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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2022 - 2023

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NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 30
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

Module ED4950 builds on the knowledge, skills, competencies and professional values gained and practised in Years 1-3 of the programme. (1) Module Objectives: The objectives of ED4950 are twofold. Students teachers will be able to: (a) apply relevant educational theories to research, plan, teach, assess, reflect on, and evaluate lessons and associated materials in Religious Education and in the Elective subject (English/History/Music) in a school setting and (b) undertake a small scale independent self-study using an action research methodology as a means of developing their practice in order to improve the pupils’ learning experience. Following on from lesson preparation for Junior Cycle, Transition Year and Leaving Certificate Established classes in Years 1-3 of the programme, Year 4 input focuses on Senior Cycle Leaving Certificate Applied and the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme. The specific focus in Year 4 is developing 'Teacher Identity as a Researcher, Reflective Practitioner and Professional'. (2) Mode of Delivery: Face-to-face delivery in the main with supporting online input. (3) Description of the period of supervised professional placement: The 14-week professional placement period incorporates the following components: (a) a 2-week period of Context and Engagement in a post-primary school at the beginning of the academic year to include: (i) involvement in non-teaching activities (e.g. induction, staff and subject department meetings, engagement with the Support for Learning Department, Chaplaincy etc.); (ii) structured observation of Treoraithe and other teachers in the classroom; (iii) team-teaching incorporating collaborative planning, practice and reflections shared with Treoraithe; and (iv) research activities and professional conversations with Treoraithe and other school personnel to enable the completion of the Taisce Loop Reflect activities on school context, culture, mission and values; creative and innovative spaces and practices in curriculum, technology and literacy and numeracy; consideration of parent voice and the concept of true partnership; an examination of the school responses to supporting diversity of student needs and the implications for planning and practice; research activities to include a recorded presentation of the student teacher’s philosophy of education (linking values, beliefs, experiences, research, theory and practice); professional conversations with Treoraithe to collaboratively devise a research question which responds to the needs of both the school and the student teacher; and the creation of a short video detailing the student teacher's perspective of their role and identity as a 'Teacher as Researcher, Reflective Practitioner and Professional'; (b) the development of units of learning for the 12-week in-school professional placement teaching period to be reviewed by Professional Placement 4 (PP4) tutors and followed by feedback sessions; (c) research, preparation and planning for creative and innovative class teaching and assessment in Religious Education and the Elective subject (English/History/Music); (d) Research, preparation and planning for an in-school PP4 tutor supervision in Religious Education and in the Elective subject (English/History/Music) (e) Professional conversations with PP4 tutors in reflective feedback sessions to inform future planning and practice. Written formative feedback is also provided on TSOI4 document; (f) Engagement in lesson plan annotated reflective practice and weekly reflective practice; (g) the creation and maintenance of the Taisce (E-portfolio) and associated work (Loop Reflect Taisce activities) throughout the placement for all materials relating to the overall 14-week PP4 professional placement is an essential requirement as is the professionalism of the student teacher in all matters relating to the professional placement. (4) Percentage grade required to pass the module: The minimum percentage required to pass the module is 40%. A non-progression grade may be awarded in cases where students fail to meet professional standards and/or fail to complete and maintain planning and associated activities in the Taisce (E-portfolio).

