for self-assessment and critical reflections on practice. • Further developing a placement e-portfolio with particular relevance to reflecting on diversity, equality and inclusion.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Wood, E.: 2013, Play, learning and the early childhood curriculum, 3rd, SAGE Publications, London, 1849201161
  • edited by Linda Darling-Hammond, John Bransford; in collaboration with Pamela LePage, Karen Hammerness, Helen Duffy: 2005, Preparing teachers for a changing world, 1st, 13, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, Calif., 0787996343
  • Ann S. Epstein: 2009, The Intentional Teacher, 1st, Natl Assn for the Education, 1928896413
  • edited by Linda Darling-Hammond, John Bransford; in collaboration with Pamela LePage, Karen Hammerness, Helen Duffy: 2005, Preparing teachers for a changing world, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, Calif.,
Other Resources

22069, Website, 0, Barnardos Daily Digest; contact martina.dumpleton@barnardos.ie to receive daily news bulletins from Barnardos on issues relating to children from The Irish Times, The Examiner, the Irish Independent and The Guardian., 22070, Website, 0, Ballyfermot Language Enrichment Programme for ideas for language games with children three to six visit, http://www.thelanguagegarden.ie, 22071, Website, 0, Children’s Right’s Alliance, for communications on children’s rights, contact Communications communications@childrensrights.ie, http://www.childrensrights.ie/, 22072, Website, 0, Information on resources for Montessori (Irish) Montessori Alliance visit, info@montessorialliance.ie, 22073, Website, 0, National Adult Literacy Association for ideas to help children from birth to learn, visit Help my kid learn at, http://www.helpmykidlearn.ie/, 22074, Website, 0, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment for podcasts, videos, and information supporting early learning in relation to Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework visit, http://www.ncca.ie, 22075, Website, 0, Síolta, the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education visit, http://www.siolta.ie, 22076, Website, 0, Start Strong Advocacy group on ECEC visits, and receive a monthly e newsletter, http://www.startstrong.ie/, 22077, Website, 0, Súgradh is the Irish voluntary charity promoting the child’s right to play, for ideas about play., http://sugradh.org/, 22078, Website, 0, American daily news items on ECE; to receive ExchangeEveryDay write to, exchangeeveryday@ccie.com, 22079, Website, 0, American monthly newsletter (Extensions) is available from HighScope Foundation. Become a member for free at, http://www.highscope.org, 22080, Website, 0, Early Years is an organisation for young children in Northern Ireland see, http://www.early-years.org/, 22081, Website, 0, European e-News Bulletin called Euro Child Bjoern Becker, bjoern.becker@eurochild.org,
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