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Module Specifications

Archived Version 2023 - 2024

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NFQ level 8 Credit Rating 5
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Compatibles None
Incompatibles None

This module examines the Christian revelation of the Incarnate Christ through diverse interpretations, models, and types of Christologies, including: orthodox and conciliar Christology; feminist-informed Christologies; post-Holocaust Christology; and Christologies from liberationist, political, postcolonial, and interreligious (non-Christian) perspectives. Key questions include: 1. What is the relationship between Christology and revelation? 2. How should Christian Trinitarian belief inform Christology? 3. How do the early Church Christological controversies inform Christology today? 4. Must Christology be linked to an exclusive soteriology? 5. How can one support a vibrant Christological belief and be open to what is commonly referred to as religious pluralism? 6. Why and how should Christologies be informed by multiple perspectives and lenses, especially non-Christian perspectives? 7. How does a deeper awareness of first century Jewish beliefs at the time of Jesus influence Christology? 8. How can and should Christology be informed and reformed after the Holocaust? Students are expected to attend and participate in lectures, seminars and class presentations on assigned readings.

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and evaluate the sources of information for a Christian understanding of Jesus the Christ.
2. Develop an understanding of the Jewish background of Jesus of Nazareth and subsequent related issues in Jewish-Christian relations.
3. Outline the distinctive features and historical context of Jesus’ ministry, mission, death and resurrection.
4. Demonstrate an ability to engage in and extrapolate from a close reading of key texts in the area of Christology.
5. Evaluate and engage with the presentation and critique of Jesus from non-Christian perspectives.
6. Analyze contextual Christologies from Asian, Latin American, and African contexts through a range of various mediums (theology, art, literature, and film).
7. Assess the need to develop a post-Auschwitz Christology.

Workload Full-time hours per semester
Type Hours Description
Independent Study48Assigned Weekly Reading
Independent Study24Independent Learning
Independent Study29Jesus in Film and Literature AND Jesus in other Faiths
Total Workload: 125

All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/examinations/index.shtml

Indicative Content and Learning Activities

The Ministry of Jesus
Studies pluralist Gospel portraits of Jesus; the Jewish background of Jesus; the Reign of God as the background to the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth; and atonement theories.

The Christ of Faith
Examines the development of the First Christologies and early Conciliar definitions.

Christology, Politics, and Liberation
Employs liberation and postcolonial approaches to Christology

Feminist-informed Christology
Turns to Feminist-informed and Cultural Studies analysis of gender and Christology

Jesus and Islam
Examines the meaning and status of Jesus in the Qur'an

Jesus, Judaism, and Post-Holocaust Christology
Looks at the impact of the Shoah on Christology

Jesus in Art, Film, and Literature
Evaluates and examines the depiction of Jesus in various mediums of art and literature from around the world and the role of localized contexts and histories on Christology.

Assessment Breakdown
Continuous Assessment% Examination Weight%
Course Work Breakdown
TypeDescription% of totalAssessment Date
Reassessment Requirement
Resit arrangements are explained by the following categories;
1 = A resit is available for all components of the module
2 = No resit is available for 100% continuous assessment module
3 = No resit is available for the continuous assessment component
Indicative Reading List

  • Translated by Thomas Williams: 2005, Anselm, Monologion and Prosologion with the Replies of Gaunilo and Anselm, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis,
  • Barker, Gregory A: 2005, Jesus in the World’s Faiths: Leading Thinkers from Five Religions Reflect on His Meaning, Orbis, Maryknoll,
  • Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall, and Gerald O'Collins, eds.: 0, The Incarnation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Incarnation of the Son of God., Oxford University Press, Oxford,
  • Haight, Roger: 2007, The Future of Christology, Continuum, New York,
  • Khalidi, Tarif, ed. and trans.: 2003, The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
  • Myers, Ched: 1992, Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus, Orbis, Maryknoll,
  • Neusner, Jacob.: 2007, A Rabbi Talks With Jesus. Revised Edition., McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal & Kingston,
  • O'Collins, Gerald SJ: 2009, Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
  • Skye, Lee Miena.: 2010, “Australian Aboriginal Women’s Christologies.” In Hope Abundant: Third World and Indigenous Women’s Theology, edited by Kwok Pui-lan, 194–202, Orbis,, Maryknoll,
  • Sugirtharajah, R.S., ed.: 1993, Asian Faces of Jesus, Orbis, Maryknoll,
  • Robert Lassalle-Klein: 2011, Jesus of Galilee: Contextual Christology for the 21st Century, Orbis, 978-157075915
  • Francesca Aran Murphy: 2018, Oxford Handbook of Christology, Oxford U of P,
  • Roger Haight: 2019, Faith and Evolution: Grace-Filled Naturalism, Orbis,
Other Resources

51741, Website, Iafrate, Michael J., 0, “The Totus Christus and the Crucified People: Re-Reading Augustine’s Christology from Below with the Salvadoran Jesuits.” Journal of Postcolonial Theory and Theology 1, http://www.postcolonialjournal.com/Resources/Iafrate%20, 51742, Website, Pollefeyt, Didier., 0, “Christology After Auschwitz: A Catholic Perspective.” In Meyer, Jesus Then and Now., http://www.jcrelations.net/Christology+after+Auschwitz%3A+A+Catholic+Perspective.2216.0.html?L=3, 51743, Website, Aquinas, Thomas., 1920, Summa Theologica: Third Part (Tertia Pars), questions 1-15 and 27-59, Translated by The Fathers of the English Dominican Province, http://www.newadvent.org/summa/,
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