Module Specifications
Archived Version 2023 - 2024
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Description This module is designed using the principles of Universal Design for Learning. It begins by bringing students into conversation with contemporary research concerning the spiritual capacity of the child and the psychological processes of faith development, i.e. ‘faith’ understood broadly as ‘the universal capacity for meaning making’ (Fowler, 1981). Students engage with the wider theoretical context as well as professional content knowledge, and finally, build on this knowledge by appreciating its pedagogical application through an analysis of the current Catholic Religious Education Programme Grow in Love (P5/6/7/8). This module encourages students to reflect on the way in which children’s spiritual, moral and religious development shapes their experience of religious education as well as how the spiritual dimension of the human person is essential to any iteration of liberal and holistic education. As part of this module, students study the sociology and psychology of religion, children’s spirituality, the psychological process of faith development, hermeneutics of religious education, good practice in the inclusion of all pupils, global citizenship, the social processes of pluralization and secularization, and the ideologies of pluralism and secularism with the view to deepening students understanding of the child’s participation in religious education in the context of a changing cultural and religious classroom landscape. This module further develops student’s professional expertise by engaging their creativity and innovation in relation to integrated learning in religious education. Students encounter religious education as a curricular area that exists alongside all of the other curricular areas, i.e. as ‘part of’ as opposed to ‘separate from’ the curriculum. Students are afforded the opportunity to give specific attention to their planning, particularly progressional schemes. As part of this module, students all engage with the Church of Ireland Centre with the view to assisting them in preparation for school placement by highlighting the differences and similarities that evident between Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland schools in the Republic of Ireland. This module explores the role of ICT in religious education. It develops the digital literacy skills of initial teacher educators as well as their digital pedagogical skills. By way of its design this module introduces students to Universal Design for Learning and offers an exemplar of good practice for students in terms of utilizing a variety of multimedia in religious education to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that is cognizant of the diversity of learners in the class. The approach to assessment in the module builds on its implicit emphasis on the development of their digital literacy skills by integrating technology, creative and innovation in the assessment of the module. Students are required to complete an eportfolio during the semester which necessitates that they actively practice their digital skills pedagogically in the module. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning Outcomes 1. Examine research on the psychological and spiritual development of children and how it applies to the Catholic religious education curriculum. 2. Identify unique features and methodologies of the new Grow in Love third and fourth-class programmes. 3. Understand the Catholic approach to religious education and distinguish it from other denominational/non-denominational approaches. 4. Construct Progressional schemes of work in Catholic religious education exploring curricular integration 5. Explore inclusive practice in curriculum design, i.e. Universal Design for Learning, and identify good practice in the inclusion of all pupils in Catholic religious education 6. Develop digital literacy skills by engaging with a variety of multimedia content, i.e. H5P, Podcasts, LOOP Quizzes, Video/Audio content etc. 7. Apply and demonstrate digital literacy skills through the completion of an Eportfolio assessment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All module information is indicative and subject to change. For further information,students are advised to refer to the University's Marks and Standards and Programme Specific Regulations at: |
Indicative Content and
Learning Activities The Spiritual Capacities of the ChildIntroduction to Faith Development TheoryIntroduction to Grow in Love 3rd Class/P5 & 4th Class/P6Introduction to Grow in Love 5th Class/P7 & 6th Class/P8Progressional Schemes for School PlacementCurricular Integration and Religious EducationReligion, Truth and EducationPartnership, Ethos and Religious Education.Progressional Schemes for School PlacementInclusion and the Catholic SchoolCitizenship and the Contribution of Religious Education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Indicative Reading List
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Other Resources 50781, Podcast, David Kennedy, 2021, Conversations from the Classroom, youtube,, 50782, Online Resource, David Kennedy, 2021, ICT and Religious Education: Resources for School Placement, LOOP,, 51031, Website, Ahead, 2022, Universal Design for Learning,,, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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