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of Teaching Council and and BRelEd Programme documentation in relation to Professional Placement 4 (PP4) with a specific focus on the National Framework for Teachers’ Learning; Droichead; Cosán; and Teaching Council Teacher Registration.
2. Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviour in relation to professional practice and conduct as outlined in the Teaching Council (2016) Code of Professional Conduct.
3. Incorporate the legal principles relevant to child safeguarding, and health and safety into their practice as evidenced through planning of activities and practice in school.
4. Critically evaluate findings from research and professional conversations relating to school context, culture, mission, values, curriculum, creative and innovative planning and practice for an inclusive classroom, engagement with parents/guardians and inclusive education in a school setting to inform planning and practice.
5. Create and maintain the Taisce (E-portfolio) comprising PP4 planning and associated materials in Religious Education and in the Elective subject (English/History/Music); and Taisce Loop Reflect professional placement materials (incorporating activities on research, context, culture, mission, values, curriculum, creative and innovative planning and practices, working with parents/guardians, inclusive education etc.); general professional placement documentation; research, and individual/group reflective activities.
6. Demonstrate appropriate core teacher skills in researching, planning for, and executing, in-school lessons as set out in the Student Teacher Skills Progression Path (see relevant Professionalism Placement Handbook 2022-2023 and Year 4 Teacher Skills Observation Instrument (TSOI4) for full breakdown of Teacher Skills Progression Path).
7. Evaluate a broad range of activity-based strategies and methodologies in order to creatively apply them in the Junior and Senior Cycle classroom ensuring the diverse needs of all pupils are met.
8. Evaluate and apply knowledge and understanding of the discourses, supports and interventions relating to Inclusive Education to enhance inclusive practice at a school and classroom level.
9. Understand the complex interplay between technology and society through considering such factors as privacy and information security with regard to the use of digital technologies for teaching, learning, and assessment.
10. Employ relevant technical knowledge and skills of a range of digital technologies for classroom lessons including multimedia resources to support teaching, learning and assessment of all learners.
11. Use effective classroom management strategies to create and maintain positive behaviour and restorative practices that support safe and effective learning for all pupils.
12. Employ models of reflection (e.g. Rolfe et al, 2001; Kolb, 1984; Gibbs, 1988) and annotated text to scaffold reflective practice.
13. Critically engage in self evaluation to enhance future planning and practice.
14. Engage in the development and implementation of a small-scale independent student-teacher led research project in a priority area relevant to the school and to the student-teacher with a view to improving pupils’ learning experience.
15. Critically evaluate and learn from practice to enhance and adapt teaching, learning and assessment.
16. Use the knowledge, skills and understanding derived from input from DCU careers office and professional external agencies to prepare for NQT status.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Lecture35LO 1-16
Tutorial20Meetings and feedback from subject specific PP4 and PBRP tutors
Fieldwork295Preparation and maintenance of the Taisce (E-Portfolio incorporating Taisce Loop Reflect activities)
Professional Practice200Professional Practice and Related Activities
Assignment Completion200Practice Based Research Project - Self-Study using Action Research methodology
Total Workload: 750

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Knowledge and understanding of the key documents for professional placement
Knowledge and understanding of key Teaching Council and the BREHM programme documents relating to professional placement and assessment. Specific focus on the National Framework for Teachers’ Learning, Droichead and Cosán publications, and Teaching Council Teacher Registration documentation.

Ethical and Professional Standards
Application of ethical and professional standards as set out by the Teaching Council of Ireland and the BREHM Professional Placement Handbook 2022-2023 in all matters relating to the module. Consideration of the legal and professional aspects of a teacher's position in relation to pupils with a particular emphasis on child safeguarding and health and safety.

Context and Engagement Loop Reflect Research and Taisce Activities
Engagement in the school context and non-teaching activities such as student teacher induction programmes; staff meetings; subject department meetings (especially those relating to assessment and CBA work), engagement with the Support for Learning department, chaplaincy etc.; research and professional conversations with Treoraithe and other school personnel in relation to: (i) creative and innovative spaces and practices in curriculum (Senior Cycle Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme), technology and literacy and numeracy; (ii) an investigation of school context, culture, mission, values and how this might be factored into student teacher approaches to planning and practice of teaching, assessment and learning in the pursuit of an inclusive classroom; (iii) consideration of the parent voice and the concept of partnership with parents in the specific school context (iv) an examination of the school documentation and school response to supporting diversity of learning needs and consideration of inclusive practice strategies to be employed in planning, preparation and practice; (v) research activities to include a recorded presentation of the student teacher’s philosophy of education (linking values, beliefs, experiences, research, theory and practice); professional conversations with Treoraithe to collaboratively devise a research question which responds to the needs of the school and the student teacher; and (vi) the creation of a short video detailing the student teacher's perspective of their role and identity as a 'Teacher as Researcher, Reflective Practitioner and Professional'.

