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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2023 - 2024

Module Title
Module Code

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NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 0
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

This module is the practice module for incoming Erasmus+ students. Over the course of this module, the student is provided with opportunities to gain experience in a variety of health care settings. The student is expected to build on previous learning and apply evidence-based knowledge to practice. Students will be required to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes of this module. It is a requirement that students attend introductory workshops facilitated by the module coordinator and clinical placement support team. The workshops will be an opportunity to outline clearly the clinical expectations and requirements of this module. The assessment of this module includes the completion of clinical assessment documentation. Students are expected to participate in group reflection workshops where applicable.

Learning Outcomes

1. Domain 1: Professional values and conduct of the nurse competences Knowledge and appreciation of the virtues of caring, compassion, integrity, honesty, respect and empathy as a basis for upholding the professional values of nursing and identity as a nurse.
2. Domain 2: Nursing practice and clinical decision making competences Knowledge and understanding of the principles of delivering safe and effective nursing care through the adoption of a systematic and problem-solving approach to developing and delivering a person-centred plan of care based on an explicit partnership with the person and his/her primary carer.
3. Domain 3: Knowledge and cognitive competences Knowledge and understanding of the health continuum, life and behavioural sciences and their applied principles that underpin a competent knowledge base for nursing and healthcare practice.
4. Domain 4: Communication and inter personal competences Knowledge, appreciation and development of emphatic communication skills and techniques for effective interpersonal relationships with people and other professionals in health care settings.
5. Domain 5: Management and team competences Using management and team competences in working for the person’s wellbeing, recovery, independence and safety through recognition of the collaborative partnership between the person, family and multidisciplinary health care team.
6. Domain 6: Leadership potential and professional scholarship competences Developing professional scholarship through self-directed learning skills, critical questioning/ reasoning skills and decision-making skills in nursing as the foundation for lifelong professional education, maintaining competency and career development.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Total Workload: 0

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

Domain 1: Professional values and conduct of the nurse competences
Practice safely • Adhere to principles of hand hygiene, infection prevention and control and regulations governing these for care of the person in the health service setting • Carry out a basic risk assessment with regard to the safety of the person for the delivery of safe and competent nursing care • Clarify with the Registered Nurse instructions that s/he perceives to be beyond her/ his competence or scope of professional practice • Analyse with the Registered Nurse how ethical and professional guidance governing the role of the nurse applies to the safeguarding of vulnerable people encountered in the practice setting. Practice compassionately • Contribute to a positive environment of respect and inclusion towards persons, colleagues and visitors in the practice setting • Facilitate persons in the practice setting to enhance their physical, emotional or mental health, wellbeing or comfort. Practice professionally and responsibly • Outline how personal integrity and honesty uphold professional values in nursing • Show personal responsibility through organising and documenting nursing interventions • Justify reasons for decisions and actions taken whilst completing delegated tasks safely and in accordance with policies, procedures and guidelines.

Domain 2: Nursing practice and clinical decision making competences
Assess the person’s nursing and health needs • Interview a person, using a relevant framework, to elicit the person’s experience of altered health, ability and developmental or life stage needs • Analyse an aspect of and apply insights to an accurate assessment of a person’s nursing needs, using an appropriate framework • Integrate knowledge of pathophysiology and pharmacotherapeutics into assessment of the person • Perform health status assessments and develop physical examination skills using a variety of tools and techniques for the orderly collection and documentation of assessment • Recognise signs of changing health care needs to intervene, document and involve members of the multidisciplinary team Plan and prioritise person-centred nursing care • Devise and review a person’s nursing care plan taking into account relevant spiritual, cultural and environmental factors • Justify with the Registered Nurse the planned nursing interventions in a person’s care plan on principles of safety and best practice • Present a plan of care and rationale for interventions to members of the health care team Deliver person-centred nursing and clinical interventions, including health activities • Adapt nursing interventions to changing health needs and reassess and document changes to the plan of care accordingly • Empower a person to make a plan to change an aspect of their lifestyle to promote health, recovery, resilience or self-management of a condition, or to improve his/her well-being or social inclusion • Recognise, report to the Registered Nurse and document when s/he judges a person to require interventions beyond the student’s scope of practice • Assist the Registered Nurse in the ordering, storage, monitoring and safe administration of medicines including controlled drugs• Utilise nursing interventions, medical devices and equipment safely, with awareness of limitations and hazards in their usage • Enter information about the person’s nursing and health care safely into electronic records where available. Evaluate nursing care and undertake a comprehensive re-assessment • Review healthcare observations, feedback from the person, family and other health professionals in conjunction with the Registered Nurse to adjust an aspect of person’s plan of care • Assist the Registered Nurse to write and accurately record the person’s notes and evaluation of their care • Gather additional data from multiple sources to analyse and evaluate priorities, goals and time frames based on changes to the person’s condition or responses • Review a nursing intervention for one person’s plan of care against evidence of best practice Utilise clinical judgement • Justify the nursing actions to manage risks identified in the care of a person in the current practice setting • Recognise and report promptly signs of critical changes in a person’s health status to members of the multidisciplinary team • Identify to the Registered Nurse the protocols to follow in dealing with an emergency situation in the practice setting • Apply the critical thinking process when making clinical judgments originating in the collection and interpretation of assessment data.

