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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2019 - 2020

Module Title
Module Code

Online Module Resources

NFQ level 10 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

This module aims to support students in integrating and applying the key principles of digital learning, special & inclusive education, and assessment to design and create learning spaces and opportunities that optimise the engagement, achievement and rounded development of all children in all settings. Specifically, students will explore the use of digital tools, the role of assessment and the implications of individual special/additional needs to make informed decisions to engage learners and to extend and enhance their cognition. Collaborative practice will be modelled to ensure that concepts are explicitly linked and to prime students to engage in such practice at school level to enable learning.

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and critique key principles, practices and research that enable learning across a range of teaching and learning contexts (e.g., mainstream, special, face-to-face, remote etc.).
2. (a) List and (b) justify the selection of appropriate strategies and tools (including digital technologies, assistive technologies, assessment for learning approaches and techniques, particular strategies for pupils with specific SEN etc.) to enable learning, in the context of a diverse range of teaching, learning and assessment contexts.
3. Apply the knowledge, skills and competencies developed in the module to (a) design and (b) describe the planning, organision, implementation and review of learning opportunities and contexts that reflect and meet the complexity of learning needs in schools in an inclusive manner (including whole class, support models, IEP process, range of teacher roles etc.).
4. Identify, create and review opportunities for, and challenges to, collaborative practice aimed at promoting intra- and multidisciplinary learning, face-to-face and virtually.
5. Articulate and defend personal constructs of effective, inclusive, uni- and multi-modal learning environments based on college and school-based learning.
6. Critically appraise the central role of the teacher in supporting and encouraging the development of adaptive expertise and self-regulatory practices amongst all members of the learning community, including the teacher him/herself to ensure effective and inclusive education for all.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture36SIE and Assessment will be taught using a blend of approaches – face-to-face lecture, large class workshop format, virtual, perhaps including workshops
Workshop18Digital Learning will be taught using small group workshop format
Independent Study45Reading articles / review of web-based lectures in preparation for lectures etc Preparation for assessments Online activities
Assessment Feedback26Examination & Assignment
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

The indicative content for the Enabling Learning module is described below. Throughout this module, explicit links will be made within and between each of the three themes in order to adequately address each of the six learning outcomes identified above. This will be facilitated by coherent design of the module timetable and the use of a range of teaching methodologies including, for example, co-teaching. Concepts to be explored will be related to other modules in the PME programme to enable students to make coherent links across and extrapolate prior learning from the entire programme to maximise awareness of and competence in the creation of enabling learning environments for all children.

Assessment Strand
(1) Classroom assessment: definitions, terms, key concepts, principles and practices; (2) New conceptions of, and in, assessment; (3) Approaches to assessment of, and for, learning; (4) Research on the impact of assessment on learning and teaching, with specific reference to developing self-regulation and adaptive expertise; (5) The role of assessment in learning and teaching, with specific reference to Assessment for Learning; (6) Sizing-up assessment; (7) Planning assessments, independently and in collaboration with others; (8) Assessment during the teaching and learning processes: the triad of teaching, learning and assessment; (9) Diagnostic and criterion-referenced assessment for all children, including those with assessed and/or suspected SEN with specific reference to collaborative, interdisciplinary work; (10) Using assessment data for teaching, learning and evaluative purposes; (11) Ethical and legal issues in assessment and testing.

Digital Learning Strand
In this module, there is a combined emphasis on the introduction of a range of digital tools, skill development and the development of theoretical understanding. The module is characterised by an immersive workshop approach that promotes and encourages each individual to “learn about learning”. The teacher-learner is at the centre and it is her/his experiences, needs and interests which constitute the learning process. In this module students will begin to explore the interplay between digital technologies and learning. It is designed to introduce teacher-learner to key concepts related to learning in the 21st century. Drawing on a range of international frameworks and key research literature, they will be guided to identify, understand and design learning environments that provide all their students with opportunities to build 21st century skills. A critical introduction will be provided to a range of contemporary technologies and their potential use for learning e.g. the Interactive Whiteboard and Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis and podcasts. The teacher-learner will also design and create a range of artefacts using various combinations of media (e.g. image, sound and video). Through these activities, they will not only expand their palette of digital skills but will also be enabled to critically question and make informed decisions about the effective use of a range of digital tools in student learning. Finally, the personal and social responsibility of engaging with existing and emerging digital technologies is a central tenet of the module.

Special and Inclusive Education Strand
(1) Current policy regarding SEN / additional needs (with specific reference to EPSEN Act (2004), DES policy documents and role and responsibility of NCSE) and the implications for practice in schools - provision of and access to relevant support services for children with SEN (range of teachers, types of schools, models of support in mainstream/special schools, additional supports such as NEPS, Visiting Teacher Service etc); (2) Analysis of the concept of inclusion - perspective of primary teacher, society, life-span perspective of people with SEN; (3) Overview of range of SEN / additional needs, the purposes and difficulties associated with use of labels and categories and the teaching and learning implications arising; (4) IEP Process – national guidelines and policy; diagnostic assessment; collaboration; roles and responsibilities; strengths/needs/priorities model; planning for an individual i.e. developing the IEP, writing learning targets; implementation of the IEP in a range of contexts (incorporating it into overall class planning, teaching, assessment of progress); focus on core areas of learning need that traverse all aspects of pupils’ learning e.g. language, literacy, numeracy, motor difficulties, behaviour and so on; contextualisation of individual assessment and planning vis-à-vis the whole-class context; (5) Teaching strategies for inclusive classrooms – teaching to include pupils with a range of needs/interests/abilities; exploration of concept of differentiation within and through a subject and planning and assessment and implications of same; collaborative practice with specific reference to SNAs, principal, parents, other teachers in the school, other professionals.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

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    Programme or List of Programmes