Research, Preparation and Planning for classroom practice
Competence in preparatory research and planning for in-school classes with a particular focus on post-primary) Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme classes in addition to Junior Cycle, Transition Year and Leaving Certificate Established classes focused on in Years 1-3 of the programme. Application of theories of lesson structure, learning, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, inclusive practice, digital skills in a classroom context taking into account the findings of the Taisce Loop Reflect activities following engagement in the school context for the first two weeks of the academic year. The focus in Year 4 is on the identity of the ‘Teacher as Researcher, Reflective Practitioner and Professional’.

Key Skills and Competencies relating to Classroom Teaching
Competence in the application of key skills for in-school teaching, learning and assessment and management of groups in Religious Education and in the Elective subject as set out in the Year 4 Student Teacher Skill Set of the programme (see relevant Professional Placement Handbook 2022-2023; PP4 Assignment Brief 2022-2023; and the Teaching Skills Observation Instrument 4 (TSOI4).

Technology for Educational Purposes
An examination of the research and debate in relation to understanding the complex interplay between technology and society through considering factors such as privacy and information security with regard to the use of digital technologies for teaching, learning, and assessment. Consideration of the application of relevant technical knowledge and skills of a range of digital technologies for classroom lessons including creative and innovative multi-media resources to support teaching, learning and assessment of all learners.

Conflict Resolution and Restorative Practices
Conflict resolution and restorative practices; Glasser’s (1999) Choice Theory; Traditional Approach to School Discipline versus the Restorative Approach to School Discipline; the wellbeing restorative practice symbiosis; Consideration of, and employment of, classroom management strategies that support suitable and effective learning for all pupils and that promote and maintain positive behaviour in accordance with school policy.

Taisce (E-portfolio incorporating Loop Reflect Taisce Activities)
The creative and innovative documentation and digital resource materials to reflect student teacher engagement with, and enactment of, curriculum, lesson design, pedagogic, assessment and digital theories to practice; and reflections on research, planning and practice (incorporating school context, culture, mission, values, curriculum and assessment practices, professionalism, reflective practice and research in the specific school context; inclusive education, and working with parents/guardians). Completed documentation on structured observation and reflection on team teaching are incorporated here also.

Research Skills linking theory and practice to improve the learning experience of pupils and student teacher practice
Further development of the research skills introduced in Years 1-3 in relation to locating and evaluating information sources, employing advanced searches for relevant literature; critically reading and analysing research papers and reports; and utilising the reference management tool, Zotero, to assist with referencing and citation. Year 4 research focuses on the Practice Based Research Project (PBRP) which aims to consolidate the student teacher’s understanding of prior learning, academic research, policy and practice. The research project seeks to develop the student teacher’s practice as s/he endeavours to improve pupils’ learning experience. Input incorporates an introduction to the self-study research approach (LaBoskey, 2004; Samaras, 2011) and the underpinning research methodology, action research (McNiff, 2017; Baumfield et al., 2008); collaborative planning for devising the research question with Treoraithe to allow for an investigation to address both school and student teacher needs; professional conversations with the PBRP tutor and opportunities for individual tutor and peer group feedback; critical reflection and analysis of practice; development and implementation of an action plan; and an evaluation and refinement of the action plan for future teaching. Consideration of the transferable learning skills from the project including autonomous practice-based learning, evidence-gathering, reflection, critical engagement, self-evaluation and commitment to ongoing professional development.

Reflective Practice outside of the Research Project
Adoption of a reflective approach and engagement in individual and collective reflection activities. Reflecting on practice using models such as Rolfe et al. (2001), Kolb's Learning Cycle (1084) and Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (1988) and annotated commentary.

Inclusive Education
A critical review of the discourses in relation to Additional Educational Needs, Disability, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and the implications of these in the post-primary school and classroom. Knowledge of the causes and characteristics of a range of specific learning difficulties, general learning difficulties, language impairment, autism spectrum disorder, developmental coordination disorder, physical disability, and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. An understanding of the learning needs associated with diverse linguistic, socioeconomic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. School responses, supports and interventions with a specific focus on the role of the individual class teacher in collaboration with other school personnel and relevant statutory bodies.

