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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2018 - 2019

Module Title Contexts & Concepts (Int Dis Men. Health)
Module Code NS514
School School of Nursing and Human Sciences

Online Module Resources

Module Co-ordinatorMs Therese DanaherOffice NumberH210
NFQ level 9 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

Students will appraise the context and concepts of nursing individuals with intellectual disability and mental health issues. Critiquing the services past, present and in the future internationally / nationally will be a core element of the class discussions. Structuring a vision for the future of nurses working with people who have both disabillities. Networking with the relevant key personnel during the course will be an element of the module work. Students will be expected to take on the responsibility of shaping and influencing the way forward in their own clinical practice by supporting their new innovations with portfolio work, seminars, tutorials, lectures, reflections, data collection, presentations and using nursing tools

Learning Outcomes

1. Investigate the epidemiological data relating individuals with intellectual disability and mental health issues.
2. Apply assessment methods with people with intellectual disability and mental health issues.
3. Appraise the strengths of an integrated bio-psycho-social model of care.
4. Debate models of best practice in the care of individuals with intellectual disability and mental health issues.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture18class activities
Class Presentation4Presentations of the chosen topic subject and the completed assessment tool used in practice
Professional Practice60reflecting and writing on your own practice speciality area
Assignment Completion30Assignments completed during online weeks and during the 12 weeks
Online activity104 weeks online work to be completed over the 12 weeks
Independent Study100Self directed study for the module
Workplace application28Reflection, collaboration and networking with the multidisciplinary team in your speciality practice area
Lecture20lectures in DCU
Tutorial10Student facilitated tutorials
Seminars6Tutor facilitated seminars
Online activity54independent learning time
Clinical placement60Supervised clinical practice
Independent Study100student self directed work
Total Workload: 500

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Historical overview of concepts and concerns and the sociological dimension of service provision for individuals with intellectual disability and mental health problems

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment100% Examination Weight0%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Priest H & Gibbs M: 2004, Mental Health Care for People with Learning Disabilities, 2005 ed, all, Churchill Livingstone, London,
  • Holt G, Hardy S & Bouras N: 2006, Mental Health in Learning Disabilities, 3rd ed, all, Pavilion Pub, Brighton, 10 1 84196173 6
  • Bouras, N. and Holt, G.: 2007, Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation., UK: Cambridge University Press,
  • Raghavan, R. and Patel, P.: 2005, Learning Disabilities and Mental Health: A Nursing Perspective., UK:Wiley-Blackwell,
  • Cottis, T.: 2008, Intellectual Disability, Trauma and Psychotherapy., Routledge,
  • Gates B & Barr O: 2009, Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability, 7, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 978-0-19-9533
  • Emerson E & Hatton C: 2014, Health Inequalities and People with Intellectual Disabilities, UK Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 978-0-521-133
  • Department of Health & Children: 2006, A Vision for Change, Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy, 14 & 15, Government Stationary Office, Dublin, Dublin,
  • Taggart L & Cousins W: 2014, Health Promotion for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 11, McGraw- Hill Education Berkshire, England,
  • Gates B, Fearns D & Welch J: 2015, Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance, Wile- Blackwell, UK,
  • Gates B & Mcfuba K: 2015, Learning Disability Nursing: Modern Day Practice, CRC Press,
  • Hemmings, C. and Bouras. N.: 2016, Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Cambridge, London, 978-1-107-645
  • Chaplin. E & Hardy S: 2016, An Introduction to Supporting the Mental Health of People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Guide for Professionals, Support Staff and Families, latest, Pavilion, UK,
  • Watchman K.: 2017, Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia, 1st, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 97818490567
  • Mouriere A: 2017, Integrating Intensive Interaction: Developing Communication Practice in Services for Children and Adults with Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and Autism, Routledge, UK,
Other Resources

30553, http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/bluebook, WHO, 1992, ICD 10 classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders Clinical Description and Diagnosis Guidelines, Geneva, WHO, 30554, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagnostic_and_Statis, American Psychiatric Association, 2003, DSM IV Manual of Mental Disorders, Washington DC, APA, 30555, website, Mental Health Commission, 0, Mental Health Commission, St Martin's House, waterloo Rd. Dublin 4, Mental Health Commission, http:www.mhcirl.ie/: Mental Health Commission, 30556, website, Government of Ireland, 2001, Mental Health Act 2001, Dublin, Stationary office, Government of Ireland 2001, Molesworth St. Dublin 1, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2001/act/25/ena:, 30557, website, Government of Ireland, 2001, Assissted Decision -Making (Capacity) Act 2015, 11 Molesworth St, Dublin 1, Stationary Office, Government of Ireland,, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2001/act/25/ena;,
Programme or List of Programmes
GDGHPGrad Dip in General Health Care Practice
GDGNPGrad Dip in General Nursing Practice
GDIDHPGrad Dip Intell. Dis. Health Care Prac.
GDIDNPGrad Dip in Int. Dis. Nurs. Practice
GDMHNPGrad Dip in Mental Health Nurs. Prac.
GDMHPGrad Dip in Mental Healthe Care Prac.
GNSIDMGD Nursing (Int Disability & Men Health)
MCAHPMSc Child & Adolescent Health Care Pract
MCANPMSc Child & Adolescent Nursing Practice
MDHPMSc in Dementia Health Care Practice
MDNPMSc in Dementia Nursing Practice
MGHPMasters in General Health Care Practice
MGNPMSc in General Nursing Practice
MIDHPMSc Intell. Dis. Health Care Practice
MIDNPMSc in Int. Dis. Nurs. Practice
MMHNPMasters in Mental Health Nursing Practic
MMHPMSc in Mental Health Care Practice