Domain 3: Knowledge and cognitive competences
Practice from a competent knowledge base • Outline common physical, developmental, emotional and behavioural signs, vulnerabilities and co-morbidities associated with the care of persons in the current practice setting • Discuss an example of how inequalities in health and morbidity in society may affect a person’s health • Apply reasoning to explore a moral dilemma in day to day nursing practice • Identify a relevant aspect of international policy that influences nursing practice and health care delivery in Ireland • Examine a piece of legislation that is relevant to nursing practice situations and settings • Utilise health information technology and nursing informatics in nursing practice where available Use critical thinking and reflection to inform practice • Analyse and suggest potential responses to a situation in the current practice setting that is perceived to be problematic • Outline steps taken to enhance personal resilience and nursing practice.

Domain 4: Communication and inter personal competences
Communicate in a person-centred manner • Use age-appropriate and respectful communication skills with the person and her/his primary carer • Explore the importance of maintaining professional boundaries whilst providing emotional support to the person undergoing nursing care and health procedures/ interventions • Apply active listening skills when communicating with a person with physical, emotional, behavioural or cultural communication difficulties • Discuss how and when to refer a person who requires language interpreters or communication supports to express their needs • Use a broad range of verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate effectively and compassionately with a person and her/his primary carer • Ensure that a person receives all necessary information to make an informed choice regarding their healthcare • Discuss with a person an aspect of their health or life style that he/she would like to change • Engage with a person and/or his/her primary carer to discuss their experience of nursing interventions or health procedures • Use appropriate skills and knowledge to teach/facilitate a person or family member in an aspect of self-management Communicate effectively with the health care team • Recognise and take appropriate action when a person requires language interpreters or communication supports or specialist technologies to empower persons with communication difficulties to express their needs • Communicate clearly and effectively with other members of the multidisciplinary team • Liaise with other health care and other professionals to ensure that the rights and wishes of the person are represented • Give examples to the Registered Nurse of steps taken to respect the privacy of the person and the confidentiality of information gathered in the health setting • Begin to use professional nursing language terms when reporting, documenting and communicating to nursing colleagues and other members of the multidisciplinary team • Discuss with the Registered Nurse the parameters for sharing of information in accordance with legal and professional requirements and in the interests of protection of the public.

Domain 5: Management and team competences
Practice collaboratively • Develop opportunities to work in a collaborative partnership with the person, family and health care team • Collaborate effectively with other health care disciplines and members of the nursing team to coordinate care provision Manage team, others and self safely • Identify with the Registered Nurse measures for the promotion of a safe environment for each person, self and others in the practice setting • Assess priorities, manage own time and resources safely and effectively in undertaking delegated activities under the supervision of the Registered Nurse • Identify at least one aspect of nursing in the health care setting that could be subject to an audit for quality improvement • Work with the healthcare team to foster a supportive clinical working environment to facilitate a culture of multidisciplinary trust, openness, respect, kindness and safe standards of health care • Demonstrate personal organisation and efficiency in undertaking nursing care • Explain the principles of the audit cycle and their impact of quality enhancement within the health care setting.

Domain 6: Leadership potential and professional scholarship competences
Develop leadership potential • Work with the Registered Nurse to lead an activity or clinical intervention in the practice setting • Explain to the Registered Nurse the principles of effective delegation • Plan an activity that involves coordination and liaison with other members of the health care team in the practice setting • Seek, accept and apply information to enhance self-awareness and personal competence through the constructive use of feedback, supervision and appraisal • Apply insights derived from reflection on an aspect of daily nursing practice or from a critical incident in the health care setting Develop professional scholarship • Identify and attend an activity or event to enhance her/his continuing professional development • Explain to the Registered Nurse the criteria used to determine when a situation requires to be shared with experienced colleagues, senior managers or other health care professionals • Analyse and discuss with the Registered Nurse how and why a nurse may need to adapt nursing interventions and to update competence in response to dynamically altering health environments.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

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