Pedagogical Approaches and Methodologies
Engagement with a broad range of key themes and concepts in Religious Education and the Elective subject (English/History/Music) for post-primary classes. Evaluation of a range of activity based strategies and methodologies in the relevant subjects and consideration of the creative application of these in the Junior and Senior Cycle classroom context. The diverse needs of learners will be considered and reflection on students’ experience of teaching, learning and assessment will inform the development of student centred approaches to the teaching, learning and assessment in the Religious Education and English/History/Music classroom.

Post professional placement briefings and determination of priority areas for Droichead
Professional Placement Briefings; Debrief sessions and group reflection; Module Evaluation; Determination of priority areas for Droichead; Preparation for NQT status

Professional Preparation for NQT status
Preparation for completing teaching applications and presenting for interview; Preparation for Teaching Council Registration; Input from NIPT in relation to Droichead; Teaching Council; post-primary Teacher Unions and relevant Subject Associations.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Baumfield, V., Hall, E. and Wall, K.: 2008, Action Research in the Classroom, Sage, London,
  • Bell, J.: 2010, Doing your Research Project, McGraw-Hill Open University Press, Maidenhead, Berks,
  • Black. P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B. and Wiliam, D.: 2007, Assessment for Learning: Putting it into practice, McGraw Hill Education, Maidenhead, UK,
  • Black-Hawkins, K., Pollard, A., Cliff-Hodges, G., Swaffield, S., Dudley, P., Hickman, R., James, M., Warwick, P., Linklater, H., Swann, M., Turner, F., Winterbottom, M. and Wolpert, M.A.: 2014, Reflective Teaching in Schools, 4th Edition, Bloomsbury Publishing, London,
  • Burkholder, G.J., Cox, K.A., Crawford, L.M. and Hitchcock, J.H. (Eds): 2020, Research Design and Methods, Sage, London,
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. and Wyse, D.: 2010, A Guide to Teaching Practice, Revised 5th Edition, Routledge, London,
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K.: 2018, Research Methods in Education, 8th Edition, Routledge, London,
  • DCU Institute of Education: 0, BREHM Professional Placement Handbook 2022-2023,
  • DCU Institute of Education: 0, Marks and Standards 2022-2023,
  • DCU Institute of Education: 0, Programme Regulations - Bachelor of Religious Education and English 2022-2023,
  • DCU Institute of Education: 0, Programme Regulations - Bachelor of Religious Education and History 2022-2023,
  • DCU Institute of Education: 0, Programme Regulations - Bachelor of Religious Education and Music 2022-2023,
  • Digman, C. and Soan, S.: 2008, Working with parents: A guide for educational professionals, Sage, London,
  • Department of Health and Children: 2002, Our Duty of Care: Principles of Good Practice for the Protection of Children and Young People,
  • Department of Health and Children: 2017, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children,
  • Glasser, W.: 1999, Choice Theory: a new psychology of personal freedom, Harper, New York,
  • Glasser, W.: 2012, Managing Students without Coercion, 3rd Revised Edition, Harper Perennial, New York,
  • Glenn, M., Roche, M., McDonagh, C. and Sullivan, B.: 2017, Learning Communities in Educational Partnerships: Action Research Transformation, Bloomsbury Academic, London,
  • Griffith, A. and Burns, M.: 2012, Outstanding Teaching Engaging Learners, Crown House Publishing, Bancyfelin,
  • Hart, C.: 2018, Doing a Literature Review: releasing the research imagination, Sage, Los Angeles,
  • Hopkins, B.: 2011, The Restorative Classroom: Using restorative approaches to foster effective learning, Optimus Education, London,
  • Ko, S. and Rossen, S.: 2008, Teaching Online: A practical guide, 2nd Edition, Routledge, London,
  • Kyriacou, C.: 2018, Essential Teaching Skills, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
  • Leibling, M. and Prior, R.: 2005, The A-Z of Learning: Tips and Techniques for Teachers, Routledge Falmer, New York,
  • Loughran, J.J., Hamilton, M.L., LaBoskey, V.K. and Russell, T.L. (Eds.): 2004, International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Part 1., Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
  • Macbeth, A.: 1989, Involving parents: effective parent-teacher relations, Heinemann Educational, Oxford,
  • McAteer, M.: 2013, Action Research in Education, Sage, Los Angeles,
