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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2017 - 2018

Module Title Evidence based Evaluation & Entrepreneurship
Module Code OSC3
School Open Education

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorDr Anne MorrisseyOffice NumberD104
NFQ level 9 Credit Rating 15
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

This module consists of three elements with one assignment per element. Research Methods II develops the concepts covered in Research Methods 1 by describing the specific research methods in more detail. This is followed by Case Study Analysis with dedicated case studies based on each specialty. The final element of this module is a choice of Entrepreneurship or Legal Frameworks

Learning Outcomes

1. Research Methods II • Prepare a research proposal • Demonstrate the appropriate application of quantitative and qualitative techniques to research hypotheses • Employ an appropriate research method to a research question • Analyse qualitative data: Code and Classify; Interpret and Represent • Report on a qualitative research study
2. Case Study Analysis • Produce solutions to a case study which combine organisational and management behaviour. • Demonstrate competency in their core study area (operations/internet enterprise systems/information systems strategy/clean technology or sustainable development) • Formulate solutions and present clearly to management to meet the requirements of a range of stakeholders.
3. Elective 1 Legal Frameworks • Critically appraise the key components of the Irish legal system • Identify the key principles of Irish laws • Identify and critically appraise areas of Irish law of particular relevance to managers and businesses • Display critical judgement regarding the application of legal principles to factual problem situations • Develop legal research and writing skills
4. Elective 2 Entrepreneurship • Cultivate New Business Ideas • Research market and Evaluate Ideas • Develop a Business Plan • Recognise different strategies for growth • Develop corporate Entrepreneurial values

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Directed learning40Study the course notes and core text book
Independent Study190Source and read the additional material referenced in the course notes
Online activity25Use the online discussino forum to discuss the questions related to the assignment and course material
Assignment Completion120Prepare three assignments according to criteria provided
Total Workload: 375

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Core: Research Methods II
• Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis: Coding and Classifying; Interpreting and Representing • Reporting and Evaluating Qualitative Research • Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics; Comparing Means; Measures of Associations; Regression Analysis and Nonparametric Statistics • Reporting and Evaluating Quantitative Research • Preparing a Research Proposal

Core: Case Study
A new “scenario” case study is devised each year, presenting participants with tasks, which require assessment of all aspects of a particular situation relevant to the core programme. Preparation of the report requires participants to review course modules and to identify additional relevant sources/documentation to support the recommendations being advanced. To complement their written report, learners are also asked to prepare slides and supporting notes to be used in making a presentation of the report content and recommendations.

Legal Frameworks Elective
Core elements • Introduction to Irish Law • Court Procedure and Litigation • Remedies and Enforcement Specific content for MSc in Management for Sustainable Development • European Environmental Legislation • Environmental Legislation in Ireland • Water Protection and Management • Waste Management • Legislation on chemical products • Noise regulations • Air emissions regulations Specific content for other programmes • Commercial Dispute Resolution • Contract Law • Tort Law • Intellectual Property • Data Protection and Freedom of Information • Employment Law I • Employment Law II • Health and Safety in the Workplace

Entrepreneurship Elective
• Developing the idea • Research & Evaluation •Developing the Business Model • Launching the Business • Strategies for Growth • Corporate Entrepreneurship • Exit strategies

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Robson, C: 2016, Real World Research:a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings, 4th Edition,, Wiley, Hoboken, 9781118745236
  • Field, A.: 2013, Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS., 4, Sage, 97814462491
  • Bryman A.: 2015, Social Research Methods, 5, 9780199689453
  • Martin, E. and Law, J.: 2014, A Dictionary of Law, 7th, Oxford University Press, 9780191726729
  • Strong, S.I., Kenny,P.,Wilson,S.,Law,J., Martin,E.: 2011, the Essential Legal Skill Set, 2nd, Oxford University Press, 9780199644032
  • Burns P.: 2016, Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Start-up, Growth and Maturity, 4th, Palgrave,Macmillan, New York, 9781137430359
Other Resources

Programme or List of Programmes
ISSMMSc in Information Systems Strategy
ISSMCGrad.Cert Information Systems Strategy
ISSMDGrad.Dip Information Systems Strategy
MCTMSc in Management of Clean Technologies
MCTDGrad. Dip. in Mgmt of Clean Technologies
MCTFDGrad Dip in Management of Clean Technol.
MISSMSc in Mgmt Information Systems Strategy
MISSDGrad Dip in Information Systems Strategy
MISSFDGrad Dip in Mngt of Info Systems Strateg
MOPSAMSc in Management of Operations
MOPSADGraduate Dip in Mgtment of Operations
MOPSFMSc. in Management of Operations
MOPSFDGrad. Dip. in Management of Operations
MSDMSc in Mgmt for Sustainable Development
MSDDGrad. Dip in Mgmt for Sustainable Dev.
MSDFMSc Mgtment for Sustainable Development
MSDFDGrad Dip in Mgmt for Sustainable Develop
MSISAMSc Mngt of Internet Enterprise Systems
MSISACGrad.Cert Management of Internet Syst.
MSISADGrad.Dip Mgt Internet Enterprise Systems
MSISFMSc in Mngt Internet Enterprise Systems
MSISFDGrad Dip in Manage. of Inter. Ent. Systs