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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2023 - 2024

Module Title
Module Code

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NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 10
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

The module will enable students to gain a wide range of professional experiences in planning and teaching for the full teaching day. Such experiences will serve to further develop their adaptive expertise and professional identity. During Professional Placement students will further develop their understanding of inclusive education and plan strategies and approaches for effective inclusive planning and are expected to be inclusive in their planning and teaching. Students will identify and explore examples of good practice in teaching and learning and engage in assessment through exemplification of and reflection on student learning and achievement reflected on in their Taisce. Lessons are expected to be designed to be creative, inclusive and to address the learning needs, interests and abilities of all students in the placement setting by offering flexibility in learning activities, approaches and resources to support all learners in achieving their potential. Actions for inclusion will plan according to student’s prior learning and experiences, diversity, personal and social development, and teaching and associated resources should be inclusive and show age appropriateness. Throughout the school placement, students will be expected to maintain consistent standards of effective and differentiated planning, teaching, reflection and evaluation and to develop skills in long-term planning and the completion of the Cuntas Míosúil (monthly progress report). Students will be expected to plan and manage the learning environment to construct effective classroom roles, expectations and learning outcomes. Students will work collaboratively within a school community and connect during Professional Activity Time (PAT) to a range of school projects and initiatives a selection of which will be presented on in their Taisce. Students will develop further their understanding of the role of parents in children’s education through professional dialogue with their Treoraithe and through engaging with parents where arranged by the school. Students will explore how parent teacher meetings are organised and prepared for and seek to gain experience of communicating with parents in the placement setting. During PAT they will gain information about how active involvement of parents during class sessions such as literacy are planned for and undertaken. Students will examine how working groups of parents and teachers address school-wide issues such as safety, internet policy, and homework and gain understanding of the role of parents on the school board of management and school parents’ association Students will have opportunities to engage in professional dialogue with Treoraithe, support staff, HEI tutors and where possible teachers. They will share their ongoing self -study research with their teacher. Students will become familiar with the Code of Professional Conduct (Teaching Council) and its implications for the professional role of the teacher and apply these standards to their own professional practice. Students will develop their knowledge of statutory requirements for safety, health and welfare management systems in schools as evidenced by school policy development. Students will engage in critical and shared reflection on the elements of their placement, informed by coursework and school-based learning, and reflect on key aspects of their learning lined with the Teaching Council's continuum of Taisce /portfolio-based learning.

Learning Outcomes

1. Undertake and write short-term and long-term teaching plans.
2. Employ a variety of curriculum methodologies, creative resources and teaching styles.
3. Engage children actively in learning through whole class teaching, group work and individual/pair work.
4. Communicate effectively and professionally with children, adults, and professionals in a school setting.
5. Critique and assess desirable pathways for improvement in their teaching and their own learning.
6. Reflect on their own professional development and demonstrate insights into their own classroom teaching, planning and management competencies informed by coursework, observations and experiences.
7. Reflect on their inclusive classroom practices in planning and teaching to enable participation and learning for all students with evidence of additional support and challenges for individual students. The student should locate such perceptions within reflections on the school's policies on inclusion.
8. Examine and reflect on the school's provision for parental engagement in the life of the school both within and beyond the school day. In so doing, reflect on their role in supporting and developing parental involvement in their child's learning and also the life of the school.
9. Students share self-study research with treoraí drawing on their own school placement data to gain supported insights into their professional practice, their adaptive expertise, their identity and their creative approaches to delivering the full curriculum to all learners.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Professional Practice250School-based assessed practicum in an Irish primary school. Students are assessed and evaluated in preparation and planning, teaching and learning , and professionalism.
Total Workload: 250

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Child Protection
Statutory requirements revisited, School policy, protocols and procedures pertaining to child protection. University policy, protocols and procedures pertaining to child protection for students on School Placement. Enactment of policies in preparation, teaching and engagement with children.

Long- and short-term planning
Advanced methods in planning (short-term and long-term planning) to include the preparation of logical progressional schemes of work, daily plans with succinct structured lesson notes and the completion of the Cuntas Míosúil.

Monitoring and showcasing children's learning
Creating exciting classroom and school displays (with an active role for children). Creating appropiate classroom and school displays (with an active role for children). Recording children’s progress and using outcomes to help improve planning and teaching.

Code of Professional Conduct
Privacy and confidentiality around information received in the classroom/school. 
 Familiarisation with the Code of Professional Conduct (Teaching Council) 
 and how the domains pertain to the student teachers as emerging professionals.

Preparation for Induction
Through portfolio based learning, identify an action plan for teacher induction drawing on the Teaching Council's Droichead process, Taisce and materials for the NIPT.

Become familiar with the leabhar rolla/online record systems (end of term calculations, submission to the principal). Familiarisation with NEWB/school policy in relation to absenteeism of pupils, procedures in place, professional responsibilities, the role of the NEWB.

Personal and professional resilience when teaching:
Development of adaptive expertise and creativity. Capacity to deal with unexpected events in a professional manner. Flexibility and adaptability to children's learning and changes in the school and wider educational environment. Care and management of the voice when teaching.

Reflective Practitioner
Undertake reflection / daily evaluations which develop the student's identity as a teacher. Undertake reflective tasks which consider the full role of parents in their child's education. These tasks will include an examination of the school's policies and practice and how they translate to practical implementation. Reflective tasks will also examine formal and informal school approaches to providing for an inclusive learning environment to include a consideration of policy and practice. These tasks make specific provision for the student to critique how they adopt these inclusive practices and policies during their school placement.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Bonfield, T and Horgan, K.: 2016, Learning to teach, teaching to learn., Gill Education, Dublin,
  • Kyriaciou, C: 1998, Essential Teaching SkillS, Fifth Edition, Nelson Thornes, UK,
  • David Midwinter,Tracy Whatmore: 2011, Positive Placements, A&C Black, 9781441138316
  • Louis Cohen,Lawrence Manion,Keith Morrison,Dominic Wyse: 2010, A Guide to Teaching Practice, Routledge, 9781136949654
  • Ian Rushton,Martin Suter: 2012, EBOOK: Reflective Practice for Teaching in Lifelong Learning, McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 9780335244027
Other Resources

0, Online Resource, NCCA Reporting to Parents, 0, NCCA Reporting to Parents, https://ncca.ie/media/1499/reporting_to_parents_in_primary_school_communication-meaning_and_learning_rr9.pdf, 0, ED4902 Loop Guidelines, 0, Professional Placement Guidelines,
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