  • McDonagh, C., Roche, M., Sullivan, B. and Glenn, M.: 2012, Enhancing Practice through Classroom Research: a teacher's guide to professional development, Routledge, London,
  • McNiff, J. and Whitehead, J.: 2002, Action Research in Organisations, Routledge, London,
  • McNiff, J.: 2014, Writing and Doing Action Research, Pearson, Boston,
  • McNiff, J.: 2017, Action Research: All you need to know, Sage, Los Angeles,
  • Mills, G.E.: 2011, Action Research: A guide for the teacher researcher, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, Boston,
  • Muijs, D.: 2018, Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice, 4th Edition, Sage, Los Angeles,
  • Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs: 2009, Child Protection Policy and Code of Behaviour for working with children/young people,
  • Petty, G.: 2014, Teaching Today: a practical guide, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
  • Poulson, L. and Wallace, M.: 2004, Learning to read critically in Teaching and Learning, Sage, London,
  • Ridley, D.: 2012, The Literature Review: a step-by-step guide for students, 2nd Edition, Sage, London,
  • Salmon, G.: 2013, E-tivities: the key to active online learning, 2nd Edition, Routledge, London,
  • Samaras, A.P.: 2010, Self-Study Teacher Research: Improving your practice through collaborative inquiry., Sage, London,
  • Schuelka, M., Johnstone, CJ., Thomas, G. and Artiles, AJ (Editors): 2019, The Sage Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, Sage, Los Angeles,
  • Sellars, M.: 2017, Reflective Practice for Teachers, 2nd Edition, Sage, London,
  • Smith, D., Fisher, D. and Frey, N.: 2015, Better than Carrotts or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management, Alexandria, VA: ASCD,
  • Smith, I.: 2014, Assessment and Learning Pocketbook:, 2nd Edition, Teachers' Pocketbooks, Hampshire, UK,
  • Spencer, P.: 2011, Surviving Your Teaching Practice, McGraw-Hill Education (UK) / Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK,
  • Spendlove, D.: 2009, Putting Assessment for Learning Into Practice, Continuum, London,
  • Stern, J: 2003, Involving parents, Continuum, London,
  • The Teaching Council: 2015, Droichead: A Guide for Schools 2015-2016, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/publications/teacher-education/droichead-a-guide-for-schools-2015-2016.pdf,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2016, Cosán: Framework for Teachers' Learning, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/Publications/Teacher-Education/Cosan-Framework-for-Teachers-Learning.pdf,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2016, Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers, Updated 2nd Edition, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/Publications/Fitness-to-Teach/Code-of-Professional-Conduct-for-Teachers1.pdf,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2021, Céim: Standards for Initial teacher Education, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/news-events/latest-news/ceim-standards-for-initial-teacher-education.pdf,
  • The Teaching Council: 2021, Guidance for Registered Teachers about the use of social media and electronic communication, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/publications/fitness-to-teach/guidance-for-registered-teachers-about-the-use-of-social-media-and-electronic-communication.pdf,
  • The Teaching Council of Ireland: 2021, Guidelines on School Placement, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/publications/ite-professional-accreditation/school-placement-guidelines-updated-march-2022.pdf,
  • Thorsborne, M. and Vinegrad, D.: 2011, Restorative Practices in Classrooms: rethinking behaviour management, Speechmark, Brackley,
  • Walsh, B. and Dolan, R.: 2009, A Guide to Teaching Practice in Ireland, Gill and MacMillan, Dublin,
Other Resources

52364, Website, 0, Department of Education and Skills (DE), https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-education/, 50078, Website, 0, The Teaching Council of Ireland, https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/, 50079, Website, 0, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment for Schools (NCCA), http://www.ncca.ie/, 50080, Website, 0, Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT), https://www.jct.ie/home/home.php, 50081, Website, 0, Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), https://www.pdst.ie/, 50082, Website, 0, National Council for Special Education (NCSE), https://www.ncse.ie/,
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